1704722088 3 3 14 libp3dtoolutil 4 3LYc 12 panda3d.core 275 292 9 ~ios_base 0 516 568 24 std::ios_base::~ios_base 0 0 0 31 std::ios_base::~ios_base(void); 293 4 good 0 4 567 28 std::basic_ios< char >::good 0 1 1 0 46 bool std::basic_ios< char >::good(void) const; 294 3 eof 0 4 567 27 std::basic_ios< char >::eof 0 1 2 0 45 bool std::basic_ios< char >::eof(void) const; 295 4 fail 0 4 567 28 std::basic_ios< char >::fail 0 1 3 0 46 bool std::basic_ios< char >::fail(void) const; 296 3 bad 0 4 567 27 std::basic_ios< char >::bad 0 1 4 0 45 bool std::basic_ios< char >::bad(void) const; 297 5 clear 0 4 567 29 std::basic_ios< char >::clear 0 1 5 0 41 void std::basic_ios< char >::clear(void); 298 10 ~basic_ios 0 516 567 34 std::basic_ios< char >::~basic_ios 0 0 0 41 std::basic_ios< char >::~basic_ios(void); 299 24 upcast_to_basic_ios_char 0 12 574 38 std::istream::upcast_to_basic_ios_char 0 1 15 40 upcast from istream to basic_ios< char > 69 std::basic_ios< char > *std::istream::upcast_to_basic_ios_char(void); 300 3 get 0 4 574 17 std::istream::get 0 1 11 0 28 int std::istream::get(void); 301 5 tellg 0 4 574 19 std::istream::tellg 0 1 12 0 41 std::streamoff std::istream::tellg(void); 302 5 seekg 0 4 574 19 std::istream::seekg 0 2 13 14 0 119 void std::istream::seekg(std::streamoff pos); void std::istream::seekg(std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir); 303 8 ~istream 0 516 574 22 std::istream::~istream 0 0 0 29 std::istream::~istream(void); 304 17 upcast_to_istream 0 12 573 32 std::iostream::upcast_to_istream 0 1 9 31 upcast from iostream to istream 53 std::istream *std::iostream::upcast_to_istream(void); 305 20 downcast_to_iostream 0 12 574 34 std::istream::downcast_to_iostream 0 0 33 downcast from istream to iostream 56 std::iostream *std::istream::downcast_to_iostream(void); 306 24 upcast_to_basic_ios_char 0 12 575 38 std::ostream::upcast_to_basic_ios_char 0 1 21 40 upcast from ostream to basic_ios< char > 69 std::basic_ios< char > *std::ostream::upcast_to_basic_ios_char(void); 307 3 put 0 4 575 17 std::ostream::put 0 1 16 0 31 void std::ostream::put(char c); 308 5 flush 0 4 575 19 std::ostream::flush 0 1 17 0 31 void std::ostream::flush(void); 309 5 tellp 0 4 575 19 std::ostream::tellp 0 1 18 0 41 std::streamoff std::ostream::tellp(void); 310 5 seekp 0 4 575 19 std::ostream::seekp 0 2 19 20 0 119 void std::ostream::seekp(std::streamoff pos); void std::ostream::seekp(std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir); 311 8 ~ostream 0 516 575 22 std::ostream::~ostream 0 0 0 29 std::ostream::~ostream(void); 312 17 upcast_to_ostream 0 12 573 32 std::iostream::upcast_to_ostream 0 1 10 31 upcast from iostream to ostream 53 std::ostream *std::iostream::upcast_to_ostream(void); 313 20 downcast_to_iostream 0 12 575 34 std::ostream::downcast_to_iostream 0 0 33 downcast from ostream to iostream 56 std::iostream *std::ostream::downcast_to_iostream(void); 314 5 flush 0 4 573 20 std::iostream::flush 0 1 8 0 32 void std::iostream::flush(void); 315 9 ~iostream 0 516 573 24 std::iostream::~iostream 0 0 0 31 std::iostream::~iostream(void); 316 7 fstream 0 260 572 21 std::fstream::fstream 0 1 6 0 28 std::fstream::fstream(void); 317 5 close 0 4 572 19 std::fstream::close 0 1 7 0 31 void std::fstream::close(void); 318 8 ~fstream 0 516 572 22 std::fstream::~fstream 0 0 0 29 std::fstream::~fstream(void); 319 8 ifstream 0 260 576 23 std::ifstream::ifstream 0 1 22 0 30 std::ifstream::ifstream(void); 320 5 close 0 4 576 20 std::ifstream::close 0 1 23 0 32 void std::ifstream::close(void); 321 9 ~ifstream 0 516 576 24 std::ifstream::~ifstream 0 0 0 31 std::ifstream::~ifstream(void); 322 8 ofstream 0 260 578 23 std::ofstream::ofstream 0 1 24 0 30 std::ofstream::ofstream(void); 323 5 close 0 4 578 20 std::ofstream::close 0 1 25 0 32 void std::ofstream::close(void); 324 9 ~ofstream 0 516 578 24 std::ofstream::~ofstream 0 0 0 31 std::ofstream::~ofstream(void); 325 11 IFileStream 0 260 579 24 IFileStream::IFileStream 0 2 26 27 22 /** * */ /** * */ 154 inline IFileStream::IFileStream(void); inline explicit IFileStream::IFileStream(char const *filename, std::ios_base::openmode mode = ::std::ios_base::in); 326 12 ~IFileStream 0 516 579 25 IFileStream::~IFileStream 0 0 10 /** * */ 39 inline IFileStream::~IFileStream(void); 327 4 open 0 4 579 17 IFileStream::open 0 1 28 10 /** * */ 104 inline void IFileStream::open(char const *filename, std::ios_base::openmode mode = ::std::ios_base::in); 328 5 close 0 4 579 18 IFileStream::close 0 1 29 10 /** * */ 37 inline void IFileStream::close(void); 329 11 OFileStream 0 260 580 24 OFileStream::OFileStream 0 2 30 31 22 /** * */ /** * */ 155 inline OFileStream::OFileStream(void); inline explicit OFileStream::OFileStream(char const *filename, std::ios_base::openmode mode = ::std::ios_base::out); 330 12 ~OFileStream 0 516 580 25 OFileStream::~OFileStream 0 0 10 /** * */ 39 inline OFileStream::~OFileStream(void); 331 4 open 0 4 580 17 OFileStream::open 0 1 32 10 /** * */ 105 inline void OFileStream::open(char const *filename, std::ios_base::openmode mode = ::std::ios_base::out); 332 5 close 0 4 580 18 OFileStream::close 0 1 33 10 /** * */ 37 inline void OFileStream::close(void); 333 10 FileStream 0 260 581 22 FileStream::FileStream 0 2 34 35 22 /** * */ /** * */ 150 inline FileStream::FileStream(void); inline explicit FileStream::FileStream(char const *filename, std::ios_base::openmode mode = ::std::ios_base::in); 334 11 ~FileStream 0 516 581 23 FileStream::~FileStream 0 0 10 /** * */ 37 inline FileStream::~FileStream(void); 335 4 open 0 4 581 16 FileStream::open 0 1 36 10 /** * */ 103 inline void FileStream::open(char const *filename, std::ios_base::openmode mode = ::std::ios_base::in); 336 5 close 0 4 581 17 FileStream::close 0 1 37 10 /** * */ 36 inline void FileStream::close(void); 337 11 TextEncoder 0 260 585 24 TextEncoder::TextEncoder 0 2 38 39 22 /** * */ /** * */ 96 inline TextEncoder::TextEncoder(void); inline TextEncoder::TextEncoder(TextEncoder const ©); 338 12 ~TextEncoder 0 518 585 25 TextEncoder::~TextEncoder 0 0 0 50 virtual TextEncoder::~TextEncoder(void) = default; 339 12 set_encoding 0 4 585 25 TextEncoder::set_encoding 0 1 40 374 /** * Specifies how the string set via set_text() is to be interpreted. The * default, E_iso8859, means a standard string with one-byte characters (i.e. * ASCII). Other encodings are possible to take advantage of character sets * with more than 256 characters. * * This affects only future calls to set_text(); it does not change text that * was set previously. */ 70 inline void TextEncoder::set_encoding(TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 340 12 get_encoding 0 4 585 25 TextEncoder::get_encoding 0 1 41 116 /** * Returns the encoding by which the string set via set_text() is to be * interpreted. See set_encoding(). */ 67 inline TextEncoder::Encoding TextEncoder::get_encoding(void) const; 341 20 set_default_encoding 0 4 585 33 TextEncoder::set_default_encoding 0 1 42 126 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequently created * TextEncoder objects. See set_encoding(). */ 85 static inline void TextEncoder::set_default_encoding(TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 342 20 get_default_encoding 0 4 585 33 TextEncoder::get_default_encoding 0 1 43 126 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequently created * TextEncoder objects. See set_encoding(). */ 76 static inline TextEncoder::Encoding TextEncoder::get_default_encoding(void); 343 8 set_text 0 4 585 21 TextEncoder::set_text 0 2 44 45 562 /** * Changes the text that is stored in the encoder. The text should be encoded * according to the method indicated by set_encoding(). Subsequent calls to * get_text() will return this same string, while get_wtext() will return the * decoded version of the string. */ /** * The two-parameter version of set_text() accepts an explicit encoding; the * text is immediately decoded and stored as a wide-character string. * Subsequent calls to get_text() will return the same text re-encoded using * whichever encoding is specified by set_encoding(). */ 119 void TextEncoder::set_text(PyObject *text); void TextEncoder::set_text(PyObject *text, TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 344 10 clear_text 0 4 585 23 TextEncoder::clear_text 0 1 46 49 /** * Removes the text from the TextEncoder. */ 42 inline void TextEncoder::clear_text(void); 345 8 has_text 0 4 585 21 TextEncoder::has_text 0 1 47 10 /** * */ 46 inline bool TextEncoder::has_text(void) const; 346 10 make_upper 0 4 585 23 TextEncoder::make_upper 0 1 48 118 /** * Adjusts the text stored within the encoder to all uppercase letters * (preserving accent marks correctly). */ 35 void TextEncoder::make_upper(void); 347 10 make_lower 0 4 585 23 TextEncoder::make_lower 0 1 49 118 /** * Adjusts the text stored within the encoder to all lowercase letters * (preserving accent marks correctly). */ 35 void TextEncoder::make_lower(void); 348 8 get_text 0 4 585 21 TextEncoder::get_text 0 2 50 51 164 /** * Returns the current text, as encoded via the current encoding system. */ /** * Returns the current text, as encoded via the indicated encoding system. */ 115 PyObject *TextEncoder::get_text(void) const; PyObject *TextEncoder::get_text(TextEncoder::Encoding encoding) const; 349 11 append_text 0 4 585 24 TextEncoder::append_text 0 1 52 70 /** * Appends the indicates string to the end of the stored text. */ 46 void TextEncoder::append_text(PyObject *text); 350 19 append_unicode_char 0 4 585 32 TextEncoder::append_unicode_char 0 1 53 128 /** * Appends a single character to the end of the stored text. This may be a * wide character, up to 16 bits in Unicode. */ 65 inline void TextEncoder::append_unicode_char(char32_t character); 351 13 get_num_chars 0 4 585 26 TextEncoder::get_num_chars 0 1 54 169 /** * Returns the number of characters in the stored text. This is a count of * wide characters, after the string has been decoded according to * set_encoding(). */ 58 inline std::size_t TextEncoder::get_num_chars(void) const; 352 16 get_unicode_char 0 4 585 29 TextEncoder::get_unicode_char 0 1 55 196 /** * Returns the Unicode value of the nth character in the stored text. This * may be a wide character (greater than 255), after the string has been * decoded according to set_encoding(). */ 66 inline int TextEncoder::get_unicode_char(std::size_t index) const; 353 16 set_unicode_char 0 4 585 29 TextEncoder::set_unicode_char 0 1 56 193 /** * Sets the Unicode value of the nth character in the stored text. This may * be a wide character (greater than 255), after the string has been decoded * according to set_encoding(). */ 81 inline void TextEncoder::set_unicode_char(std::size_t index, char32_t character); 354 16 get_encoded_char 0 4 585 29 TextEncoder::get_encoded_char 0 2 57 58 204 /** * Returns the nth char of the stored text, as a one-, two-, or three-byte * encoded string. */ /** * Returns the nth char of the stored text, as a one-, two-, or three-byte * encoded string. */ 181 inline std::string TextEncoder::get_encoded_char(std::size_t index) const; inline std::string TextEncoder::get_encoded_char(std::size_t index, TextEncoder::Encoding encoding) const; 355 17 get_text_as_ascii 0 4 585 30 TextEncoder::get_text_as_ascii 0 1 59 723 /** * Returns the text associated with the node, converted as nearly as possible * to a fully-ASCII representation. This means replacing accented letters * with their unaccented ASCII equivalents. * * It is possible that some characters in the string cannot be converted to * ASCII. (The string may involve symbols like the copyright symbol, for * instance, or it might involve letters in some other alphabet such as Greek * or Cyrillic, or even Latin letters like thorn or eth that are not part of * the ASCII character set.) In this case, as much of the string as possible * will be converted to ASCII, and the nonconvertible characters will remain * encoded in the encoding specified by set_encoding(). */ 62 inline std::string TextEncoder::get_text_as_ascii(void) const; 356 13 reencode_text 0 4 585 26 TextEncoder::reencode_text 0 1 60 277 /** * Given the indicated text string, which is assumed to be encoded via the * encoding "from", decodes it and then reencodes it into the encoding "to", * and returns the newly encoded string. This does not change or affect any * properties on the TextEncoder itself. */ 132 static inline std::string TextEncoder::reencode_text(std::string const &text, TextEncoder::Encoding from, TextEncoder::Encoding to); 357 15 unicode_isalpha 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_isalpha 0 1 61 152 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is an alphabetic letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isalpha(), extended to Unicode. */ 68 static inline bool TextEncoder::unicode_isalpha(char32_t character); 358 15 unicode_isdigit 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_isdigit 0 1 62 147 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a numeric digit, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isdigit(), extended to Unicode. */ 68 static inline bool TextEncoder::unicode_isdigit(char32_t character); 359 15 unicode_ispunct 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_ispunct 0 1 63 150 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a punctuation mark, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's ispunct(), extended to Unicode. */ 68 static inline bool TextEncoder::unicode_ispunct(char32_t character); 360 15 unicode_islower 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_islower 0 1 64 150 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a lowercase letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's islower(), extended to Unicode. */ 68 static inline bool TextEncoder::unicode_islower(char32_t character); 361 15 unicode_isupper 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_isupper 0 1 65 151 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is an uppercase letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isupper(), extended to Unicode. */ 68 static inline bool TextEncoder::unicode_isupper(char32_t character); 362 15 unicode_isspace 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_isspace 0 1 66 151 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a whitespace letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isspace(), extended to Unicode. */ 68 static inline bool TextEncoder::unicode_isspace(char32_t character); 363 15 unicode_toupper 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_toupper 0 1 67 135 /** * Returns the uppercase equivalent of the given Unicode character. This is * akin to ctype's toupper(), extended to Unicode. */ 67 static inline int TextEncoder::unicode_toupper(char32_t character); 364 15 unicode_tolower 0 4 585 28 TextEncoder::unicode_tolower 0 1 68 135 /** * Returns the uppercase equivalent of the given Unicode character. This is * akin to ctype's tolower(), extended to Unicode. */ 67 static inline int TextEncoder::unicode_tolower(char32_t character); 365 5 upper 0 4 585 18 TextEncoder::upper 0 2 69 70 210 /** * Converts the string to uppercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * default encoding. */ /** * Converts the string to uppercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * indicated encoding. */ 177 static inline std::string TextEncoder::upper(std::string const &source); static inline std::string TextEncoder::upper(std::string const &source, TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 366 5 lower 0 4 585 18 TextEncoder::lower 0 2 71 72 210 /** * Converts the string to lowercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * default encoding. */ /** * Converts the string to lowercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * indicated encoding. */ 177 static inline std::string TextEncoder::lower(std::string const &source); static inline std::string TextEncoder::lower(std::string const &source, TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 367 9 set_wtext 0 4 585 22 TextEncoder::set_wtext 0 1 73 303 // Direct support for wide-character strings. Now publishable with the new // wstring support in interrogate. /** * Changes the text that is stored in the encoder. Subsequent calls to * get_wtext() will return this same string, while get_text() will return the * encoded version of the string. */ 62 inline void TextEncoder::set_wtext(std::wstring const &wtext); 368 9 get_wtext 0 4 585 22 TextEncoder::get_wtext 0 1 74 91 /** * Returns the text associated with the TextEncoder, as a wide-character * string. */ 62 inline std::wstring const &TextEncoder::get_wtext(void) const; 369 12 append_wtext 0 4 585 25 TextEncoder::append_wtext 0 1 75 85 /** * Appends the indicates string to the end of the stored wide-character text. */ 64 inline void TextEncoder::append_wtext(std::wstring const &text); 370 18 get_wtext_as_ascii 0 4 585 31 TextEncoder::get_wtext_as_ascii 0 1 76 694 /** * Returns the text associated with the node, converted as nearly as possible * to a fully-ASCII representation. This means replacing accented letters * with their unaccented ASCII equivalents. * * It is possible that some characters in the string cannot be converted to * ASCII. (The string may involve symbols like the copyright symbol, for * instance, or it might involve letters in some other alphabet such as Greek * or Cyrillic, or even Latin letters like thorn or eth that are not part of * the ASCII character set.) In this case, as much of the string as possible * will be converted to ASCII, and the nonconvertible characters will remain * in their original form. */ 57 std::wstring TextEncoder::get_wtext_as_ascii(void) const; 371 8 is_wtext 0 4 585 21 TextEncoder::is_wtext 0 1 77 211 /** * Returns true if any of the characters in the string returned by get_wtext() * are out of the range of an ASCII character (and, therefore, get_wtext() * should be called in preference to get_text()). */ 39 bool TextEncoder::is_wtext(void) const; 372 12 encode_wchar 0 4 585 25 TextEncoder::encode_wchar 0 1 78 136 /** * Encodes a single Unicode character into a one-, two-, three-, or four-byte * string, according to the given encoding system. */ 88 static PyObject *TextEncoder::encode_wchar(char32_t ch, TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 373 12 encode_wtext 0 4 585 25 TextEncoder::encode_wtext 0 2 79 80 204 /** * Encodes a wide-text string into a single-char string, according to the * current encoding. */ /** * Encodes a wide-text string into a single-char string, according to the * given encoding. */ 179 inline PyObject *TextEncoder::encode_wtext(std::wstring const &wtext) const; static PyObject *TextEncoder::encode_wtext(std::wstring const &wtext, TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 374 11 decode_text 0 4 585 24 TextEncoder::decode_text 0 2 81 82 210 /** * Returns the given wstring decoded to a single-byte string, via the current * encoding system. */ /** * Returns the given wstring decoded to a single-byte string, via the given * encoding system. */ 155 inline PyObject *TextEncoder::decode_text(PyObject *text) const; static PyObject *TextEncoder::decode_text(PyObject *text, TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 375 8 Filename 0 260 590 18 Filename::Filename 0 3 83 84 85 257 /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ /** * Creates an empty Filename. */ /** * This constructor composes the filename out of a directory part and a * basename part. It will insert an intervening '/' if necessary. */ 139 inline Filename::Filename(void); Filename::Filename(Filename const &dirname, Filename const &basename); Filename::Filename(PyObject *path); 376 10 __reduce__ 0 4 590 20 Filename::__reduce__ 0 1 86 0 53 PyObject *Filename::__reduce__(PyObject *self) const; 377 13 text_filename 0 4 590 23 Filename::text_filename 0 2 87 88 192 // Static constructors to explicitly create a filename that refers to a text // or binary file. This is in lieu of calling set_text() or set_binary() or // set_type(). /** * */ /** * */ 150 static inline Filename Filename::text_filename(Filename const &filename); static inline Filename Filename::text_filename(std::string const &filename); 378 15 binary_filename 0 4 590 25 Filename::binary_filename 0 2 89 90 22 /** * */ /** * */ 154 static inline Filename Filename::binary_filename(Filename const &filename); static inline Filename Filename::binary_filename(std::string const &filename); 379 12 dso_filename 0 4 590 22 Filename::dso_filename 0 1 91 10 /** * */ 75 static inline Filename Filename::dso_filename(std::string const &filename); 380 19 executable_filename 0 4 590 29 Filename::executable_filename 0 1 92 10 /** * */ 82 static inline Filename Filename::executable_filename(std::string const &filename); 381 16 pattern_filename 0 4 590 26 Filename::pattern_filename 0 1 93 101 /** * Constructs a filename that represents a sequence of numbered files. See * set_pattern(). */ 79 static inline Filename Filename::pattern_filename(std::string const &filename); 382 16 from_os_specific 0 4 590 26 Filename::from_os_specific 0 1 94 693 /** * This named constructor returns a Panda-style filename (that is, using * forward slashes, and no drive letter) based on the supplied filename string * that describes a filename in the local system conventions (for instance, on * Windows, it may use backslashes or begin with a drive letter and a colon). * * Use this function to create a Filename from an externally-given filename * string. Use to_os_specific() again later to reconvert it back to the local * operating system's conventions. * * This function will do the right thing even if the filename is partially * local conventions and partially Panda conventions; e.g. some backslashes * and some forward slashes. */ 120 static Filename Filename::from_os_specific(std::string const &os_specific, Filename::Type type = ::Filename::T_general); 383 18 from_os_specific_w 0 4 590 28 Filename::from_os_specific_w 0 1 95 137 /** * The wide-string variant of from_os_specific(). Returns a new Filename, * converted from an os-specific wide-character string. */ 123 static Filename Filename::from_os_specific_w(std::wstring const &os_specific, Filename::Type type = ::Filename::T_general); 384 11 expand_from 0 4 590 21 Filename::expand_from 0 1 96 221 /** * Returns the same thing as from_os_specific(), but embedded environment * variable references (e.g. "$DMODELS/foo.txt") are expanded out. It also * automatically elevates the file to its true case if needed. */ 115 static Filename Filename::expand_from(std::string const &user_string, Filename::Type type = ::Filename::T_general); 385 9 temporary 0 4 590 19 Filename::temporary 0 1 97 398 /** * Generates a temporary filename within the indicated directory, using the * indicated prefix. If the directory is empty, a system-defined directory is * chosen instead. * * The generated filename did not exist when the Filename checked, but since * it does not specifically create the file, it is possible that another * process could simultaneously create a file by the same name. */ 174 static Filename Filename::temporary(std::string const &dirname, std::string const &prefix, std::string const &suffix = string(), Filename::Type type = ::Filename::T_general); 386 18 get_home_directory 0 4 590 28 Filename::get_home_directory 0 1 98 200 /** * Returns a path to the user's home directory, if such a thing makes sense in * the current OS, or to the nearest equivalent. This may or may not be * directly writable by the application. */ 58 static Filename const &Filename::get_home_directory(void); 387 18 get_temp_directory 0 4 590 28 Filename::get_temp_directory 0 1 99 66 /** * Returns a path to a system-defined temporary directory. */ 58 static Filename const &Filename::get_temp_directory(void); 388 26 get_user_appdata_directory 0 4 590 36 Filename::get_user_appdata_directory 0 1 100 170 /** * Returns a path to a system-defined directory appropriate for creating a * subdirectory for storing application-specific data, specific to the current * user. */ 66 static Filename const &Filename::get_user_appdata_directory(void); 389 28 get_common_appdata_directory 0 4 590 38 Filename::get_common_appdata_directory 0 1 101 158 /** * Returns a path to a system-defined directory appropriate for creating a * subdirectory for storing application-specific data, common to all users. */ 68 static Filename const &Filename::get_common_appdata_directory(void); 390 10 operator = 0 4 590 20 Filename::operator = 0 4 102 103 104 105 108 // Assignment is via the = operator. /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ /** * */ 238 inline void Filename::operator =(std::string const &filename); inline void Filename::operator =(std::wstring const &filename); inline void Filename::operator =(char const *filename); inline void Filename::operator =(Filename const ©); 391 17 operator typecast 0 132 590 27 Filename::operator typecast 0 1 199 60 // And retrieval is by any of the classic string operations. 48 inline operator std::string const &(void) const; 392 5 c_str 0 4 590 15 Filename::c_str 0 1 106 10 /** * */ 47 inline char const *Filename::c_str(void) const; 393 5 empty 0 4 590 15 Filename::empty 0 1 107 10 /** * */ 40 inline bool Filename::empty(void) const; 394 6 length 0 4 590 16 Filename::length 0 1 108 10 /** * */ 48 inline std::size_t Filename::length(void) const; 395 11 operator [] 0 4 590 21 Filename::operator [] 0 1 109 0 55 inline char Filename::operator [](std::size_t n) const; 396 8 __repr__ 0 4 590 18 Filename::__repr__ 0 1 110 0 41 PyObject *Filename::__repr__(void) const; 397 10 __fspath__ 0 4 590 20 Filename::__fspath__ 0 1 111 0 43 PyObject *Filename::__fspath__(void) const; 398 6 substr 0 4 590 16 Filename::substr 0 2 112 113 22 /** * */ /** * */ 140 inline std::string Filename::substr(std::size_t begin) const; inline std::string Filename::substr(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end) const; 399 11 operator += 0 4 590 21 Filename::operator += 0 1 114 0 60 inline void Filename::operator +=(std::string const &other); 400 10 operator + 0 4 590 20 Filename::operator + 0 1 115 0 69 inline Filename Filename::operator +(std::string const &other) const; 401 10 operator / 0 4 590 20 Filename::operator / 0 1 116 0 66 inline Filename Filename::operator /(Filename const &other) const; 402 11 __truediv__ 0 4 590 21 Filename::__truediv__ 0 1 117 0 60 Filename Filename::__truediv__(Filename const &other) const; 403 12 get_fullpath 0 4 590 22 Filename::get_fullpath 0 1 118 174 // Or, you can use any of these. /** * Returns the entire filename: directory, basename, extension. This is the * same thing returned by the string typecast operator. */ 54 inline std::string Filename::get_fullpath(void) const; 404 14 get_fullpath_w 0 4 590 24 Filename::get_fullpath_w 0 1 119 66 /** * Returns the entire filename as a wide-character string. */ 57 inline std::wstring Filename::get_fullpath_w(void) const; 405 11 get_dirname 0 4 590 21 Filename::get_dirname 0 1 120 139 /** * Returns the directory part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename up to, but not including the rightmost slash. */ 53 inline std::string Filename::get_dirname(void) const; 406 12 get_basename 0 4 590 22 Filename::get_basename 0 1 121 145 /** * Returns the basename part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename after the rightmost slash, including any extensions. */ 54 inline std::string Filename::get_basename(void) const; 407 25 get_fullpath_wo_extension 0 4 590 35 Filename::get_fullpath_wo_extension 0 1 122 96 /** * Returns the full filename--directory and basename parts--except for the * extension. */ 67 inline std::string Filename::get_fullpath_wo_extension(void) const; 408 25 get_basename_wo_extension 0 4 590 35 Filename::get_basename_wo_extension 0 1 123 81 /** * Returns the basename part of the filename, without the file extension. */ 67 inline std::string Filename::get_basename_wo_extension(void) const; 409 13 get_extension 0 4 590 23 Filename::get_extension 0 1 124 140 /** * Returns the file extension. This is everything after the rightmost dot, if * there is one, or the empty string if there is not. */ 55 inline std::string Filename::get_extension(void) const; 410 12 set_fullpath 0 4 590 22 Filename::set_fullpath 0 1 125 202 // You can also use any of these to reassign pieces of the filename. /** * Replaces the entire filename: directory, basename, extension. This can * also be achieved with the assignment operator. */ 50 void Filename::set_fullpath(std::string const &s); 411 11 set_dirname 0 4 590 21 Filename::set_dirname 0 1 126 140 /** * Replaces the directory part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename up to, but not including the rightmost slash. */ 49 void Filename::set_dirname(std::string const &s); 412 12 set_basename 0 4 590 22 Filename::set_basename 0 1 127 146 /** * Replaces the basename part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename after the rightmost slash, including any extensions. */ 50 void Filename::set_basename(std::string const &s); 413 25 set_fullpath_wo_extension 0 4 590 35 Filename::set_fullpath_wo_extension 0 1 128 97 /** * Replaces the full filename--directory and basename parts--except for the * extension. */ 63 void Filename::set_fullpath_wo_extension(std::string const &s); 414 25 set_basename_wo_extension 0 4 590 35 Filename::set_basename_wo_extension 0 1 129 82 /** * Replaces the basename part of the filename, without the file extension. */ 63 void Filename::set_basename_wo_extension(std::string const &s); 415 13 set_extension 0 4 590 23 Filename::set_extension 0 1 130 141 /** * Replaces the file extension. This is everything after the rightmost dot, * if there is one, or the empty string if there is not. */ 51 void Filename::set_extension(std::string const &s); 416 10 set_binary 0 4 590 20 Filename::set_binary 0 1 131 429 // Setting these flags appropriately is helpful when opening or searching // for a file; it helps the Filename resolve OS-specific conventions (for // instance, that dynamic library names should perhaps be changed from .so // to .dll). /** * Indicates that the filename represents a binary file. This is primarily * relevant to the read_file() and write_file() methods, so they can set the * appropriate flags to the OS. */ 39 inline void Filename::set_binary(void); 417 8 set_text 0 4 590 18 Filename::set_text 0 1 132 190 /** * Indicates that the filename represents a text file. This is primarily * relevant to the read_file() and write_file() methods, so they can set the * appropriate flags to the OS. */ 37 inline void Filename::set_text(void); 418 9 is_binary 0 4 590 19 Filename::is_binary 0 1 133 256 /** * Returns true if the Filename has been indicated to represent a binary file * via a previous call to set_binary(). It is possible that neither * is_binary() nor is_text() will be true, if neither set_binary() nor * set_text() was ever called. */ 44 inline bool Filename::is_binary(void) const; 419 7 is_text 0 4 590 17 Filename::is_text 0 1 134 252 /** * Returns true if the Filename has been indicated to represent a text file * via a previous call to set_text(). It is possible that neither is_binary() * nor is_text() will be true, if neither set_binary() nor set_text() was ever * called. */ 42 inline bool Filename::is_text(void) const; 420 17 is_binary_or_text 0 4 590 27 Filename::is_binary_or_text 0 1 135 198 /** * Returns true either is_binary() or is_text() is true; that is, that the * filename has been specified as either binary or text. If this is false, * the filename has not been specified. */ 52 inline bool Filename::is_binary_or_text(void) const; 421 8 set_type 0 4 590 18 Filename::set_type 0 1 136 350 /** * Sets the type of the file represented by the filename. This is useful for * to_os_specific(), resolve_filename(), test_existence(), and all such real- * world access functions. It helps the Filename know how to map the internal * filename to the OS-specific filename (for instance, maybe executables * should have an .exe extension). */ 52 inline void Filename::set_type(Filename::Type type); 422 8 get_type 0 4 590 18 Filename::get_type 0 1 137 104 /** * Returns the type of the file represented by the filename, as previously set * by set_type(). */ 53 inline Filename::Type Filename::get_type(void) const; 423 11 set_pattern 0 4 590 21 Filename::set_pattern 0 1 138 688 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether this is a filename pattern. When this is * true, the filename is understood to be a placeholder for a numbered * sequence of filename, such as an image sequence. In this case, a sequence * of one or more hash characters ("#") should appear in the filename string; * these characters will be filled in with the corresponding number (or more) * of digits representing the sequence number. Sequence numbers always begin * counting at 0. * * When this is true, methods like has_hash() and get_hash_to_end() and * get_filename_index() may be called. Methods like is_exists() will * implicitly test for existance of filename sequence 0. */ 48 inline void Filename::set_pattern(bool pattern); 424 11 get_pattern 0 4 590 21 Filename::get_pattern 0 1 139 97 /** * Returns the flag indicating whether this is a filename pattern. See * set_pattern(). */ 46 inline bool Filename::get_pattern(void) const; 425 8 has_hash 0 4 590 18 Filename::has_hash 0 1 140 354 /** * Returns true if the filename is indicated to be a filename pattern (that * is, set_pattern(true) was called), and the filename pattern did include a * sequence of hash marks, or false if it was not a filename pattern or did * not include hash marks. If this is true, then get_filename_index() will * return a different filename each time. */ 43 inline bool Filename::has_hash(void) const; 426 18 get_filename_index 0 4 590 28 Filename::get_filename_index 0 1 141 388 /** * If the pattern flag is set for this Filename and the filename string * actually includes a sequence of hash marks, then this returns a new * Filename with the sequence of hash marks replaced by the indicated index * number. * * If the pattern flag is not set for this Filename or it does not contain a * sequence of hash marks, this quietly returns the original filename. */ 55 Filename Filename::get_filename_index(int index) const; 427 15 get_hash_to_end 0 4 590 25 Filename::get_hash_to_end 0 1 142 130 /** * Returns the part of the filename beginning at the hash sequence (if any), * and continuing to the end of the filename. */ 57 inline std::string Filename::get_hash_to_end(void) const; 428 15 set_hash_to_end 0 4 590 25 Filename::set_hash_to_end 0 1 143 115 /** * Replaces the part of the filename from the beginning of the hash sequence * to the end of the filename. */ 53 void Filename::set_hash_to_end(std::string const &s); 429 18 extract_components 0 4 590 28 Filename::extract_components 0 1 144 329 /** * Extracts out the individual directory components of the path into a series * of strings. get_basename() will be the last component stored in the * vector. Note that no distinction is made by this method between a leading * slash and no leading slash, but you can call is_local() to differentiate * the two cases. */ 67 void Filename::extract_components(vector_string &components) const; 430 11 standardize 0 4 590 21 Filename::standardize 0 1 145 216 /** * Converts the filename to standard form by replacing consecutive slashes * with a single slash, removing a trailing slash if present, and backing up * over .. sequences within the filename where possible. */ 33 void Filename::standardize(void); 431 8 is_local 0 4 590 18 Filename::is_local 0 1 146 146 /** * Returns true if the filename is local, e.g. does not begin with a slash, * or false if the filename is fully specified from the root. */ 43 inline bool Filename::is_local(void) const; 432 18 is_fully_qualified 0 4 590 28 Filename::is_fully_qualified 0 1 147 444 /** * Returns true if the filename is fully qualified, e.g. begins with a slash. * This is almost, but not quite, the same thing as !is_local(). It's not * exactly the same because a special case is made for filenames that begin * with a single dot followed by a slash--these are considered to be fully * qualified (they are explicitly relative to the current directory, and do * not refer to a filename on a search path somewhere). */ 53 inline bool Filename::is_fully_qualified(void) const; 433 13 make_absolute 0 4 590 23 Filename::make_absolute 0 2 148 149 794 /** * Converts the filename to a fully-qualified pathname from the root (if it is * a relative pathname), and then standardizes it (see standardize()). * * This is sometimes a little problematic, since it may convert the file to * its 'true' absolute pathname, which could be an ugly NFS-named file, * irrespective of symbolic links (e.g. * /.automount/dimbo/root/usr2/fit/people/drose instead of /fit/people/drose); * besides being ugly, filenames like this may not be consistent across * multiple different platforms. */ /** * Converts the filename to a fully-qualified filename from the root (if it is * a relative filename), and then standardizes it (see standardize()). This * flavor accepts a specific starting directory that the filename is known to * be relative to. */ 98 void Filename::make_absolute(void); void Filename::make_absolute(Filename const &start_directory); 434 14 make_canonical 0 4 590 24 Filename::make_canonical 0 1 150 906 /** * Converts this filename to a canonical name by replacing the directory part * with the fully-qualified directory part. This is done by changing to that * directory and calling getcwd(). * * This has the effect of (a) converting relative paths to absolute paths (but * see make_absolute() if this is the only effect you want), and (b) always * resolving a given directory name to the same string, even if different * symbolic links are traversed, and (c) changing nice symbolic-link paths * like fit/people/drose to ugly NFS automounter names like * hosts/dimbo/usr2/fit/people/drose. This can be troubling, but sometimes * this is exactly what you want, particularly if you're about to call * make_relative_to() between two filenames. * * The return value is true if successful, or false on failure (usually * because the directory name does not exist or cannot be chdir'ed into). */ 36 bool Filename::make_canonical(void); 435 14 make_true_case 0 4 590 24 Filename::make_true_case 0 1 151 486 /** * On a case-insensitive operating system (e.g. Windows), this method looks * up the file in the file system and resets the Filename to represent the * actual case of the file as it exists on the disk. The