from __future__ import annotations import base64 import collections import itertools import os import math import struct import urllib.parse import pprint # pylint: disable=unused-import from dataclasses import dataclass from panda3d.core import * # pylint: disable=wildcard-import import panda3d.core as p3d try: from panda3d import bullet HAVE_BULLET = True except ImportError: HAVE_BULLET = False from direct.stdpy.file import open # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from ._converter_maps import ( ATTRIB_CONTENT_MAP, ATTRIB_NAME_MAP, COMPONENT_FORMT_STR_MAP, COMPONENT_NUM_MAP, COMPONENT_SIZE_MAP, COMPONENT_TYPE_MAP, MAG_FILTER_MAP, MIN_FILTER_MAP, PRIMITIVE_MODE_MAP, WRAP_MODE_MAP, ) if LVector3 is LVector3f: CPTA_stdfloat = CPTA_float PTA_stdfloat = PTA_float else: CPTA_stdfloat = CPTA_double PTA_stdfloat = PTA_double @dataclass class GltfSettings: collision_shapes: str = 'builtin' skip_axis_conversion: bool = False no_srgb: bool = False legacy_materials: bool = False skip_animations: bool = False flatten_nodes: bool = False animation_fps: int = 30 def get_extras(gltf_data): extras = gltf_data.get('extras', {}) if not isinstance(extras, dict): # weird, but legal; fail silently for now return {} return extras def vlerp(veca: p3d.LVector3, vecb: p3d.LVector3, factor: float) -> p3d.LVector3: return veca * (1.0 - factor) + vecb * factor def slerp(quata: p3d.LQuaternion, quatb: p3d.LQuaternion, factor: float) -> p3d.LQuaternion: dot_product = if dot_product < 0.0: # take shorted path for negative dot product quata = -quata dot_product = -dot_product if dot_product > 0.9995: # close enough; just lerp retval = quata * (1.0 - factor) + quatb * factor retval.normalize() return retval # spherical linear interpolation theta0 = math.acos(dot_product) theta = factor * theta0 sin_theta = math.sin(theta) sin_theta0 = math.sin(theta0) scale_quata = math.cos(theta) - dot_product * sin_theta / sin_theta0 scale_quatb = sin_theta / sin_theta0 return quata * scale_quata + quatb * scale_quatb def get_next_time_index(currtime: float, time_buffer: 'list[float]') -> int: nextidx = 1 nexttime = time_buffer[nextidx] while currtime > nexttime and nextidx < len(time_buffer): nextidx += 1 nexttime = time_buffer[nextidx] return nextidx def get_lerp_factor(currtime: float, lasttime: float, nexttime: float) -> float: return max((currtime - lasttime) / (nexttime - lasttime), 1) @dataclass class CharInfo: character: p3d.Character nodepath: p3d.NodePath jvtmap: 'dict[int, p3d.JointVertexTransform]' cvsmap: 'dict[tuple[int, str], p3d.CharacterVertexSlider]' def __init__(self, name: str): self.character = p3d.Character(name) self.nodepath = p3d.NodePath(self.character) self.jvtmap = {} self.cvsmap = {} class Converter(): def __init__( self, filepath, settings=None ): if not isinstance(filepath, Filename): filepath = Filename.from_os_specific(filepath) if settings is None: settings = GltfSettings() self.filepath = filepath self.filedir = Filename(filepath.get_dirname()) self.settings = settings self.cameras = {} self.buffers = {} self.lights = {} self.textures = {} self.mat_states = {} self.mat_mesh_map = {} self.meshes = {} self.scenes = {} self.skeletons = {} self.joint_parents = {} self.characters = {} # Coordinate system transform matrix self.csxform = LMatrix4.convert_mat(CS_yup_right, CS_default) self.csxform_inv = LMatrix4.convert_mat(CS_default, CS_yup_right) self.compose_cs = CS_yup_right self._joint_nodes = set() # Scene props self.active_scene = NodePath(ModelRoot('default')) self.background_color = (0, 0, 0) self.active_camera = None def update(self, gltf_data): #pprint.pprint(gltf_data) skip_axis_conversion = ( 'extensionsUsed' in gltf_data and 'BP_zup' in gltf_data['extensionsUsed'] or self.settings.skip_axis_conversion ) if skip_axis_conversion: self.csxform = LMatrix4.ident_mat() self.csxform_inv = LMatrix4.ident_mat() self.compose_cs = CS_zup_right # Convert data for buffid, gltf_buffer in enumerate(gltf_data.get('buffers', [])): self.load_buffer(buffid, gltf_buffer) for camid, gltf_cam in enumerate(gltf_data.get('cameras', [])): self.load_camera(camid, gltf_cam) if 'extensions' in gltf_data and 'KHR_lights' in gltf_data['extensions']: lights = gltf_data['extensions']['KHR_lights'].get('lights', []) for lightid, gltf_light in