return value is true * if the file exists and the conversion can be made, or false if there is * some error. * * On a case-sensitive operating system, this method does nothing and always * returns true. * * An empty filename is considered to exist in this case. */ 36 bool Filename::make_true_case(void); 436 14 to_os_specific 0 4 590 24 Filename::to_os_specific 0 1 152 408 /** * Converts the filename from our generic Unix-like convention (forward * slashes starting with the root at '/') to the corresponding filename in the * local operating system (slashes in the appropriate direction, starting with * the root at C:\, for instance). Returns the string representing the * converted filename, but does not change the Filename itself. * * See also from_os_specific(). */ 49 std::string Filename::to_os_specific(void) const; 437 16 to_os_specific_w 0 4 590 26 Filename::to_os_specific_w 0 1 153 55 /** * The wide-string variant on to_os_specific(). */ 52 std::wstring Filename::to_os_specific_w(void) const; 438 13 to_os_generic 0 4 590 23 Filename::to_os_generic 0 1 154 499 /** * This is similar to to_os_specific(), but it is designed to generate a * filename that can be understood on as many platforms as possible. Since * Windows can usually understand a forward-slash-delimited filename, this * means it does the same thing as to_os_specific(), but it uses forward * slashes instead of backslashes. * * This method has a pretty limited use; it should generally be used for * writing file references to a file that might be read on any operating * system. */ 48 std::string Filename::to_os_generic(void) const; 439 16 to_os_short_name 0 4 590 26 Filename::to_os_short_name 0 1 155 404 /** * This works like to_os_generic(), but it returns the "short name" version of * the filename, if it exists, or the original filename otherwise. * * On Windows platforms, this returns the 8.3 filename version of the given * filename, if the file exists, and the same thing as to_os_specific() * otherwise. On non-Windows platforms, this always returns the same thing as * to_os_specific(). */ 51 std::string Filename::to_os_short_name(void) const; 440 15 to_os_long_name 0 4 590 25 Filename::to_os_long_name 0 1 156 204 /** * This is the opposite of to_os_short_name(): it returns the "long name" of * the filename, if the filename exists. On non-Windows platforms, this * returns the same thing as to_os_specific(). */ 50 std::string Filename::to_os_long_name(void) const; 441 6 exists 0 4 590 16 Filename::exists 0 1 157 299 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk, false otherwise. * If the type is indicated to be executable, this also tests that the file has * execute permission. * * @see VirtualFileSystem::exists() for checking whether the filename exists in * the virtual file system. */ 34 bool Filename::exists(void) const; 442 15 is_regular_file 0 4 590 25 Filename::is_regular_file 0 1 158 297 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk and is the name of * a regular file (i.e. not a directory or device), false otherwise. * * @see VirtualFileSystem::is_regular_file() for checking whether the filename * exists and is a regular file in the virtual file system. */ 43 bool Filename::is_regular_file(void) const; 443 11 is_writable 0 4 590 21 Filename::is_writable 0 1 159 158 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk and is either a * directory or a regular file that can be written to, or false otherwise. */ 39 bool Filename::is_writable(void) const; 444 12 is_directory 0 4 590 22 Filename::is_directory 0 1 160 244 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk and is a directory * name, false otherwise. * * @see VirtualFileSystem::is_directory() for checking whether the filename * exists as a directory in the virtual file system. */ 40 bool Filename::is_directory(void) const; 445 13 is_executable 0 4 590 23 Filename::is_executable 0 1 161 64 /** * Returns true if the filename exists and is executable */ 41 bool Filename::is_executable(void) const; 446 18 compare_timestamps 0 4 590 28 Filename::compare_timestamps 0 1 162 449 /** * Returns a number less than zero if the file named by this object is older * than the given file, zero if they have the same timestamp, or greater than * zero if this one is newer. * * If this_missing_is_old is true, it indicates that a missing file will be * treated as if it were older than any other file; otherwise, a missing file * will be treated as if it were newer than any other file. Similarly for * other_missing_is_old. */ 129 int Filename::compare_timestamps(Filename const &other, bool this_missing_is_old = true, bool other_missing_is_old = true) const; 447 13 get_timestamp 0 4 590 23 Filename::get_timestamp 0 1 163 434 /** * Returns a time_t value that represents the time the file was last modified, * to within whatever precision the operating system records this information * (on a Windows95 system, for instance, this may only be accurate to within 2 * seconds). * * If the timestamp cannot be determined, either because it is not supported * by the operating system or because there is some error (such as file not * found), returns 0. */ 43 time_t Filename::get_timestamp(void) const; 448 20 get_access_timestamp 0 4 590 30 Filename::get_access_timestamp 0 1 164 195 /** * Returns a time_t value that represents the time the file was last accessed, * if this information is available. See also get_timestamp(), which returns * the last modification time. */ 50 time_t Filename::get_access_timestamp(void) const; 449 13 get_file_size 0 4 590 23 Filename::get_file_size 0 1 165 76 /** * Returns the size of the file in bytes, or 0 if there is an error. */ 52 std::streamsize Filename::get_file_size(void) const; 450 16 resolve_filename 0 4 590 26 Filename::resolve_filename 0 1 166 174 /** * Searches the given search path for the filename. If it is found, updates * the filename to the full pathname found and returns true; otherwise, * returns false. */ 112 bool Filename::resolve_filename(DSearchPath const &searchpath, std::string const &default_extension = string()); 451 16 make_relative_to 0 4 590 26 Filename::make_relative_to 0 1 167 867 /** * Adjusts this filename, which must be a fully-specified pathname beginning * with a slash, to make it a relative filename, relative to the fully- * specified directory indicated (which must also begin with, and may or may * not end with, a slash--a terminating slash is ignored). * * This only performs a string comparsion, so it may be wise to call * make_canonical() on both filenames before calling make_relative_to(). * * If allow_backups is false, the filename will only be adjusted to be made * relative if it is already somewhere within or below the indicated * directory. If allow_backups is true, it will be adjusted in all cases, * even if this requires putting a series of .. characters before the filename * --unless it would have to back all the way up to the root. * * Returns true if the file was adjusted, false if it was not. */ 79 bool Filename::make_relative_to(Filename directory, bool allow_backups = true); 452 18 find_on_searchpath 0 4 590 28 Filename::find_on_searchpath 0 1 168 455 /** * Performs the reverse of the resolve_filename() operation: assuming that the * current filename is fully-specified pathname (i.e. beginning with '/'), * look on the indicated search path for a directory under which the file can * be found. When found, adjust the Filename to be relative to the indicated * directory name. * * Returns the index of the directory on the searchpath at which the file was * found, or -1 if it was not found. */ 64 int Filename::find_on_searchpath(DSearchPath const &searchpath); 453 14 scan_directory 0 4 590 24 Filename::scan_directory 0 2 169 170 481 /** * Attempts to open the named filename as if it were a directory and looks for * the non-hidden files within the directory. Fills the given vector up with * the sorted list of filenames that are local to this directory. * * It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the contents vector is empty * before making this call; otherwise, the new files will be appended to it. * * Returns true on success, false if the directory could not be read for some * reason. */ 109 bool Filename::scan_directory(vector_string &contents) const; PyObject *Filename::scan_directory(void) const; 454 9 open_read 0 4 590 19 Filename::open_read 0 2 171 172 669 /** * Opens the indicated ifstream for reading the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ /** * Opens the indicated pifstream for reading the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ 105 bool Filename::open_read(std::ifstream &stream) const; bool Filename::open_read(pifstream &stream) const; 455 10 open_write 0 4 590 20 Filename::open_write 0 2 173 174 987 /** * Opens the indicated ifstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). * * If truncate is true, the file is truncated to zero length upon opening it, * if it already exists. Otherwise, the file is kept at its original length. */ /** * Opens the indicated pifstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). * * If truncate is true, the file is truncated to zero length upon opening it, * if it already exists. Otherwise, the file is kept at its original length. */ 151 bool Filename::open_write(std::ofstream &stream, bool truncate = true) const; bool Filename::open_write(pofstream &stream, bool truncate = true) const; 456 11 open_append 0 4 590 21 Filename::open_append 0 2 175 176 669 /** * Opens the indicated ofstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ /** * Opens the indicated pifstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ 109 bool Filename::open_append(std::ofstream &stream) const; bool Filename::open_append(pofstream &stream) const; 457 15 open_read_write 0 4 590 25 Filename::open_read_write 0 2 177 178 702 /** * Opens the indicated fstream for read/write access to the file, if possible. * Returns true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of * the set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as * indicated; it is an error to call open_read_write() without first calling * one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ /** * Opens the indicated fstream for read/write access to the file, if possible. * Returns true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of * the set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as * indicated; it is an error to call open_read_write() without first calling * one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ 161 bool Filename::open_read_write(std::fstream &stream, bool truncate = false) const; bool Filename::open_read_write(pfstream &stream, bool truncate = false) const; 458 16 open_read_append 0 4 590 26 Filename::open_read_append 0 2 179 180 780 /** * Opens the indicated ifstream for reading and writing the file, if possible; * writes are appended to the end of the file. Returns true if successful, * false otherwise. This requires the setting of the set_text()/set_binary() * flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call * open_read() without first calling one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ /** * Opens the indicated pfstream for reading and writing the file, if possible; * writes are appended to the end of the file. Returns true if successful, * false otherwise. This requires the setting of the set_text()/set_binary() * flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call * open_read() without first calling one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ 117 bool Filename::open_read_append(std::fstream &stream) const; bool Filename::open_read_append(pfstream &stream) const; 459 5 chdir 0 4 590 15 Filename::chdir 0 1 181 105 /** * Changes directory to the specified location. Returns true if successful, * false if failure. */ 33 bool Filename::chdir(void) const; 460 5 touch 0 4 590 15 Filename::touch 0 1 182 193 /** * Updates the modification time of the file to the current time. If the file * does not already exist, it will be created. Returns true if successful, * false if there is an error. */ 33 bool Filename::touch(void) const; 461 6 unlink 0 4 590 16 Filename::unlink 0 1 183 221 /** * Permanently deletes the file associated with the filename, if possible. * Returns true if successful, false if failure (for instance, because the * file did not exist, or because permissions were inadequate). */ 34 bool Filename::unlink(void) const; 462 9 rename_to 0 4 590 19 Filename::rename_to 0 1 184 187 /** * Renames the file to the indicated new filename. If the new filename is in * a different directory, this will perform a move. Returns true if * successful, false on failure. */ 54 bool Filename::rename_to(Filename const &other) const; 463 7 copy_to 0 4 590 17 Filename::copy_to 0 1 185 230 /** * Copies the file to the indicated new filename, by reading the contents and * writing it to the new file. Returns true if successful, false on failure. * The copy is always binary, regardless of the filename settings. */ 52 bool Filename::copy_to(Filename const &other) const; 464 8 make_dir 0 4 590 18 Filename::make_dir 0 1 186 409 /** * Creates all the directories in the path to the file specified in the * filename, except for the basename itself. This assumes that the Filename * contains the name of a file, not a directory name; it ensures that the * directory containing the file exists. * * However, if the filename ends in a slash, it assumes the Filename * represents the name of a directory, and creates all the paths. */ 36 bool Filename::make_dir(void) const; 465 5 mkdir 0 4 590 15 Filename::mkdir 0 1 187 265 /** * Creates the directory named by this filename. Unlike make_dir(), this * assumes that the Filename contains the directory name itself. Also, parent * directories are not automatically created; this function fails if any * parent directory is missing. */ 33 bool Filename::mkdir(void) const; 466 5 rmdir 0 4 590 15 Filename::rmdir 0 1 188 118 /** * The inverse of mkdir(): this removes the directory named by this Filename, * if it is in fact a directory. */ 33 bool Filename::rmdir(void) const; 467 11 operator == 0 4 590 21 Filename::operator == 0 1 189 34 // Comparison operators are handy. 66 inline bool Filename::operator ==(std::string const &other) const; 468 11 operator != 0 4 590 21 Filename::operator != 0 1 190 0 66 inline bool Filename::operator !=(std::string const &other) const; 469 10 operator < 0 4 590 20 Filename::operator < 0 1 191 0 65 inline bool Filename::operator <(std::string const &other) const; 470 10 compare_to 0 4 590 20 Filename::compare_to 0 1 192 10 /** * */ 61 inline int Filename::compare_to(Filename const &other) const; 471 11 __nonzero__ 0 4 590 21 Filename::__nonzero__ 0 1 193 349 /** * Returns true if the Filename is valid (not empty), or false if it is an * empty string. * * This implements the Python equivalent to operator bool. Defining an actual * operator bool method for C++ use would work too, but it seems to cause too * many ambiguities for the C++ compiler, so we use this Python-only approach * instead. */ 46 inline bool Filename::__nonzero__(void) const; 472 8 get_hash 0 4 590 18 Filename::get_hash 0 1 194 92 /** * Returns a hash code that attempts to be mostly unique for different * Filenames. */ 35 int Filename::get_hash(void) const; 473 6 output 0 4 590 16 Filename::output 0 1 195 10 /** * */ 54 inline void Filename::output(std::ostream &out) const; 474 23 set_filesystem_encoding 0 4 590 33 Filename::set_filesystem_encoding 0 1 196 266 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequent Filenames. * This is used to represent wide-character (Unicode) filenames internally. * On non-Windows-based systems, the encoded filename is also passed to the * underlying operating system. */ 85 static inline void Filename::set_filesystem_encoding(TextEncoder::Encoding encoding); 475 23 get_filesystem_encoding 0 4 590 33 Filename::get_filesystem_encoding 0 1 197 125 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequent Filenames * objects. See set_filesystem_encoding(). */ 76 static inline TextEncoder::Encoding Filename::get_filesystem_encoding(void); 476 14 get_class_type 0 4 590 24 Filename::get_class_type 0 1 198 0 49 static TypeHandle Filename::get_class_type(void); 477 9 ~Filename 0 516 590 19 Filename::~Filename 0 0 0 26 Filename::~Filename(void); 478 18 get_version_string 0 4 592 31 PandaSystem::get_version_string 0 1 200 184 /** * Returns the current version of Panda, expressed as a string, e.g. "1.0.0". * The string will end in the letter "c" if this build does not represent an * official version. */ 57 static std::string PandaSystem::get_version_string(void); 479 26 get_package_version_string 0 4 592 39 PandaSystem::get_package_version_string 0 1 201 836 /** * Returns the version of the Panda3D distributable package that provides this * build of Panda. * * When the currently-executing version of Panda was loaded from a * distributable package, such as via the browser plugin, then this string * will be nonempty and will contain the corresponding version string. You * can build applications that use this particular version of Panda by * requesting it in the pdef file, using "panda3d", this version string, and * the download host provided by get_package_host_url(). * * If this string is empty, then the currently-executing Panda was built * independently, and is not part of a distributable package. * * This string is set explicitly at compilation time. Normally, it should be * set to a nonempty string only when building a Panda3D package for * distribution. */ 65 static std::string PandaSystem::get_package_version_string(void); 480 20 get_package_host_url 0 4 592 33 PandaSystem::get_package_host_url 0 1 202 503 /** * Returns the URL of the download server that provides the Panda3D * distributable package currently running. This can be used, along with the * get_package_version_string(), to uniquely identify the running version of * Panda among distributable Panda versions. * * See get_package_version_string() for more information. * * This string is set explicitly at compilation time. Normally, it should be * set to a nonempty string only when building a Panda3D package for * distribution. */ 59 static std::string PandaSystem::get_package_host_url(void); 481 30 get_p3d_coreapi_version_string 0 4 592 43 PandaSystem::get_p3d_coreapi_version_string 0 1 203 549 /** * Returns the current version of Panda's Core API, expressed as a string of * dot-delimited integers. There are usually four integers in this version, * but this is not guaranteed. * * The Core API is used during the runtime (plugin) environment only. This * may be the empty string if the current version of Panda is not built to * provide a particular Core API, which will be the normal case in a * development SDK. However, you should not use this method to determine * whether you are running in a runtime environment or not. */ 69 static std::string PandaSystem::get_p3d_coreapi_version_string(void); 482 17 get_major_version 0 4 592 30 PandaSystem::get_major_version 0 1 204 188 /** * Returns the major version number of the current version of Panda. This is * the first number of the dotted triple returned by get_version_string(). It * changes very rarely. */ 48 static int PandaSystem::get_major_version(void); 483 17 get_minor_version 0 4 592 30 PandaSystem::get_minor_version 0 1 205 223 /** * Returns the minor version number of the current version of Panda. This is * the second number of the dotted triple returned by get_version_string(). * It changes with each release that introduces new features. */ 48 static int PandaSystem::get_minor_version(void); 484 20 get_sequence_version 0 4 592 33 PandaSystem::get_sequence_version 0 1 206 229 /** * Returns the sequence version number of the current version of Panda. This * is the third number of the dotted triple returned by get_version_string(). * It changes with bugfix updates and very minor feature updates. */ 51 static int PandaSystem::get_sequence_version(void); 485 19 is_official_version 0 4 592 32 PandaSystem::is_official_version 0 1 207 391 /** * Returns true if current version of Panda claims to be an "official" * version, that is, one that was compiled by an official distributor of Panda * using a specific version of the panda source tree. If this is true, there * will not be a "c" at the end of the version string returned by * get_version_string(). * * Note that we must take the distributor's word for it here. */ 51 static bool PandaSystem::is_official_version(void); 486 20 get_memory_alignment 0 4 592 33 PandaSystem::get_memory_alignment 0 1 208 74 /** * Returns the memory alignment that Panda's allocators are using. */ 51 static int PandaSystem::get_memory_alignment(void); 487 15 get_distributor 0 4 592 28 PandaSystem::get_distributor 0 1 209 213 /** * Returns the string defined by the distributor of this version of Panda, or * "homebuilt" if this version was built directly from the sources by the end- * user. This is a completely arbitrary string. */ 54 static std::string PandaSystem::get_distributor(void); 488 12 get_compiler 0 4 592 25 PandaSystem::get_compiler 0 1 210 152 /** * Returns a string representing the compiler that was used to generate this * version of Panda, if it is available, or "unknown" if it is not. */ 51 static std::string PandaSystem::get_compiler(void); 489 14 get_build_date 0 4 592 27 PandaSystem::get_build_date 0 1 211 140 /** * Returns a string representing the date and time at which this version of * Panda (or at least dtool) was compiled, if available. */ 53 static std::string PandaSystem::get_build_date(void); 490 14 get_git_commit 0 4 592 27 PandaSystem::get_git_commit 0 1 212 162 /** * Returns a string representing the git commit hash that this source tree is * based on, or the empty string if it has not been specified at build time. */ 53 static std::string PandaSystem::get_git_commit(void); 491 12 get_platform 0 4 592 25 PandaSystem::get_platform 0 1 213 170 /** * Returns a string representing the runtime platform that we are currently * running on. This will be something like "win32" or "osx_i386" or * "linux_amd64". */ 51 static std::string PandaSystem::get_platform(void); 492 10 has_system 0 4 592 23 PandaSystem::has_system 0 1 214 188 /** * Returns true if the current version of Panda claims to have the indicated * subsystem installed, false otherwise. The set of available subsystems is * implementation defined. */ 62 bool PandaSystem::has_system(std::string const &system) const; 493 15 get_num_systems 0 4 592 28 PandaSystem::get_num_systems 0 1 215 189 /** * Returns the number of Panda subsystems that have registered themselves. * This can be used with get_system() to iterate through the entire list of * available Panda subsystems. */ 53 std::size_t PandaSystem::get_num_systems(void) const; 494 10 get_system 0 4 592 23 PandaSystem::get_system 0 1 216 122 /** * Returns the nth Panda subsystem that has registered itself. This list will * be sorted in alphabetical order. */ 57 std::string PandaSystem::get_system(std::size_t n) const; 495 14 get_system_tag 0 4 592 27 PandaSystem::get_system_tag 0 1 217 368 /** * Returns the value associated with the indicated tag for the given system. * This provides a standard way to query each subsystem's advertised * capabilities. The set of tags and values are per-system and * implementation-defined. * * The return value is the empty string if the indicated system is undefined * or if does not define the indicated tag. */ 97 std::string PandaSystem::get_system_tag(std::string const &system, std::string const &tag) const; 496 10 add_system 0 4 592 23 PandaSystem::add_system 0 1 218 76 /** * Intended for use by each subsystem to register itself at startup. */ 56 void PandaSystem::add_system(std::string const &system); 497 14 set_system_tag 0 4 592 27 PandaSystem::set_system_tag 0 1 219 96 /** * Intended for use by each subsystem to register its set of capabilities at * startup. */ 110 void PandaSystem::set_system_tag(std::string const &system, std::string const &tag, std::string const &value); 498 9 heap_trim 0 4 592 22 PandaSystem::heap_trim 0 1 220 414 /** * Attempts to release memory back to the system, if possible. The pad * argument is the minimum amount of unused memory to keep in the heap * (against future allocations). Any memory above that may be released to the * system, reducing the memory size of this process. There is no guarantee * that any memory may be released. * * Returns true if any memory was actually released, false otherwise. */ 45 bool PandaSystem::heap_trim(std::size_t pad); 499 6 output 0 4 592 19 PandaSystem::output 0 1 221 10 /** * */ 50 void PandaSystem::output(std::ostream &out) const; 500 5 write 0 4 592 18 PandaSystem::write 0 1 222 10 /** * */ 49 void PandaSystem::write(std::ostream &out) const; 501 14 get_global_ptr 0 4 592 27 PandaSystem::get_global_ptr 0 1 223 49 /** * Returns the global PandaSystem object. */ 54 static PandaSystem *PandaSystem::get_global_ptr(void); 502 14 get_class_type 0 4 592 27 PandaSystem::get_class_type 0 1 224 0 52 static TypeHandle PandaSystem::get_class_type(void); 503 7 Results 0 260 598 29 DSearchPath::Results::Results 0 2 245 246 22 /** * */ /** * */ 101 DSearchPath::Results::Results(void); DSearchPath::Results::Results(DSearchPath::Results const ©); 504 10 operator = 0 4 598 32 DSearchPath::Results::operator = 0 1 247 0 72 void DSearchPath::Results::operator =(DSearchPath::Results const ©); 505 8 ~Results 0 516 598 30 DSearchPath::Results::~Results 0 0 10 /** * */ 37 DSearchPath::Results::~Results(void); 506 5 clear 0 4 598 27 DSearchPath::Results::clear 0 1 248 47 /** * Removes all the files from the list. */ 39 void DSearchPath::Results::clear(void); 507 13 get_num_files 0 4 598 35 DSearchPath::Results::get_num_files 0 1 249 58 /** * Returns the number of files on the result list. */ 60 std::size_t DSearchPath::Results::get_num_files(void) const; 508 8 get_file 0 4 598 30 DSearchPath::Results::get_file 0 1 250 51 /** * Returns the nth file on the result list. */ 68 Filename const &DSearchPath::Results::get_file(std::size_t n) const; 509 11 operator [] 0 4 598 33 DSearchPath::Results::operator [] 0 1 251 0 71 inline Filename DSearchPath::Results::operator [](std::size_t n) const; 510 4 size 0 4 598 26 DSearchPath::Results::size 0 1 252 136 /** * Returns the num of filenames in the set. This method is defined to make * the Results object appear to be a list in Python. */ 58 inline std::size_t DSearchPath::Results::size(void) const; 511 6 output 0 4 598 28 DSearchPath::Results::output 0 1 253 10 /** * */ 59 void DSearchPath::Results::output(std::ostream &out) const; 512 5 write 0 4 598 27 DSearchPath::Results::write 0 1 254 10 /** * */ 80 void DSearchPath::Results::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const; 513 11 DSearchPath 0 260 597 24 DSearchPath::DSearchPath 0 4 225 226 227 228 22 /** * */ /** * */ 247 DSearchPath::DSearchPath(void) = default; DSearchPath::DSearchPath(std::string const &path, std::string const &separator = string()); DSearchPath::DSearchPath(Filename const &directory); DSearchPath::DSearchPath(DSearchPath const ©) = default; 514 12 ~DSearchPath 0 516 597 25 DSearchPath::~DSearchPath 0 0 0 42 DSearchPath::~DSearchPath(void) = default; 515 10 operator = 0 4 597 23 DSearchPath::operator = 0 1 229 0 64 void DSearchPath::operator =(DSearchPath const ©) = default; 516 5 clear 0 4 597 18 DSearchPath::clear 0 1 230 60 /** * Removes all the directories from the search list. */ 30 void DSearchPath::clear(void); 517 16 append_directory 0 4 597 29 DSearchPath::append_directory 0 1 231 62 /** * Adds a new directory to the end of the search list. */ 62 void DSearchPath::append_directory(Filename const &directory); 518 17 prepend_directory 0 4 597 30 DSearchPath::prepend_directory 0 1 232 64 /** * Adds a new directory to the front of the search list. */ 63 void DSearchPath::prepend_directory(Filename const &directory); 519 11 append_path 0 4 597 24 DSearchPath::append_path 0 2 233 234 198 /** * Adds all of the directories listed in the search path to the end of the * search list. */ /** * Adds all of the directories listed in the search path to the end of the * search list. */ 152 void DSearchPath::append_path(std::string const &path, std::string const &separator = string()); void DSearchPath::append_path(DSearchPath const &path); 520 12 prepend_path 0 4 597 25 DSearchPath::prepend_path 0 1 235 104 /** * Adds all of the directories listed in the search path to the beginning of * the search list. */ 56 void DSearchPath::prepend_path(DSearchPath const &path); 521 8 is_empty 0 4 597 21 DSearchPath::is_empty 0 1 236 69 /** * Returns true if the search list is empty, false otherwise. */ 39 bool DSearchPath::is_empty(void) const; 522 19 get_num_directories 0 4 597 32 DSearchPath::get_num_directories 0 1 237 64 /** * Returns the number of directories on the search list. */ 57 std::size_t DSearchPath::get_num_directories(void) const; 523 13 get_directory 0 4 597 26 DSearchPath::get_directory 0 1 238 56 /** * Returns the nth directory on the search list. */ 64 Filename const &DSearchPath::get_directory(std::size_t n) const; 524 9 find_file 0 4 597 22 DSearchPath::find_file 0 1 239 197 /** * Searches all the directories in the search list for the indicated file, in * order. Returns the full matching pathname of the first match if found, or * the empty string if not found. */ 64 Filename DSearchPath::find_file(Filename const &filename) const; 525 14 find_all_files 0 4 597 27 DSearchPath::find_all_files 0 2 240 241 549 /** * This variant of find_all_files() returns the new Results object, instead of * filling on in on the parameter list. This is a little more convenient to * call from Python. */ /** * Searches all the directories in the search list for the indicated file, in * order. Fills up the results list with *all* of the matching filenames * found, if any. Returns the number of matches found. * * It is the responsibility of the the caller to clear the results list first; * otherwise, the newly-found files will be appended to the list. */ 192 std::size_t DSearchPath::find_all_files(Filename const &filename, DSearchPath::Results &results) const; inline DSearchPath::Results DSearchPath::find_all_files(Filename const &filename) const; 526 11 search_path 0 4 597 24 DSearchPath::search_path 0 1 242 251 /** * A quick-and-easy way to search a searchpath for a file when you don't feel * like building or keeping around a DSearchPath object. This simply * constructs a temporary DSearchPath based on the indicated path string, and * searches that. */ 140 static inline Filename DSearchPath::search_path(Filename const &filename, std::string const &path, std::string const &separator = string()); 527 6 output 0 4 597 19 DSearchPath::output 0 1 243 10 /** * */ 91 void DSearchPath::output(std::ostream &out, std::string const &separator = string()) const; 528 5 write 0 4 597 18 DSearchPath::write 0 1 244 10 /** * */ 71 void DSearchPath::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const; 529 24 has_environment_variable 0 4 600 46 ExecutionEnvironment::has_environment_variable 0 1 256 73 /** * Returns true if the indicated environment variable is defined. */ 90 static inline bool ExecutionEnvironment::has_environment_variable(std::string const &var); 530 24 get_environment_variable 0 4 600 46 ExecutionEnvironment::get_environment_variable 0 1 257 125 /** * Returns the definition of the indicated environment variable, or the empty * string if the variable is undefined. */ 97 static inline std::string ExecutionEnvironment::get_environment_variable(std::string const &var); 531 24 set_environment_variable 0 4 600 46 ExecutionEnvironment::set_environment_variable 0 1 258 72 /** * Changes the definition of the indicated environment variable. */ 116 static inline void ExecutionEnvironment::set_environment_variable(std::string const &var, std::string const &value); 532 27 shadow_environment_variable 0 4 600 49 ExecutionEnvironment::shadow_environment_variable 0 1 259 269 /** * Changes the apparent definition of the indicated environment variable by * masking it within this class with a new value. This does not change the * actual environment variable, but future calls to get_environment_variable() * will return this new value. */ 119 static inline void ExecutionEnvironment::shadow_environment_variable(std::string const &var, std::string const &value); 533 12 clear_shadow 0 4 600 34 ExecutionEnvironment::clear_shadow 0 1 260 140 /** * Removes a value set by a previous call to shadow_environment_variable(), * and lets the actual value of the variable show again. */ 78 static inline void ExecutionEnvironment::clear_shadow(std::string const &var); 534 13 expand_string 0 4 600 35 ExecutionEnvironment::expand_string 0 1 261 220 /** * Reads the string, looking for environment variable names marked by a $. * Expands all such variable names. A repeated dollar sign ($$) is mapped to * a single dollar sign. * * Returns the expanded string. */ 79 static std::string ExecutionEnvironment::expand_string(std::string const &str); 535 12 get_num_args 0 4 600 34 ExecutionEnvironment::get_num_args 0 1 262 106 /** * Returns the number of command-line arguments available, not counting arg 0, * the binary name. */ 67 static inline std::size_t ExecutionEnvironment::get_num_args(void); 536 7 get_arg 0 4 600 29 ExecutionEnvironment::get_arg 0 1 263 194 /** * Returns the nth command-line argument. The index n must be in the range [0 * .. get_num_args()). The first parameter, n == 0, is the first actual * parameter, not the binary name. */ 71 static inline std::string ExecutionEnvironment::get_arg(std::size_t n); 537 15 get_binary_name 0 4 600 37 ExecutionEnvironment::get_binary_name 0 1 264 107 /** * Returns the name of the binary executable that started this program, if it * can be determined. */ 70 static inline std::string ExecutionEnvironment::get_binary_name(void); 538 14 get_dtool_name 0 4 600 36 ExecutionEnvironment::get_dtool_name 0 1 265 105 /** * Returns the name of the libdtool DLL that is used in this program, if it * can be determined. */ 69 static inline std::string ExecutionEnvironment::get_dtool_name(void); 539 15 set_binary_name 0 4 600 37 ExecutionEnvironment::set_binary_name 0 1 266 22 /** * Do not use. */ 82 static inline void ExecutionEnvironment::set_binary_name(std::string const &name); 540 14 set_dtool_name 0 4 600 36 ExecutionEnvironment::set_dtool_name 0 1 267 22 /** * Do not use. */ 81 static inline void ExecutionEnvironment::set_dtool_name(std::string const &name); 541 7 get_cwd 0 4 600 29 ExecutionEnvironment::get_cwd 0 1 268 61 /** * Returns the name of the current working directory. */ 52 static Filename ExecutionEnvironment::get_cwd(void); 542 20 ExecutionEnvironment 0 260 600 42 ExecutionEnvironment::ExecutionEnvironment 0 1 255 102 /** * You shouldn't need to construct one of these; there's only one and it * constructs itself. */ 90 inline ExecutionEnvironment::ExecutionEnvironment(ExecutionEnvironment const &) = default; 543 21 ~ExecutionEnvironment 0 516 600 43 ExecutionEnvironment::~ExecutionEnvironment 0 0 0 50 ExecutionEnvironment::~ExecutionEnvironment(void); 544 11 GlobPattern 0 260 601 24 GlobPattern::GlobPattern 0 2 269 270 22 /** * */ /** * */ 129 inline GlobPattern::GlobPattern(std::string const &pattern = string()); inline GlobPattern::GlobPattern(GlobPattern const ©); 545 10 operator = 0 4 601 23 GlobPattern::operator = 0 1 271 0 61 inline void GlobPattern::operator =(GlobPattern const ©); 546 11 operator == 0 4 601 24 GlobPattern::operator == 0 1 272 0 69 inline bool GlobPattern::operator ==(GlobPattern const &other) const; 547 11 operator != 0 4 601 24 GlobPattern::operator != 0 1 273 0 69 inline bool GlobPattern::operator !