enumerate(lights): self.load_light(lightid, gltf_light) if 'extensions' in gltf_data and 'KHR_lights_punctual' in gltf_data['extensions']: lights = gltf_data['extensions']['KHR_lights_punctual'].get('lights', []) for lightid, gltf_light in enumerate(lights): self.load_light(lightid, gltf_light, punctual=True) for texid, gltf_tex in enumerate(gltf_data.get('textures', [])): self.load_texture(texid, gltf_tex, gltf_data) self.load_fallback_texture() for matid, gltf_mat in enumerate(gltf_data.get('materials', [])): self.load_material(matid, gltf_mat) for skinid, gltf_skin in enumerate(gltf_data.get('skins', [])): self.load_skin(skinid, gltf_skin, gltf_data) for meshid, gltf_mesh in enumerate(gltf_data.get('meshes', [])): self.load_mesh(meshid, gltf_mesh, gltf_data) def get_node_transform(gltf_node): if 'matrix' in gltf_node: gltf_mat = LMatrix4(*gltf_node.get('matrix')) else: gltf_mat = LMatrix4(LMatrix4.ident_mat()) if 'scale' in gltf_node: gltf_mat.set_scale_mat(tuple(gltf_node['scale'])) if 'rotation' in gltf_node: rot_mat = LMatrix4() rot = gltf_node['rotation'] quat = LQuaternion(rot[3], rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]) quat.extract_to_matrix(rot_mat) gltf_mat *= rot_mat if 'translation' in gltf_node: gltf_mat *= LMatrix4.translate_mat(*gltf_node['translation']) return TransformState.make_mat(self.csxform_inv * gltf_mat * self.csxform) def build_characters(nodeid): try: gltf_node = gltf_data['nodes'][nodeid] except IndexError: print(f"Could not find node with index: {nodeid}") return node_name = gltf_node.get('name', 'node'+str(nodeid)) if nodeid in self.skeletons: skinid = self.skeletons[nodeid] charinfo = CharInfo(node_name) charinfo.character.set_transform(get_node_transform(gltf_node)) self.build_character(charinfo, nodeid, gltf_data, recurse=True) self.characters[skinid] = charinfo for child_nodeid in gltf_node.get('children', []): build_characters(child_nodeid) # Build scenegraphs def add_node(root, gltf_scene, nodeid): try: gltf_node = gltf_data['nodes'][nodeid] except IndexError: print(f"Could not find node with index: {nodeid}") return skinid = self.skeletons.get(nodeid, None) charinfo = self.characters.get(skinid, None) scene_extras = get_extras(gltf_scene) node_name = gltf_node.get('name', 'node'+str(nodeid)) if nodeid in self._joint_nodes and not nodeid in self.skeletons: # Handle non-joint children of joints, but don't add joints themselves for child_nodeid in gltf_node.get('children', []): add_node(root, gltf_scene, child_nodeid) return if charinfo: # This node is the root of an animated character. panda_node = charinfo.character np = charinfo.nodepath np.reparent_to(root) else: panda_node = PandaNode(node_name) panda_node.set_transform(get_node_transform(gltf_node)) np = root.attach_new_node(panda_node) if 'hidden_nodes' in scene_extras: if nodeid in scene_extras['hidden_nodes']: panda_node = panda_node.make_copy() if 'mesh' in gltf_node: meshid = gltf_node['mesh'] gltf_mesh = gltf_data['meshes'][meshid] mesh = self.meshes[meshid] charinfo = None if "skin" in gltf_node: skinid = gltf_node["skin"] charinfo = self.characters[skinid] # Does this mesh have weights, but are we not under a character? # If so, create a character just for this mesh. if gltf_mesh.get('weights') and not charinfo: mesh_name = gltf_mesh.get('name', 'mesh'+str(meshid)) charinfo = CharInfo(mesh_name) self.build_character(charinfo, nodeid, gltf_data, recurse=False) self.combine_mesh_morphs(mesh, meshid, charinfo) charinfo.nodepath.reparent_to(np) charinfo.nodepath.attach_new_node(mesh) else: np.attach_new_node(mesh) if charinfo: self.combine_mesh_skin(mesh, charinfo) self.combine_mesh_morphs(mesh, meshid, charinfo) if 'camera' in gltf_node: camid = gltf_node['camera'] cam = self.cameras[camid] np.attach_new_node(cam) if 'extensions' in gltf_node: light_ext = None has_light_ext = False if 'KHR_lights_punctual' in gltf_node['extensions']: light_ext = 'KHR_lights_punctual' has_light_ext = True elif 'KHR_lights' in gltf_node['extensions']: light_ext = 'KHR_lights' has_light_ext = True if has_light_ext: lightid = gltf_node['extensions'][light_ext]['light'] light = self.lights[lightid] lnp = np.attach_new_node(light) if self.compose_cs == CS_zup_right: lnp.set_p(lnp.get_p() - 90) lnp.set_r(lnp.get_r() - 90) if