=(GlobPattern const &other) const; 548 10 operator < 0 4 601 23 GlobPattern::operator < 0 1 274 0 68 inline bool GlobPattern::operator <(GlobPattern const &other) const; 549 11 set_pattern 0 4 601 24 GlobPattern::set_pattern 0 1 275 74 /** * Changes the pattern string that the GlobPattern object matches. */ 65 inline void GlobPattern::set_pattern(std::string const &pattern); 550 11 get_pattern 0 4 601 24 GlobPattern::get_pattern 0 1 276 74 /** * Returns the pattern string that the GlobPattern object matches. */ 63 inline std::string const &GlobPattern::get_pattern(void) const; 551 18 set_case_sensitive 0 4 601 31 GlobPattern::set_case_sensitive 0 1 277 122 /** * Sets whether the match is case sensitive (true) or case insensitive * (false). The default is case sensitive. */ 65 inline void GlobPattern::set_case_sensitive(bool case_sensitive); 552 18 get_case_sensitive 0 4 601 31 GlobPattern::get_case_sensitive 0 1 278 125 /** * Returns whether the match is case sensitive (true) or case insensitive * (false). The default is case sensitive. */ 56 inline bool GlobPattern::get_case_sensitive(void) const; 553 17 set_nomatch_chars 0 4 601 30 GlobPattern::set_nomatch_chars 0 1 279 72 /** * Specifies a set of characters that are not matched by * or ?. */ 77 inline void GlobPattern::set_nomatch_chars(std::string const &nomatch_chars); 554 17 get_nomatch_chars 0 4 601 30 GlobPattern::get_nomatch_chars 0 1 280 72 /** * Returns the set of characters that are not matched by * or ?. */ 69 inline std::string const &GlobPattern::get_nomatch_chars(void) const; 555 7 matches 0 4 601 20 GlobPattern::matches 0 1 281 85 /** * Returns true if the candidate string matches the pattern, false otherwise. */ 69 inline bool GlobPattern::matches(std::string const &candidate) const; 556 12 matches_file 0 4 601 25 GlobPattern::matches_file 0 1 282 273 /** * Treats the GlobPattern as a filename pattern, and returns true if the given * filename matches the pattern. Unlike matches(), this will not match slash * characters for single asterisk characters, and it will ignore path * components that only contain a dot. */ 57 bool GlobPattern::matches_file(Filename candidate) const; 557 6 output 0 4 601 19 GlobPattern::output 0 1 283 10 /** * */ 57 inline void GlobPattern::output(std::ostream &out) const; 558 19 has_glob_characters 0 4 601 32 GlobPattern::has_glob_characters 0 1 284 124 /** * Returns true if the pattern includes any special globbing characters, or * false if it is just a literal string. */ 50 bool GlobPattern::has_glob_characters(void) const; 559 16 get_const_prefix 0 4 601 29 GlobPattern::get_const_prefix 0 1 285 265 /** * Returns the initial part of the pattern before the first glob character. * Since many glob patterns begin with a sequence of static characters and end * with one or more glob characters, this can be used to optimized searches * through sorted indices. */ 54 std::string GlobPattern::get_const_prefix(void) const; 560 11 match_files 0 4 601 24 GlobPattern::match_files 0 2 286 287 547 /** * Treats the GlobPattern as a filename pattern, and returns a list of any * actual files that match the pattern. This is the behavior of the standard * Posix glob() function. Any part of the filename may contain glob * characters, including intermediate directory names. * * If cwd is specified, it is the directory that relative filenames are taken * to be relative to; otherwise, the actual current working directory is * assumed. * * The return value is the number of files matched, which are added to the * results vector. */ 169 int GlobPattern::match_files(vector_string &results, Filename const &cwd = Filename()) const; PyObject *GlobPattern::match_files(Filename const &cwd = Filename()) const; 561 12 ~GlobPattern 0 516 601 25 GlobPattern::~GlobPattern 0 0 0 32 GlobPattern::~GlobPattern(void); 562 10 LineStream 0 260 603 22 LineStream::LineStream 0 1 288 10 /** * */ 36 inline LineStream::LineStream(void); 563 17 is_text_available 0 4 603 29 LineStream::is_text_available 0 1 289 198 /** * Returns true if there is at least one line of text (or even a partial line) * available in the LineStream object. If this returns true, the line may * then be retrieved via get_line(). */ 54 inline bool LineStream::is_text_available(void) const; 564 8 get_line 0 4 603 20 LineStream::get_line 0 1 290 275 /** * Extracts and returns the next line (or partial line) of text available in * the LineStream object. Once the line has been extracted, you may call * has_newline() to determine whether or not there was an explicit newline * character written following this line. */ 46 inline std::string LineStream::get_line(void); 565 11 has_newline 0 4 603 23 LineStream::has_newline 0 1 291 206 /** * Returns true if the line of text most recently returned by get_line() was * written out with a terminating newline, or false if a newline character has * not yet been written to the LineStream. */ 48 inline bool LineStream::has_newline(void) const; 566 11 ~LineStream 0 516 603 23 LineStream::~LineStream 0 0 0 30 LineStream::~LineStream(void); 291 1 0 0 6 7 596 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 604 2 0 0 6 8 596 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 604 3 0 0 6 9 596 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 604 4 0 0 6 10 596 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 604 5 0 0 4 11 607 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 606 6 0 0 7 34 608 318 0 0 0 7 0 0 4 35 607 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 608 8 0 0 4 32 607 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 609 9 0 0 6 21 610 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 609 10 0 0 6 30 611 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 609 11 0 0 6 17 595 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 610 12 0 0 6 18 612 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 610 13 0 0 4 19 607 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 610 3 pos 1 612 14 0 0 4 19 607 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 610 3 off 1 612 3 dir 1 569 15 0 0 6 16 606 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 610 16 0 0 4 25 607 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 611 1 c 1 614 17 0 0 4 26 607 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 611 18 0 0 6 27 612 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 611 19 0 0 4 28 607 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 611 3 pos 1 612 20 0 0 4 28 607 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 611 3 off 1 612 3 dir 1 569 21 0 0 6 24 606 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 611 22 0 0 7 38 615 321 0 0 0 23 0 0 4 39 607 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 615 24 0 0 7 43 616 324 0 0 0 25 0 0 4 44 607 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 616 26 0 0 7 47 617 326 0 10 /** * */ 0 27 0 0 7 47 617 326 0 10 /** * */ 2 8 filename 1 618 4 mode 5 570 28 0 0 4 49 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 3 4 this 3 617 8 filename 1 618 4 mode 5 570 29 0 0 4 50 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 617 30 0 0 7 52 619 330 0 10 /** * */ 0 31 0 0 7 52 619 330 0 10 /** * */ 2 8 filename 1 618 4 mode 5 570 32 0 0 4 54 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 3 4 this 3 619 8 filename 1 618 4 mode 5 570 33 0 0 4 55 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 619 34 0 0 7 57 620 334 0 10 /** * */ 0 35 0 0 7 57 620 334 0 10 /** * */ 2 8 filename 1 618 4 mode 5 570 36 0 0 4 59 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 3 4 this 3 620 8 filename 1 618 4 mode 5 570 37 0 0 4 60 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 620 38 0 0 7 66 621 338 0 10 /** * */ 0 39 0 0 15 66 621 338 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 copy 1 622 40 0 0 4 68 607 0 0 374 /** * Specifies how the string set via set_text() is to be interpreted. The * default, E_iso8859, means a standard string with one-byte characters (i.e. * ASCII). Other encodings are possible to take advantage of character sets * with more than 256 characters. * * This affects only future calls to set_text(); it does not change text that * was set previously. */ 2 4 this 3 621 8 encoding 1 586 41 0 0 6 69 586 0 0 116 /** * Returns the encoding by which the string set via set_text() is to be * interpreted. See set_encoding(). */ 1 4 this 3 622 42 0 0 4 70 607 0 0 126 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequently created * TextEncoder objects. See set_encoding(). */ 1 8 encoding 1 586 43 0 0 6 71 586 0 0 126 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequently created * TextEncoder objects. See set_encoding(). */ 0 44 0 0 36 73 607 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 621 4 text 1 587 45 0 0 36 73 607 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 621 4 text 1 587 8 encoding 1 586 46 0 0 4 74 607 0 0 49 /** * Removes the text from the TextEncoder. */ 1 4 this 3 621 47 0 0 6 75 596 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 622 48 0 0 4 76 607 0 0 118 /** * Adjusts the text stored within the encoder to all uppercase letters * (preserving accent marks correctly). */ 1 4 this 3 621 49 0 0 4 77 607 0 0 118 /** * Adjusts the text stored within the encoder to all lowercase letters * (preserving accent marks correctly). */ 1 4 this 3 621 50 0 0 38 78 587 0 0 80 /** * Returns the current text, as encoded via the current encoding system. */ 1 4 this 3 622 51 0 0 38 78 587 0 0 82 /** * Returns the current text, as encoded via the indicated encoding system. */ 2 4 this 3 622 8 encoding 1 586 52 0 0 36 79 607 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 621 4 text 1 587 53 0 0 4 80 607 0 0 128 /** * Appends a single character to the end of the stored text. This may be a * wide character, up to 16 bits in Unicode. */ 2 4 this 3 621 9 character 1 624 54 0 0 6 81 625 0 0 169 /** * Returns the number of characters in the stored text. This is a count of * wide characters, after the string has been decoded according to * set_encoding(). */ 1 4 this 3 622 55 0 0 6 82 595 0 0 196 /** * Returns the Unicode value of the nth character in the stored text. This * may be a wide character (greater than 255), after the string has been * decoded according to set_encoding(). */ 2 4 this 3 622 5 index 1 625 56 0 0 4 83 607 0 0 193 /** * Sets the Unicode value of the nth character in the stored text. This may * be a wide character (greater than 255), after the string has been decoded * according to set_encoding(). */ 3 4 this 3 621 5 index 1 625 9 character 1 624 57 0 0 6 84 618 0 0 101 /** * Returns the nth char of the stored text, as a one-, two-, or three-byte * encoded string. */ 2 4 this 3 622 5 index 1 625 58 0 0 6 84 618 0 0 101 /** * Returns the nth char of the stored text, as a one-, two-, or three-byte * encoded string. */ 3 4 this 3 622 5 index 1 625 8 encoding 1 586 59 0 0 6 85 618 0 0 723 /** * Returns the text associated with the node, converted as nearly as possible * to a fully-ASCII representation. This means replacing accented letters * with their unaccented ASCII equivalents. * * It is possible that some characters in the string cannot be converted to * ASCII. (The string may involve symbols like the copyright symbol, for * instance, or it might involve letters in some other alphabet such as Greek * or Cyrillic, or even Latin letters like thorn or eth that are not part of * the ASCII character set.) In this case, as much of the string as possible * will be converted to ASCII, and the nonconvertible characters will remain * encoded in the encoding specified by set_encoding(). */ 1 4 this 3 622 60 0 0 6 86 618 0 0 277 /** * Given the indicated text string, which is assumed to be encoded via the * encoding "from", decodes it and then reencodes it into the encoding "to", * and returns the newly encoded string. This does not change or affect any * properties on the TextEncoder itself. */ 3 4 text 1 618 4 from 1 586 2 to 1 586 61 0 0 6 87 596 0 0 152 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is an alphabetic letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isalpha(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 62 0 0 6 88 596 0 0 147 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a numeric digit, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isdigit(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 63 0 0 6 89 596 0 0 150 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a punctuation mark, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's ispunct(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 64 0 0 6 90 596 0 0 150 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a lowercase letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's islower(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 65 0 0 6 91 596 0 0 151 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is an uppercase letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isupper(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 66 0 0 6 92 596 0 0 151 /** * Returns true if the indicated character is a whitespace letter, false * otherwise. This is akin to ctype's isspace(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 67 0 0 6 93 595 0 0 135 /** * Returns the uppercase equivalent of the given Unicode character. This is * akin to ctype's toupper(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 68 0 0 6 94 595 0 0 135 /** * Returns the uppercase equivalent of the given Unicode character. This is * akin to ctype's tolower(), extended to Unicode. */ 1 9 character 1 624 69 0 0 6 95 618 0 0 103 /** * Converts the string to uppercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * default encoding. */ 1 6 source 1 618 70 0 0 6 95 618 0 0 105 /** * Converts the string to uppercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * indicated encoding. */ 2 6 source 1 618 8 encoding 1 586 71 0 0 6 96 618 0 0 103 /** * Converts the string to lowercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * default encoding. */ 1 6 source 1 618 72 0 0 6 96 618 0 0 105 /** * Converts the string to lowercase, assuming the string is encoded in the * indicated encoding. */ 2 6 source 1 618 8 encoding 1 586 73 0 0 4 97 607 0 0 191 /** * Changes the text that is stored in the encoder. Subsequent calls to * get_wtext() will return this same string, while get_text() will return the * encoded version of the string. */ 2 4 this 3 621 5 wtext 1 618 74 0 0 6 98 618 0 0 91 /** * Returns the text associated with the TextEncoder, as a wide-character * string. */ 1 4 this 3 622 75 0 0 4 99 607 0 0 85 /** * Appends the indicates string to the end of the stored wide-character text. */ 2 4 this 3 621 4 text 1 618 76 0 0 6 100 618 0 0 694 /** * Returns the text associated with the node, converted as nearly as possible * to a fully-ASCII representation. This means replacing accented letters * with their unaccented ASCII equivalents. * * It is possible that some characters in the string cannot be converted to * ASCII. (The string may involve symbols like the copyright symbol, for * instance, or it might involve letters in some other alphabet such as Greek * or Cyrillic, or even Latin letters like thorn or eth that are not part of * the ASCII character set.) In this case, as much of the string as possible * will be converted to ASCII, and the nonconvertible characters will remain * in their original form. */ 1 4 this 3 622 77 0 0 6 101 596 0 0 211 /** * Returns true if any of the characters in the string returned by get_wtext() * are out of the range of an ASCII character (and, therefore, get_wtext() * should be called in preference to get_text()). */ 1 4 this 3 622 78 0 0 38 102 587 0 0 136 /** * Encodes a single Unicode character into a one-, two-, three-, or four-byte * string, according to the given encoding system. */ 2 2 ch 1 624 8 encoding 1 586 79 0 0 38 103 587 0 0 102 /** * Encodes a wide-text string into a single-char string, according to the * current encoding. */ 2 4 this 3 622 5 wtext 1 618 80 0 0 38 103 587 0 0 100 /** * Encodes a wide-text string into a single-char string, according to the * given encoding. */ 2 5 wtext 1 618 8 encoding 1 586 81 0 0 38 104 587 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 622 4 text 1 587 82 0 0 38 104 587 0 0 0 2 4 text 1 587 8 encoding 1 586 83 0 0 7 111 627 477 0 37 /** * Creates an empty Filename. */ 0 84 0 0 23 111 627 477 0 146 /** * This constructor composes the filename out of a directory part and a * basename part. It will insert an intervening '/' if necessary. */ 2 7 dirname 1 628 8 basename 1 628 85 0 0 55 111 627 477 0 0 1 4 path 1 587 86 0 0 38 112 587 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 628 87 0 0 7 113 627 477 0 168 // Static constructors to explicitly create a filename that refers to a text // or binary file. This is in lieu of calling set_text() or set_binary() or // set_type(). 1 8 filename 1 628 88 0 0 7 113 627 477 0 10 /** * */ 1 8 filename 1 618 89 0 0 7 114 627 477 0 10 /** * */ 1 8 filename 1 628 90 0 0 7 114 627 477 0 10 /** * */ 1 8 filename 1 618 91 0 0 7 115 627 477 0 10 /** * */ 1 8 filename 1 618 92 0 0 7 116 627 477 0 10 /** * */ 1 8 filename 1 618 93 0 0 7 117 627 477 0 101 /** * Constructs a filename that represents a sequence of numbered files. See * set_pattern(). */ 1 8 filename 1 618 94 0 0 7 118 627 477 0 693 /** * This named constructor returns a Panda-style filename (that is, using * forward slashes, and no drive letter) based on the supplied filename string * that describes a filename in the local system conventions (for instance, on * Windows, it may use backslashes or begin with a drive letter and a colon). * * Use this function to create a Filename from an externally-given filename * string. Use to_os_specific() again later to reconvert it back to the local * operating system's conventions. * * This function will do the right thing even if the filename is partially * local conventions and partially Panda conventions; e.g. some backslashes * and some forward slashes. */ 2 11 os_specific 1 618 4 type 5 591 95 0 0 7 119 627 477 0 137 /** * The wide-string variant of from_os_specific(). Returns a new Filename, * converted from an os-specific wide-character string. */ 2 11 os_specific 1 618 4 type 5 591 96 0 0 7 120 627 477 0 221 /** * Returns the same thing as from_os_specific(), but embedded environment * variable references (e.g. "$DMODELS/foo.txt") are expanded out. It also * automatically elevates the file to its true case if needed. */ 2 11 user_string 1 618 4 type 5 591 97 0 0 7 121 627 477 0 398 /** * Generates a temporary filename within the indicated directory, using the * indicated prefix. If the directory is empty, a system-defined directory is * chosen instead. * * The generated filename did not exist when the Filename checked, but since * it does not specifically create the file, it is possible that another * process could simultaneously create a file by the same name. */ 4 7 dirname 1 618 6 prefix 1 618 6 suffix 5 618 4 type 5 591 98 0 0 6 122 628 0 0 200 /** * Returns a path to the user's home directory, if such a thing makes sense in * the current OS, or to the nearest equivalent. This may or may not be * directly writable by the application. */ 0 99 0 0 6 123 628 0 0 66 /** * Returns a path to a system-defined temporary directory. */ 0 100 0 0 6 124 628 0 0 170 /** * Returns a path to a system-defined directory appropriate for creating a * subdirectory for storing application-specific data, specific to the current * user. */ 0 101 0 0 6 125 628 0 0 158 /** * Returns a path to a system-defined directory appropriate for creating a * subdirectory for storing application-specific data, common to all users. */ 0 102 0 0 6 126 627 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 627 4 copy 1 628 103 0 0 6 126 627 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 627 8 filename 1 618 104 0 0 6 126 627 0 0 36 // Assignment is via the = operator. 2 4 this 3 627 8 filename 1 618 105 0 0 6 126 627 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 627 8 filename 1 618 106 0 0 6 128 618 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 628 107 0 0 6 129 596 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 628 108 0 0 6 130 625 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 628 109 0 0 6 131 614 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 628 1 n 1 625 110 0 0 38 132 587 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 628 111 0 0 38 133 587 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 628 112 0 0 6 134 618 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 628 5 begin 1 625 113 0 0 6 134 618 0 0 10 /** * */ 3 4 this 3 628 5 begin 1 625 3 end 1 625 114 0 0 6 135 627 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 627 5 other 1 618 115 0 0 7 136 627 477 0 0 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 618 116 0 0 7 137 627 477 0 0 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 628 117 0 0 39 138 627 477 0 0 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 628 118 0 0 6 139 618 0 0 140 /** * Returns the entire filename: directory, basename, extension. This is the * same thing returned by the string typecast operator. */ 1 4 this 3 628 119 0 0 6 140 618 0 0 66 /** * Returns the entire filename as a wide-character string. */ 1 4 this 3 628 120 0 0 6 141 618 0 0 139 /** * Returns the directory part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename up to, but not including the rightmost slash. */ 1 4 this 3 628 121 0 0 6 142 618 0 0 145 /** * Returns the basename part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename after the rightmost slash, including any extensions. */ 1 4 this 3 628 122 0 0 6 143 618 0 0 96 /** * Returns the full filename--directory and basename parts--except for the * extension. */ 1 4 this 3 628 123 0 0 6 144 618 0 0 81 /** * Returns the basename part of the filename, without the file extension. */ 1 4 this 3 628 124 0 0 6 145 618 0 0 140 /** * Returns the file extension. This is everything after the rightmost dot, if * there is one, or the empty string if there is not. */ 1 4 this 3 628 125 0 0 4 146 607 0 0 132 /** * Replaces the entire filename: directory, basename, extension. This can * also be achieved with the assignment operator. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 s 1 618 126 0 0 4 147 607 0 0 140 /** * Replaces the directory part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename up to, but not including the rightmost slash. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 s 1 618 127 0 0 4 148 607 0 0 146 /** * Replaces the basename part of the filename. This is everything in the * filename after the rightmost slash, including any extensions. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 s 1 618 128 0 0 4 149 607 0 0 97 /** * Replaces the full filename--directory and basename parts--except for the * extension. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 s 1 618 129 0 0 4 150 607 0 0 82 /** * Replaces the basename part of the filename, without the file extension. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 s 1 618 130 0 0 4 151 607 0 0 141 /** * Replaces the file extension. This is everything after the rightmost dot, * if there is one, or the empty string if there is not. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 s 1 618 131 0 0 4 152 607 0 0 235 // Setting these flags appropriately is helpful when opening or searching // for a file; it helps the Filename resolve OS-specific conventions (for // instance, that dynamic library names should perhaps be changed from .so // to .dll). 1 4 this 3 627 132 0 0 4 153 607 0 0 190 /** * Indicates that the filename represents a text file. This is primarily * relevant to the read_file() and write_file() methods, so they can set the * appropriate flags to the OS. */ 1 4 this 3 627 133 0 0 6 154 596 0 0 256 /** * Returns true if the Filename has been indicated to represent a binary file * via a previous call to set_binary(). It is possible that neither * is_binary() nor is_text() will be true, if neither set_binary() nor * set_text() was ever called. */ 1 4 this 3 628 134 0 0 6 155 596 0 0 252 /** * Returns true if the Filename has been indicated to represent a text file * via a previous call to set_text(). It is possible that neither is_binary() * nor is_text() will be true, if neither set_binary() nor set_text() was ever * called. */ 1 4 this 3 628 135 0 0 6 156 596 0 0 198 /** * Returns true either is_binary() or is_text() is true; that is, that the * filename has been specified as either binary or text. If this is false, * the filename has not been specified. */ 1 4 this 3 628 136 0 0 4 157 607 0 0 350 /** * Sets the type of the file represented by the filename. This is useful for * to_os_specific(), resolve_filename(), test_existence(), and all such real- * world access functions. It helps the Filename know how to map the internal * filename to the OS-specific filename (for instance, maybe executables * should have an .exe extension). */ 2 4 this 3 627 4 type 1 591 137 0 0 6 158 591 0 0 104 /** * Returns the type of the file represented by the filename, as previously set * by set_type(). */ 1 4 this 3 628 138 0 0 4 159 607 0 0 688 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether this is a filename pattern. When this is * true, the filename is understood to be a placeholder for a numbered * sequence of filename, such as an image sequence. In this case, a sequence * of one or more hash characters ("#") should appear in the filename string; * these characters will be filled in with the corresponding number (or more) * of digits representing the sequence number. Sequence numbers always begin * counting at 0. * * When this is true, methods like has_hash() and get_hash_to_end() and * get_filename_index() may be called. Methods like is_exists() will * implicitly test for existance of filename sequence 0. */ 2 4 this 3 627 7 pattern 1 596 139 0 0 6 160 596 0 0 97 /** * Returns the flag indicating whether this is a filename pattern. See * set_pattern(). */ 1 4 this 3 628 140 0 0 6 161 596 0 0 354 /** * Returns true if the filename is indicated to be a filename pattern (that * is, set_pattern(true) was called), and the filename pattern did include a * sequence of hash marks, or false if it was not a filename pattern or did * not include hash marks. If this is true, then get_filename_index() will * return a different filename each time. */ 1 4 this 3 628 141 0 0 7 162 627 477 0 388 /** * If the pattern flag is set for this Filename and the filename string * actually includes a sequence of hash marks, then this returns a new * Filename with the sequence of hash marks replaced by the indicated index * number. * * If the pattern flag is not set for this Filename or it does not contain a * sequence of hash marks, this quietly returns the original filename. */ 2 4 this 3 628 5 index 1 595 142 0 0 6 163 618 0 0 130 /** * Returns the part of the filename beginning at the hash sequence (if any), * and continuing to the end of the filename. */ 1 4 this 3 628 143 0 0 4 164 607 0 0 115 /** * Replaces the part of the filename from the beginning of the hash sequence * to the end of the filename. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 s 1 618 144 0 0 4 165 607 0 0 329 /** * Extracts out the individual directory components of the path into a series * of strings. get_basename() will be the last component stored in the * vector. Note that no distinction is made by this method between a leading * slash and no leading slash, but you can call is_local() to differentiate * the two cases. */ 2 4 this 3 628 10 components 1 629 145 0 0 4 166 607 0 0 216 /** * Converts the filename to standard form by replacing consecutive slashes * with a single slash, removing a trailing slash if present, and backing up * over .. sequences within the filename where possible. */ 1 4 this 3 627 146 0 0 6 167 596 0 0 146 /** * Returns true if the filename is local, e.g. does not begin with a slash, * or false if the filename is fully specified from the root. */ 1 4 this 3 628 147 0 0 6 168 596 0 0 444 /** * Returns true if the filename is fully qualified, e.g. begins with a slash. * This is almost, but not quite, the same thing as !is_local(). It's not * exactly the same because a special case is made for filenames that begin * with a single dot followed by a slash--these are considered to be fully * qualified (they are explicitly relative to the current directory, and do * not refer to a filename on a search path somewhere). */ 1 4 this 3 628 148 0 0 4 169 607 0 0 532 /** * Converts the filename to a fully-qualified pathname from the root (if it is * a relative pathname), and then standardizes it (see standardize()). * * This is sometimes a little problematic, since it may convert the file to * its 'true' absolute pathname, which could be an ugly NFS-named file, * irrespective of symbolic links (e.g. * /.automount/dimbo/root/usr2/fit/people/drose instead of /fit/people/drose); * besides being ugly, filenames like this may not be consistent across * multiple different platforms. */ 1 4 this 3 627 149 0 0 4 169 607 0 0 260 /** * Converts the filename to a fully-qualified filename from the root (if it is * a relative filename), and then standardizes it (see standardize()). This * flavor accepts a specific starting directory that the filename is known to * be relative to. */ 2 4 this 3 627 15 start_directory 1 628 150 0 0 6 170 596 0 0 906 /** * Converts this filename to a canonical name by replacing the directory part * with the fully-qualified directory part. This is done by changing to that * directory and calling getcwd(). * * This has the effect of (a) converting relative paths to absolute paths (but * see make_absolute() if this is the only effect you want), and (b) always * resolving a given directory name to the same string, even if different * symbolic links are traversed, and (c) changing nice symbolic-link paths * like fit/people/drose to ugly NFS automounter names like * hosts/dimbo/usr2/fit/people/drose. This can be troubling, but sometimes * this is exactly what you want, particularly if you're about to call * make_relative_to() between two filenames. * * The return value is true if successful, or false on failure (usually * because the directory name does not exist or cannot be chdir'ed into). */ 1 4 this 3 627 151 0 0 6 171 596 0 0 486 /** * On a case-insensitive operating system (e.g. Windows), this method looks * up the file in the file system and resets the Filename to represent the * actual case of the file as it exists on the disk. The return value is true * if the file exists and the conversion can be made, or false if there is * some error. * * On a case-sensitive operating system, this method does nothing and always * returns true. * * An empty filename is considered to exist in this case. */ 1 4 this 3 627 152 0 0 6 172 618 0 0 408 /** * Converts the filename from our generic Unix-like convention (forward * slashes starting with the root at '/') to the corresponding filename in the * local operating system (slashes in the appropriate direction, starting with * the root at C:\, for instance). Returns the string representing the * converted filename, but does not change the Filename itself. * * See also from_os_specific(). */ 1 4 this 3 628 153 0 0 6 173 618 0 0 55 /** * The wide-string variant on to_os_specific(). */ 1 4 this 3 628 154 0 0 6 174 618 0 0 499 /** * This is similar to to_os_specific(), but it is designed to generate a * filename that can be understood on as many platforms as possible. Since * Windows can usually understand a forward-slash-delimited filename, this * means it does the same thing as to_os_specific(), but it uses forward * slashes instead of backslashes. * * This method has a pretty limited use; it should generally be used for * writing file references to a file that might be read on any operating * system. */ 1 4 this 3 628 155 0 0 6 175 618 0 0 404 /** * This works like to_os_generic(), but it returns the "short name" version of * the filename, if it exists, or the original filename otherwise. * * On Windows platforms, this returns the 8.3 filename version of the given * filename, if the file exists, and the same thing as to_os_specific() * otherwise. On non-Windows platforms, this always returns the same thing as * to_os_specific(). */ 1 4 this 3 628 156 0 0 6 176 618 0 0 204 /** * This is the opposite of to_os_short_name(): it returns the "long name" of * the filename, if the filename exists. On non-Windows platforms, this * returns the same thing as to_os_specific(). */ 1 4 this 3 628 157 0 0 6 177 596 0 0 299 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk, false otherwise. * If the type is indicated to be executable, this also tests that the file has * execute permission. * * @see VirtualFileSystem::exists() for checking whether the filename exists in * the virtual file system. */ 1 4 this 3 628 158 0 0 6 178 596 0 0 297 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk and is the name of * a regular file (i.e. not a directory or device), false otherwise. * * @see VirtualFileSystem::is_regular_file() for checking whether the filename * exists and is a regular file in the virtual file system. */ 1 4 this 3 628 159 0 0 6 179 596 0 0 158 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk and is either a * directory or a regular file that can be written to, or false otherwise. */ 1 4 this 3 628 160 0 0 6 180 596 0 0 244 /** * Returns true if the filename exists on the physical disk and is a directory * name, false otherwise. * * @see VirtualFileSystem::is_directory() for checking whether the filename * exists as a directory in the virtual file system. */ 1 4 this 3 628 161 0 0 6 181 596 0 0 64 /** * Returns true if the filename exists and is executable */ 1 4 this 3 628 162 0 0 6 182 595 0 0 449 /** * Returns a number less than zero if the file named by this object is older * than the given file, zero if they have the same timestamp, or greater than * zero if this one is newer. * * If this_missing_is_old is true, it indicates that a missing file will be * treated as if it were older than any other file; otherwise, a missing file * will be treated as if it were newer than any other file. Similarly for * other_missing_is_old. */ 4 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 628 19 this_missing_is_old 5 596 20 other_missing_is_old 5 596 163 0 0 6 183 632 0 0 434 /** * Returns a time_t value that represents the time the file was last modified, * to within whatever precision the operating system records this information * (on a Windows95 system, for instance, this may only be accurate to within 2 * seconds). * * If the timestamp cannot be determined, either because it is not supported * by the operating system or because there is some error (such as file not * found), returns 0. */ 1 4 this 3 628 164 0 0 6 184 632 0 0 195 /** * Returns a time_t value that represents the time the file was last accessed, * if this information is available. See also get_timestamp(), which returns * the last modification time. */ 1 4 this 3 628 165 0 0 6 185 634 0 0 76 /** * Returns the size of the file in bytes, or 0 if there is an error. */ 1 4 this 3 628 166 0 0 6 186 596 0 0 174 /** * Searches the given search path for the filename. If it is found, updates * the filename to the full pathname found and returns true; otherwise, * returns false. */ 3 4 this 3 627 10 searchpath 1 635 17 default_extension 5 618 167 0 0 6 187 596 0 0 867 /** * Adjusts this filename, which must be a fully-specified pathname beginning * with a slash, to make it a relative filename, relative to the fully- * specified directory indicated (which must also begin with, and may or may * not end with, a slash--a terminating slash is ignored). * * This only performs a string comparsion, so it may be wise to call * make_canonical() on both filenames before calling make_relative_to(). * * If allow_backups is false, the filename will only be adjusted to be made * relative if it is already somewhere within or below the indicated * directory. If allow_backups is true, it will be adjusted in all cases, * even if this requires putting a series of .. characters before the filename * --unless it would have to back all the way up to the root. * * Returns true if the file was adjusted, false if it was not. */ 3 4 this 3 627 9 directory 1 627 13 allow_backups 5 596 168 0 0 6 188 595 0 0 455 /** * Performs the reverse of the resolve_filename() operation: assuming that the * current filename is fully-specified pathname (i.e. beginning with '/'), * look on the indicated search path for a directory under which the file can * be found. When found, adjust the Filename to be relative to the indicated * directory name. * * Returns the index of the directory on the searchpath at which the file was * found, or -1 if it was not found. */ 2 4 this 3 627 10 searchpath 1 635 169 0 0 38 189 587 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 628 170 0 0 6 189 596 0 0 481 /** * Attempts to open the named filename as if it were a directory and looks for * the non-hidden files within the directory. Fills the given vector up with * the sorted list of filenames that are local to this directory. * * It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the contents vector is empty * before making this call; otherwise, the new files will be appended to it. * * Returns true on success, false if the directory could not be read for some * reason. */ 2 4 this 3 628 8 contents 1 629 171 0 0 6 190 596 0 0 334 /** * Opens the indicated pifstream for reading the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ 2 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 637 172 0 0 6 190 596 0 0 333 /** * Opens the indicated ifstream for reading the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ 2 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 615 173 0 0 6 191 596 0 0 493 /** * Opens the indicated pifstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). * * If truncate is true, the file is truncated to zero length upon opening it, * if it already exists. Otherwise, the file is kept at its original length. */ 3 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 638 8 truncate 5 596 174 0 0 6 191 596 0 0 492 /** * Opens the indicated ifstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). * * If truncate is true, the file is truncated to zero length upon opening it, * if it already exists. Otherwise, the file is kept at its original length. */ 3 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 616 8 truncate 5 596 175 0 0 6 192 596 0 0 334 /** * Opens the indicated pifstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ 2 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 638 176 0 0 6 192 596 0 0 333 /** * Opens the indicated ofstream for writing the file, if possible. Returns * true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of the * set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; * it is an error to call open_read() without first calling one of set_text() * or set_binary(). */ 2 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 616 177 0 0 6 193 596 0 0 350 /** * Opens the indicated fstream for read/write access to the file, if possible. * Returns true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of * the set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as * indicated; it is an error to call open_read_write() without first calling * one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ 3 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 639 8 truncate 5 596 178 0 0 6 193 596 0 0 350 /** * Opens the indicated fstream for read/write access to the file, if possible. * Returns true if successful, false otherwise. This requires the setting of * the set_text()/set_binary() flags to open the file appropriately as * indicated; it is an error to call open_read_write() without first calling * one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ 3 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 608 8 truncate 5 596 179 0 0 6 194 596 0 0 389 /** * Opens the indicated pfstream for reading and writing the file, if possible; * writes are appended to the end of the file. Returns true if successful, * false otherwise. This requires the setting of the set_text()/set_binary() * flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call * open_read() without first calling one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ 2 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 639 180 0 0 6 194 596 0 0 389 /** * Opens the indicated ifstream for reading and writing the file, if possible; * writes are appended to the end of the file. Returns true if successful, * false otherwise. This requires the setting of the set_text()/set_binary() * flags to open the file appropriately as indicated; it is an error to call * open_read() without first calling one of set_text() or set_binary(). */ 2 4 this 3 628 6 stream 1 608 181 0 0 6 195 596 0 0 105 /** * Changes directory to the specified location. Returns true if successful, * false if failure. */ 1 4 this 3 628 182 0 0 6 196 596 0 0 193 /** * Updates the modification time of the file to the current time. If the file * does not already exist, it will be created. Returns true if successful, * false if there is an error. */ 1 4 this 3 628 183 0 0 6 197 596 0 0 221 /** * Permanently deletes the file associated with the filename, if possible. * Returns true if successful, false if failure (for instance, because the * file did not exist, or because permissions were inadequate). */ 1 4 this 3 628 184 0 0 6 198 596 0 0 187 /** * Renames the file to the indicated new filename. If the new filename is in * a different directory, this will perform a move. Returns true if * successful, false on failure. */ 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 628 185 0 0 6 199 596 0 0 230 /** * Copies the file to the indicated new filename, by reading the contents and * writing it to the new file. Returns true if successful, false on failure. * The copy is always binary, regardless of the filename settings. */ 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 628 186 0 0 6 200 596 0 0 409 /** * Creates all the directories in the path to the file specified in the * filename, except for the basename itself. This assumes that the Filename * contains the name of a file, not a directory name; it ensures that the * directory containing the file exists. * * However, if the filename ends in a slash, it assumes the Filename * represents the name of a directory, and creates all the paths. */ 1 4 this 3 628 187 0 0 6 201 596 0 0 265 /** * Creates the directory named by this filename. Unlike make_dir(), this * assumes that the Filename contains the directory name itself. Also, parent * directories are not automatically created; this function fails if any * parent directory is missing. */ 1 4 this 3 628 188 0 0 6 202 596 0 0 118 /** * The inverse of mkdir(): this removes the directory named by this Filename, * if it is in fact a directory. */ 1 4 this 3 628 189 0 0 6 203 596 0 0 34 // Comparison operators are handy. 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 618 190 0 0 6 204 596 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 618 191 0 0 6 205 596 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 618 192 0 0 6 206 595 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 628 5 other 1 628 193 0 0 6 207 596 0 0 349 /** * Returns true if the Filename is valid (not empty), or false if it is an * empty string. * * This implements the Python equivalent to operator bool. Defining an actual * operator bool method for C++ use would work too, but it seems to cause too * many ambiguities for the C++ compiler, so we use this Python-only approach * instead. */ 1 4 this 3 628 194 0 0 6 208 595 0 0 92 /** * Returns a hash code that attempts to be mostly unique for different * Filenames. */ 1 4 this 3 628 195 0 0 4 209 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 628 3 out 1 611 196 0 0 4 210 607 0 0 266 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequent Filenames. * This is used to represent wide-character (Unicode) filenames internally. * On non-Windows-based systems, the encoded filename is also passed to the * underlying operating system. */ 1 8 encoding 1 586 197 0 0 6 211 586 0 0 125 /** * Specifies the default encoding to be used for all subsequent Filenames * objects. See set_filesystem_encoding(). */ 0 198 0 0 7 212 641 0 0 0 0 199 0 0 6 127 618 0 0 60 // And retrieval is by any of the classic string operations. 1 4 this 3 628 200 0 0 6 215 618 0 0 184 /** * Returns the current version of Panda, expressed as a string, e.g. "1.0.0". * The string will end in the letter "c" if this build does not represent an * official version. */ 0 201 0 0 6 216 618 0 0 836 /** * Returns the version of the Panda3D distributable package that provides this * build of Panda. * * When the currently-executing version of Panda was loaded from a * distributable package, such as via the browser plugin, then this string * will be nonempty and will contain the corresponding version string. You * can build applications that use this particular version of Panda by * requesting it in the pdef file, using "panda3d", this version string, and * the download host provided by get_package_host_url(). * * If this string is empty, then the currently-executing Panda was built * independently, and is not part of a distributable package. * * This string is set explicitly at compilation time. Normally, it should be * set to a nonempty string only when building a Panda3D package for * distribution. */ 0 202 0 0 6 217 618 0 0 503 /** * Returns the URL of the download server that provides the Panda3D * distributable package currently running. This can be used, along with the * get_package_version_string(), to uniquely identify the running version of * Panda among distributable Panda versions. * * See get_package_version_string() for more information. * * This string is set explicitly at compilation time. Normally, it should be * set to a nonempty string only when building a Panda3D package for * distribution. */ 0 203 0 0 6 218 618 0 0 549 /** * Returns the current version of Panda's Core API, expressed as a string of * dot-delimited integers. There are usually four integers in this version, * but this is not guaranteed. * * The Core API is used during the runtime (plugin) environment only. This * may be the empty string if the current version of Panda is not built to * provide a particular Core API, which will be the normal case in a * development SDK. However, you should not use this method to determine * whether you are running in a runtime environment or not. */ 0 204 0 0 6 219 595 0 0 188 /** * Returns the major version number of the current version of Panda. This is * the first number of the dotted triple returned by get_version_string(). It * changes very rarely. */ 0 205 0 0 6 220 595 0 0 223 /** * Returns the minor version number of the current version of Panda. This is * the second number of the dotted triple returned by get_version_string(). * It changes with each release that introduces new features. */ 0 206 0 0 6 221 595 0 0 229 /** * Returns the sequence version number of the current version of Panda. This * is the third number of the dotted triple returned by get_version_string(). * It changes with bugfix updates and very minor feature updates. */ 0 207 0 0 6 222 596 0 0 391 /** * Returns true if current version of Panda claims to be an "official" * version, that is, one that was compiled by an official distributor of Panda * using a specific version of the panda source tree. If this is true, there * will not be a "c" at the end of the version string returned by * get_version_string(). * * Note that we must take the distributor's word for it here. */ 0 208 0 0 6 223 595 0 0 74 /** * Returns the memory alignment that Panda's allocators are using. */ 0 209 0 0 6 224 618 0 0 213 /** * Returns the string defined by the distributor of this version of Panda, or * "homebuilt" if this version was built directly from the sources by the end- * user. This is a completely arbitrary string. */ 0 210 0 0 6 225 618 0 0 152 /** * Returns a string representing the compiler that was used to generate this * version of Panda, if it is available, or "unknown" if it is not. */ 0 211 0 0 6 226 618 0 0 140 /** * Returns a string representing the date and time at which this version of * Panda (or at least dtool) was compiled, if available. */ 0 212 0 0 6 227 618 0 0 162 /** * Returns a string representing the git commit hash that this source tree is * based on, or the empty string if it has not been specified at build time. */ 0 213 0 0 6 228 618 0 0 170 /** * Returns a string representing the runtime platform that we are currently * running on. This will be something like "win32" or "osx_i386" or * "linux_amd64". */ 0 214 0 0 6 244 596 0 0 188 /** * Returns true if the current version of Panda claims to have the indicated * subsystem installed, false otherwise. The set of available subsystems is * implementation defined. */ 2 4 this 3 642 6 system 1 618 215 0 0 6 245 625 0 0 189 /** * Returns the number of Panda subsystems that have registered themselves. * This can be used with get_system() to iterate through the entire list of * available Panda subsystems. */ 1 4 this 3 642 216 0 0 6 246 618 0 0 122 /** * Returns the nth Panda subsystem that has registered itself. This list will * be sorted in alphabetical order. */ 2 4 this 3 642 1 n 1 625 217 0 0 6 249 618 0 0 368 /** * Returns the value associated with the indicated tag for the given system. * This provides a standard way to query each subsystem's advertised * capabilities. The set of tags and values are per-system and * implementation-defined. * * The return value is the empty string if the indicated system is undefined * or if does not define the indicated tag. */ 3 4 this 3 642 6 system 1 618 3 tag 1 618 218 0 0 4 250 607 0 0 76 /** * Intended for use by each subsystem to register itself at startup. */ 2 4 this 3 644 6 system 1 618 219 0 0 4 251 607 0 0 96 /** * Intended for use by each subsystem to register its set of capabilities at * startup. */ 4 4 this 3 644 6 system 1 618 3 tag 1 618 5 value 1 618 220 0 0 6 252 596 0 0 414 /** * Attempts to release memory back to the system, if possible. The pad * argument is the minimum amount of unused memory to keep in the heap * (against future allocations). Any memory above that may be released to the * system, reducing the memory size of this process. There is no guarantee * that any memory may be released. * * Returns true if any memory was actually released, false otherwise. */ 2 4 this 3 644 3 pad 1 625 221 0 0 4 253 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 642 3 out 1 611 222 0 0 4 254 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 642 3 out 1 611 223 0 0 6 255 644 0 0 49 /** * Returns the global PandaSystem object. */ 0 224 0 0 7 256 641 0 0 0 0 225 0 0 7 269 645 514 0 0 0 226 0 0 15 269 645 514 0 0 1 4 copy 1 635 227 0 0 23 269 645 514 0 10 /** * */ 1 9 directory 1 628 228 0 0 23 269 645 514 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 path 1 618 9 separator 5 618 229 0 0 6 271 645 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 645 4 copy 1 635 230 0 0 4 272 607 0 0 60 /** * Removes all the directories from the search list. */ 1 4 this 3 645 231 0 0 4 273 607 0 0 62 /** * Adds a new directory to the end of the search list. */ 2 4 this 3 645 9 directory 1 628 232 0 0 4 274 607 0 0 64 /** * Adds a new directory to the front of the search list. */ 2 4 this 3 645 9 directory 1 628 233 0 0 4 275 607 0 0 98 /** * Adds all of the directories listed in the search path to the end of the * search list. */ 2 4 this 3 645 4 path 1 635 234 0 0 4 275 607 0 0 98 /** * Adds all of the directories listed in the search path to the end of the * search list. */ 3 4 this 3 645 4 path 1 618 9 separator 5 618 235 0 0 4 276 607 0 0 104 /** * Adds all of the directories listed in the search path to the beginning of * the search list. */ 2 4 this 3 645 4 path 1 635 236 0 0 6 277 596 0 0 69 /** * Returns true if the search list is empty, false otherwise. */ 1 4 this 3 635 237 0 0 6 278 625 0 0 64 /** * Returns the number of directories on the search list. */ 1 4 this 3 635 238 0 0 6 279 628 0 0 56 /** * Returns the nth directory on the search list. */ 2 4 this 3 635 1 n 1 625 239 0 0 7 283 627 477 0 197 /** * Searches all the directories in the search list for the indicated file, in * order. Returns the full matching pathname of the first match if found, or * the empty string if not found. */ 2 4 this 3 635 8 filename 1 628 240 0 0 7 284 646 505 0 184 /** * This variant of find_all_files() returns the new Results object, instead of * filling on in on the parameter list. This is a little more convenient to * call from Python. */ 2 4 this 3 635 8 filename 1 628 241 0 0 6 284 625 0 0 363 /** * Searches all the directories in the search list for the indicated file, in * order. Fills up the results list with *all* of the matching filenames * found, if any. Returns the number of matches found. * * It is the responsibility of the the caller to clear the results list first; * otherwise, the newly-found files will be appended to the list. */ 3 4 this 3 635 8 filename 1 628 7 results 1 646 242 0 0 7 285 627 477 0 251 /** * A quick-and-easy way to search a searchpath for a file when you don't feel * like building or keeping around a DSearchPath object. This simply * constructs a temporary DSearchPath based on the indicated path string, and * searches that. */ 3 8 filename 1 628 4 path 1 618 9 separator 5 618 243 0 0 4 286 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 3 4 this 3 635 3 out 1 611 9 separator 5 618 244 0 0 4 287 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 3 4 this 3 635 3 out 1 611 12 indent_level 5 595 245 0 0 7 259 646 505 0 10 /** * */ 0 246 0 0 15 259 646 505 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 copy 1 647 247 0 0 6 260 646 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 646 4 copy 1 647 248 0 0 4 262 607 0 0 47 /** * Removes all the files from the list. */ 1 4 this 3 646 249 0 0 6 263 625 0 0 58 /** * Returns the number of files on the result list. */ 1 4 this 3 647 250 0 0 6 264 628 0 0 51 /** * Returns the nth file on the result list. */ 2 4 this 3 647 1 n 1 625 251 0 0 7 265 627 477 0 0 2 4 this 3 647 1 n 1 625 252 0 0 6 266 625 0 0 136 /** * Returns the num of filenames in the set. This method is defined to make * the Results object appear to be a list in Python. */ 1 4 this 3 647 253 0 0 4 267 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 647 3 out 1 611 254 0 0 4 268 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 3 4 this 3 647 3 out 1 611 12 indent_level 5 595 255 0 0 15 307 651 543 0 0 1 6 param0 0 649 256 0 0 6 289 596 0 0 73 /** * Returns true if the indicated environment variable is defined. */ 1 3 var 1 618 257 0 0 6 290 618 0 0 125 /** * Returns the definition of the indicated environment variable, or the empty * string if the variable is undefined. */ 1 3 var 1 618 258 0 0 4 291 607 0 0 72 /** * Changes the definition of the indicated environment variable. */ 2 3 var 1 618 5 value 1 618 259 0 0 4 292 607 0 0 269 /** * Changes the apparent definition of the indicated environment variable by * masking it within this class with a new value. This does not change the * actual environment variable, but future calls to get_environment_variable() * will return this new value. */ 2 3 var 1 618 5 value 1 618 260 0 0 4 293 607 0 0 140 /** * Removes a value set by a previous call to shadow_environment_variable(), * and lets the actual value of the variable show again. */ 1 3 var 1 618 261 0 0 6 294 618 0 0 220 /** * Reads the string, looking for environment variable names marked by a $. * Expands all such variable names. A repeated dollar sign ($$) is mapped to * a single dollar sign. * * Returns the expanded string. */ 1 3 str 1 618 262 0 0 6 295 625 0 0 106 /** * Returns the number of command-line arguments available, not counting arg 0, * the binary name. */ 0 263 0 0 6 296 618 0 0 194 /** * Returns the nth command-line argument. The index n must be in the range [0 * .. get_num_args()). The first parameter, n == 0, is the first actual * parameter, not the binary name. */ 1 1 n 1 625 264 0 0 6 297 618 0 0 107 /** * Returns the name of the binary executable that started this program, if it * can be determined. */ 0 265 0 0 6 298 618 0 0 105 /** * Returns the name of the libdtool DLL that is used in this program, if it * can be determined. */ 0 266 0 0 4 299 607 0 0 22 /** * Do not use. */ 1 4 name 1 618 267 0 0 4 300 607 0 0 22 /** * Do not use. */ 1 4 name 1 618 268 0 0 7 301 627 477 0 61 /** * Returns the name of the current working directory. */ 0 269 0 0 15 310 654 561 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 copy 1 652 270 0 0 23 310 654 561 0 10 /** * */ 1 7 pattern 5 618 271 0 0 6 311 654 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 654 4 copy 1 652 272 0 0 6 312 596 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 652 5 other 1 652 273 0 0 6 313 596 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 652 5 other 1 652 274 0 0 6 314 596 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 652 5 other 1 652 275 0 0 4 315 607 0 0 74 /** * Changes the pattern string that the GlobPattern object matches. */ 2 4 this 3 654 7 pattern 1 618 276 0 0 6 316 618 0 0 74 /** * Returns the pattern string that the GlobPattern object matches. */ 1 4 this 3 652 277 0 0 4 319 607 0 0 122 /** * Sets whether the match is case sensitive (true) or case insensitive * (false). The default is case sensitive. */ 2 4 this 3 654 14 case_sensitive 1 596 278 0 0 6 320 596 0 0 125 /** * Returns whether the match is case sensitive (true) or case insensitive * (false). The default is case sensitive. */ 1 4 this 3 652 279 0 0 4 322 607 0 0 72 /** * Specifies a set of characters that are not matched by * or ?. */ 2 4 this 3 654 13 nomatch_chars 1 618 280 0 0 6 323 618 0 0 72 /** * Returns the set of characters that are not matched by * or ?. */ 1 4 this 3 652 281 0 0 6 325 596 0 0 85 /** * Returns true if the candidate string matches the pattern, false otherwise. */ 2 4 this 3 652 9 candidate 1 618 282 0 0 6 326 596 0 0 273 /** * Treats the GlobPattern as a filename pattern, and returns true if the given * filename matches the pattern. Unlike matches(), this will not match slash * characters for single asterisk characters, and it will ignore path * components that only contain a dot. */ 2 4 this 3 652 9 candidate 1 627 283 0 0 4 327 607 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 this 3 652 3 out 1 611 284 0 0 6 328 596 0 0 124 /** * Returns true if the pattern includes any special globbing characters, or * false if it is just a literal string. */ 1 4 this 3 652 285 0 0 6 329 618 0 0 265 /** * Returns the initial part of the pattern before the first glob character. * Since many glob patterns begin with a sequence of static characters and end * with one or more glob characters, this can be used to optimized searches * through sorted indices. */ 1 4 this 3 652 286 0 0 38 330 587 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 652 3 cwd 5 628 287 0 0 6 330 595 0 0 547 /** * Treats the GlobPattern as a filename pattern, and returns a list of any * actual files that match the pattern. This is the behavior of the standard * Posix glob() function. Any part of the filename may contain glob * characters, including intermediate directory names. * * If cwd is specified, it is the directory that relative filenames are taken * to be relative to; otherwise, the actual current working directory is * assumed. * * The return value is the number of files matched, which are added to the * results vector. */ 3 4 this 3 652 7 results 1 629 3 cwd 5 628 288 0 0 7 333 655 566 0 10 /** * */ 0 289 0 0 6 334 596 0 0 198 /** * Returns true if there is at least one line of text (or even a partial line) * available in the LineStream object. If this returns true, the line may * then be retrieved via get_line(). */ 1 4 this 3 656 290 0 0 6 335 618 0 0 275 /** * Extracts and returns the next line (or partial line) of text available in * the LineStream object. Once the line has been extracted, you may call * has_newline() to determine whether or not there was an explicit newline * character written following this line. */ 1 4 this 3 655 291 0 0 6 336 596 0 0 206 /** * Returns true if the line of text most recently returned by get_line() was * written out with a terminating newline, or false if a newline character has * not yet been written to the LineStream. */ 1 4 this 3 656 91 567 17 basic_ios< char > 0 141313 22 std::basic_ios< char > 22 std::basic_ios< char > 0 0 0 0 298 0 5 293 294 295 296 297 0 0 1 0 568 0 0 0 0 0 568 8 ios_base 0 141313 13 std::ios_base 13 std::ios_base 0 0 0 0 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 569 570 571 144 // We need to expose one method in each class to force it to publish. // But we'd like to expose some of these methods anyway, so no // problem. 569 7 seekdir 0 794624 22 std::ios_base::seekdir 22 std::ios_base::seekdir 568 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 beg 18 std::ios_base::beg 0 0 3 cur 18 std::ios_base::cur 0 1 3 end 18 std::ios_base::end 0 2 0 0 570 8 openmode 0 794624 23 std::ios_base::openmode 23 std::ios_base::openmode 568 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 571 7 iostate 0 794624 22 std::ios_base::iostate 22 std::ios_base::iostate 568 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 572 7 fstream 0 141313 12 std::fstream 12 std::fstream 0 0 0 1 316 318 0 1 317 0 0 1 0 573 0 0 0 0 0 573 8 iostream 0 141313 13 std::iostream 13 std::iostream 0 0 0 0 315 0 1 314 0 0 2 3 574 304 305 3 575 312 313 0 0 0 574 7 istream 0 141313 12 std::istream 12 std::istream 0 0 0 0 303 0 3 300 301 302 0 0 1 5 567 299 0 0 0 0 575 7 ostream 0 141313 12 std::ostream 12 std::ostream 0 0 0 0 311 0 4 307 308 309 310 0 0 1 5 567 306 0 0 0 0 576 8 ifstream 0 141313 13 std::ifstream 13 std::ifstream 0 0 0 1 319 321 0 1 320 0 0 1 0 574 0 0 0 0 0 577 3 ios 0 2105345 8 std::ios 8 std::ios 0 0 567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 578 8 ofstream 0 141313 13 std::ofstream 13 std::ofstream 0 0 0 1 322 324 0 1 323 0 0 1 0 575 0 0 0 0 0 579 11 IFileStream 0 26625 11 IFileStream 11 IFileStream 0 0 0 1 325 326 0 2 327 328 0 0 1 0 574 0 0 0 0 303 /** * Implements a C++ stream object suitable for reading from files on disk. * This is similar to ifstream, but it provides low-level support for Panda's * simple-threading implementation (using this interface will block only the * current thread, rather than the entire process, on I/O waits). */ 580 11 OFileStream 0 26625 11 OFileStream 11 OFileStream 0 0 0 1 329 330 0 2 331 332 0 0 1 0 575 0 0 0 0 302 /** * Implements a C++ stream object suitable for writing to files on disk. This * is similar to ofstream, but it provides low-level support for Panda's * simple-threading implementation (using this interface will block only the * current thread, rather than the entire process, on I/O waits). */ 581 10 FileStream 0 26625 10 FileStream 10 FileStream 0 0 0 1 333 334 0 2 335 336 0 0 1 0 573 0 0 0 0 324 /** * Implements a C++ stream object suitable for reading from and/or writing to * files on disk. This is similar to fstream, but it provides low-level * support for Panda's simple-threading implementation (using this interface * will block only the current thread, rather than the entire process, on I/O * waits). */ 582 9 pifstream 0 2105345 9 pifstream 9 pifstream 0 0 579 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 583 9 pofstream 0 2105345 9 pofstream 9 pofstream 0 0 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 584 8 pfstream 0 2105345 8 pfstream 8 pfstream 0 0 581 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 585 11 TextEncoder 0 26625 11 TextEncoder 11 TextEncoder 0 0 0 1 337 338 2 658 659 36 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 0 0 0 0 1 586 399 /** * This class can be used to convert text between multiple representations, * e.g. UTF-8 to UTF-16. You may use it as a static class object, passing * the encoding each time, or you may create an instance and use that object, * which will record the current encoding and retain the current string. * * This class is also a base class of TextNode, which inherits this * functionality. */ 586 8 Encoding 0 794624 21 TextEncoder::Encoding 21 TextEncoder::Encoding 585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 E_iso8859 22 TextEncoder::E_iso8859 0 0 6 E_utf8 19 TextEncoder::E_utf8 0 1 9 E_utf16be 22 TextEncoder::E_utf16be 0 2 9 E_unicode 22 TextEncoder::E_unicode 33 // Deprecated alias for E_utf16be 2 0 0 587 10 PyObject * 0 8576 10 PyObject * 10 PyObject * 0 0 588 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 588 8 PyObject 0 2105344 8 PyObject 8 PyObject 0 0 589 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 589 7 _object 0 1024 7 _object 7 _object 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 590 8 Filename 0 141313 8 Filename 8 Filename 0 0 0 1 375 477 0 100 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 0 1 391 0 0 1 591 839 /** * The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file. Stores the full * pathname, and includes functions for extracting out the directory prefix * part and the file extension and stuff. * * A Filename is also aware of the mapping between the Unix-like filename * convention we use internally, and the local OS's specific filename * convention, and it knows how to perform basic OS-specific I/O, like testing * for file existence and searching a searchpath, as well as the best way to * open an fstream for reading or writing. * * Note that the methods of Filename that interact with the filesystem (such * as exists(), open_read(), etc.) directly interface with the operating system * and are not aware of Panda's virtual file system. To interact with the VFS, * use the methods on VirtualFileSystem instead. */ 591 4 Type 0 794624 14 Filename::Type 14 Filename::Type 590 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 T_general 19 Filename::T_general 74 // These type values must fit within the bits allocated for F_type, below. 0 5 T_dso 15 Filename::T_dso 0 1 12 T_executable 22 Filename::T_executable 0 2 0 0 592 11 PandaSystem 0 43009 11 PandaSystem 11 PandaSystem 0 0 0 0 0 12 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 25 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 1 681 0 0 0 0 217 /** * This class is used as a namespace to group several global properties of * Panda. Application developers can use this class to query the runtime * version or capabilities of the current Panda environment. */ 593 6 string 0 2105344 11 std::string 11 std::string 0 0 594 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 594 20 basic_string< char > 0 2048 25 std::basic_string< char > 25 std::basic_string< char > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 595 3 int 0 8194 3 int 3 int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 596 4 bool 0 8194 4 bool 4 bool 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 597 11 DSearchPath 0 26625 11 DSearchPath 11 DSearchPath 0 0 0 1 513 514 1 672 14 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 1 682 0 0 0 1 598 304 /** * This class stores a list of directories that can be searched, in order, to * locate a particular file. It is normally constructed by passing it a * traditional searchpath-style string, e.g. a list of directory names * delimited by spaces or colons, but it can also be built up explicitly. */ 598 7 Results 0 288769 20 DSearchPath::Results 20 DSearchPath::Results 597 0 0 1 503 505 0 8 504 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 0 0 0 0 0 0 599 14 Filename const 0 8832 14 Filename const 14 Filename const 0 0 590 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 20 ExecutionEnvironment 0 141313 20 ExecutionEnvironment 20 ExecutionEnvironment 0 0 0 1 542 543 5 673 674 675 676 677 13 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 0 0 0 0 0 232 /** * Encapsulates access to the environment variables and command-line arguments * at the time of execution. This is encapsulated to support accessing these * things during static init time, which seems to be risky at best. */ 601 11 GlobPattern 0 141313 11 GlobPattern 11 GlobPattern 0 0 0 1 544 561 3 678 679 680 16 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 0 0 0 0 0 538 /** * This class can be used to test for string matches against standard Unix- * shell filename globbing conventions. It serves as a portable standin for * the Posix fnmatch() call. * * A GlobPattern is given a pattern string, which can contain operators like * *, ?, and []. Then it can be tested against any number of candidate * strings; for each candidate, it will indicate whether the string matches * the pattern or not. It can be used, for example, to scan a directory for * all files matching a particular pattern. */ 602 12 string const 0 8832 17 std::string const 17 std::string const 0 0 593 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 603 10 LineStream 0 141313 10 LineStream 10 LineStream 0 0 0 1 562 566 0 3 563 564 565 0 0 1 0 575 0 0 0 0 454 /** * This is a special ostream that writes to a memory buffer, like ostrstream. * However, its contents can be continuously extracted as a sequence of lines * of text. * * Unlike ostrstream, which can only be extracted from once (and then the * buffer freezes and it can no longer be written to), the LineStream is not * otherwise affected when a line of text is extracted. More text can still * be written to it and continuously extracted. */ 604 25 basic_ios< char > const * 0 8576 30 std::basic_ios< char > const * 30 std::basic_ios< char > const * 0 0 605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 605 23 basic_ios< char > const 0 8832 28 std::basic_ios< char > const 28 std::basic_ios< char > const 0 0 567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 606 19 basic_ios< char > * 0 8576 24 std::basic_ios< char > * 24 std::basic_ios< char > * 0 0 567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 607 4 void 0 8194 4 void 4 void 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 608 9 fstream * 0 8576 14 std::fstream * 14 std::fstream * 0 0 572 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 609 10 iostream * 0 8576 15 std::iostream * 15 std::iostream * 0 0 573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 9 istream * 0 8576 14 std::istream * 14 std::istream * 0 0 574 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 611 9 ostream * 0 8576 14 std::ostream * 14 std::ostream * 0 0 575 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 612 9 streamoff 0 2105344 14 std::streamoff 14 std::streamoff 0 0 613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 613 13 long long int 0 8226 13 long long int 13 long long int 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 614 4 char 0 8194 4 char 4 char 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 615 10 ifstream * 0 8576 15 std::ifstream * 15 std::ifstream * 0 0 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 616 10 ofstream * 0 8576 15 std::ofstream * 15 std::ofstream * 0 0 578 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 617 13 IFileStream * 0 8576 13 IFileStream * 13 IFileStream * 0 0 579 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 618 13 atomic string 0 2 13 atomic string 13 atomic string 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 619 13 OFileStream * 0 8576 13 OFileStream * 13 OFileStream * 0 0 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 12 FileStream * 0 8576 12 FileStream * 12 FileStream * 0 0 581 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 621 13 TextEncoder * 0 8576 13 TextEncoder * 13 TextEncoder * 0 0 585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 622 19 TextEncoder const * 0 8576 19 TextEncoder const * 19 TextEncoder const * 0 0 623 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 623 17 TextEncoder const 0 8832 17 TextEncoder const 17 TextEncoder const 0 0 585 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 624 8 char32_t 0 8198 8 char32_t 8 char32_t 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 625 6 size_t 0 2105344 11 std::size_t 11 std::size_t 0 0 626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 626 22 unsigned long long int 0 8230 22 unsigned long long int 22 unsigned long long int 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 627 10 Filename * 0 8576 10 Filename * 10 Filename * 0 0 590 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 628 16 Filename const * 0 8576 16 Filename const * 16 Filename const * 0 0 599 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 629 15 vector_string * 0 8576 15 vector_string * 15 vector_string * 0 0 630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 630 13 vector_string 0 2105344 13 vector_string 13 vector_string 0 0 631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 631 17 pvector< string > 0 2048 22 pvector< std::string > 22 pvector< std::string > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 632 6 time_t 0 2105344 6 time_t 6 time_t 0 0 633 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 633 8 long int 0 8210 8 long int 8 long int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 634 10 streamsize 0 2105344 15 std::streamsize 15 std::streamsize 0 0 613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 635 19 DSearchPath const * 0 8576 19 DSearchPath const * 19 DSearchPath const * 0 0 636 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 636 17 DSearchPath const 0 8832 17 DSearchPath const 17 DSearchPath const 0 0 597 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 637 11 pifstream * 0 8576 11 pifstream * 11 pifstream * 0 0 582 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 638 11 pofstream * 0 8576 11 pofstream * 11 pofstream * 0 0 583 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 639 10 pfstream * 0 8576 10 pfstream * 10 pfstream * 0 0 584 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 10 TypeHandle 0 16779264 10 TypeHandle 10 TypeHandle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 732 /** * TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types. Any * C++ classes that inherit from some base class, and must be differentiated * at run time, should store a static TypeHandle object that can be queried * through a static member function named get_class_type(). Most of the time, * it is also desirable to inherit from TypedObject, which provides some * virtual functions to return the TypeHandle for a particular instance. * * At its essence, a TypeHandle is simply a unique identifier that is assigned * by the TypeRegistry. The TypeRegistry stores a tree of TypeHandles, so * that ancestry of a particular type may be queried, and the type name may be * retrieved for run-time display. */ 641 12 TypeHandle * 0 8576 12 TypeHandle * 12 TypeHandle * 0 0 640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 642 19 PandaSystem const * 0 8576 19 PandaSystem const * 19 PandaSystem const * 0 0 643 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 643 17 PandaSystem const 0 8832 17 PandaSystem const 17 PandaSystem const 0 0 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 644 13 PandaSystem * 0 8576 13 PandaSystem * 13 PandaSystem * 0 0 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 645 13 DSearchPath * 0 8576 13 DSearchPath * 13 DSearchPath * 0 0 597 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 646 9 Results * 0 8576 22 DSearchPath::Results * 22 DSearchPath::Results * 0 0 598 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 647 15 Results const * 0 8576 28 DSearchPath::Results const * 28 DSearchPath::Results const * 0 0 648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 648 13 Results const 0 8832 26 DSearchPath::Results const 26 DSearchPath::Results const 0 0 598 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 649 28 ExecutionEnvironment const * 0 8576 28 ExecutionEnvironment const * 28 ExecutionEnvironment const * 0 0 650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 650 26 ExecutionEnvironment const 0 8832 26 ExecutionEnvironment const 26 ExecutionEnvironment const 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 651 22 ExecutionEnvironment * 0 8576 22 ExecutionEnvironment * 22 ExecutionEnvironment * 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 652 19 GlobPattern const * 0 8576 19 GlobPattern const * 19 GlobPattern const * 0 0 653 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 653 17 GlobPattern const 0 8832 17 GlobPattern const 17 GlobPattern const 0 0 601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 654 13 GlobPattern * 0 8576 13 GlobPattern * 13 GlobPattern * 0 0 601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 655 12 LineStream * 0 8576 12 LineStream * 12 LineStream * 0 0 603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 656 18 LineStream const * 0 8576 18 LineStream const * 18 LineStream const * 0 0 657 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 657 16 LineStream const 0 8832 16 LineStream const 16 LineStream const 0 0 603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 658 16 default_encoding 0 6 586 342 341 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 TextEncoder::default_encoding 0 659 4 text 0 6 587 348 343 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 TextEncoder::text 0 660 14 version_string 0 2 593 478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 PandaSystem::version_string 0 661 13 major_version 0 2 595 482 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 PandaSystem::major_version 0 662 13 minor_version 0 2 595 483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 PandaSystem::minor_version 0 663 16 sequence_version 0 2 595 484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 PandaSystem::sequence_version 0 664 16 official_version 0 2 596 485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 PandaSystem::official_version 0 665 16 memory_alignment 0 2 595 486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 PandaSystem::memory_alignment 0 666 11 distributor 0 2 593 487 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 PandaSystem::distributor 0 667 8 compiler 0 2 593 488 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 PandaSystem::compiler 0 668 10 build_date 0 2 593 489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 PandaSystem::build_date 0 669 10 git_commit 0 2 593 490 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 PandaSystem::git_commit 0 670 8 platform 0 2 593 491 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 PandaSystem::platform 0 671 7 systems 0 66 593 494 0 0 0 0 493 0 0 20 PandaSystem::systems 0 672 11 directories 0 66 599 523 0 0 0 0 522 0 0 24 DSearchPath::directories 0 673 21 environment_variables 0 142 593 530 531 529 0 0 0 0 0 43 ExecutionEnvironment::environment_variables 0 674 4 args 0 66 593 536 0 0 0 0 535 0 0 26 ExecutionEnvironment::args 0 675 11 binary_name 0 6 593 537 539 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 ExecutionEnvironment::binary_name 0 676 10 dtool_name 0 6 593 538 540 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 ExecutionEnvironment::dtool_name 0 677 3 cwd 0 2 590 541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 ExecutionEnvironment::cwd 0 678 7 pattern 0 6 602 550 549 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 GlobPattern::pattern 0 679 14 case_sensitive 0 6 596 552 551 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 GlobPattern::case_sensitive 0 680 13 nomatch_chars 0 6 602 554 553 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 GlobPattern::nomatch_chars 0 2 681 11 get_systems 0 493 494 24 PandaSystem::get_systems 0 682 15 get_directories 0 522 523 28 DSearchPath::get_directories 0