isinstance(light, Light): root.set_light(lnp) has_physics = ( 'BLENDER_physics' in gltf_node['extensions'] or 'PANDA3D_physics_collision_shapes' in gltf_node['extensions'] ) if has_physics: gltf_collisions = gltf_node['extensions'].get( 'PANDA3D_physics_collision_shapes', gltf_node['extensions']['BLENDER_physics'] ) gltf_rigidbody = gltf_node['extensions'].get('BLENDER_physics', None) if 'PANDA3D_physics_collision_shapes' in gltf_node['extensions']: collision_shape = gltf_collisions['shapes'][0] shape_type = collision_shape['type'] else: collision_shape = gltf_collisions['collisionShapes'][0] shape_type = collision_shape['shapeType'] bounding_box = [ max(0.00001, i) for i in collision_shape['boundingBox'] ] radius = max(bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1]) / 2.0 height = bounding_box[2] geomnode = None intangible = gltf_collisions.get('intangible', False) if 'mesh' in collision_shape: try: geomnode = self.meshes[collision_shape['mesh']] except KeyError: print( f"Could not find physics mesh ({collision_shape['mesh']}) for object ({nodeid})" ) if 'extensions' in gltf_data and 'BP_physics_engine' in gltf_data['extensions']: use_bullet = ( gltf_data['extensions']['BP_physics_engine']['engine'] == 'bullet' ) else: use_bullet = self.settings.collision_shapes == 'bullet' if use_bullet and not HAVE_BULLET: print( 'Warning: attempted to export for Bullet, which is unavailable, falling back to builtin' ) use_bullet = False if use_bullet: phynode = self.load_physics_bullet( node_name, geomnode, shape_type, bounding_box, radius, height, intangible, gltf_rigidbody ) else: phynode = self.load_physics_builtin( node_name, geomnode, shape_type, bounding_box, radius, height, intangible ) if phynode is not None: phynp = np.attach_new_node(phynode) for geomnode in np.find_all_matches('+GeomNode'): geomnode.reparent_to(phynp) for key, value in get_extras(gltf_node).items(): np.set_tag(key, str(value)) for child_nodeid in gltf_node.get('children', []): add_node(np, gltf_scene, child_nodeid) # Handle visibility after children are loaded def visible_recursive(node, visible): if visible: else: node.hide() for child in node.get_children(): visible_recursive(child, visible) hidden_nodes = scene_extras.get('hidden_nodes', []) if nodeid in hidden_nodes: #print('Hiding', np) visible_recursive(np, False) else: #print('Showing', np) visible_recursive(np, True) # Check if we need to deal with negative scale values scale = panda_node.get_transform().get_scale() negscale = scale.x * scale.y * scale.z < 0 if negscale: for geomnode in np.find_all_matches('**/+GeomNode'): tmp = geomnode.get_parent().attach_new_node(PandaNode('ReverseCulling')) tmp.set_attrib(CullFaceAttrib.make_reverse()) geomnode.reparent_to(tmp) # Handle parenting to joints joint = self.joint_parents.get(nodeid) if joint: xformnp = root.attach_new_node(PandaNode(f'{node_name}-parent')) np.reparent_to(xformnp) joint.add_net_transform(xformnp.node()) # if the NodePath children were moved under a Character and has no other children, # then we can safely delete the NodePath if charinfo and not np.children: np.remove_node() for sceneid, gltf_scene in enumerate(gltf_data.get('scenes', [])): scene_name = gltf_scene.get('name', 'scene'+str(sceneid)) scene_root = NodePath(ModelRoot(scene_name)) node_list = gltf_scene['nodes'] hidden_nodes = get_extras(gltf_scene).get('hidden_nodes', []) node_list += hidden_nodes # Run through and pre-build Characters for nodeid in node_list: build_characters(nodeid) # Now iterate again to build the scene graph for nodeid in node_list: add_node(scene_root, gltf_scene, nodeid) if self.settings.flatten_nodes: scene_root.flatten_medium() self.scenes[sceneid] = scene_root # Set the active scene sceneid = gltf_data.get('scene', 0) if sceneid in self.scenes: self.active_scene = self.scenes[sceneid] if 'scenes' in gltf_data: gltf_scene = gltf_data['scenes'][sceneid] scene_extras = get_extras(gltf_scene) if 'background_color' in scene_extras: self.background_color = scene_extras['background_color'] if 'active_camera' in scene_extras: self.active_camera = scene_extras['active_camera'] def load_matrix(self, mat): lmat = LMatrix4() for i in range(4): lmat.set_row(i, LVecBase4(*mat[i * 4: i * 4 + 4])) return lmat def load_buffer(self, buffid, gltf_buffer): if 'uri' not in gltf_buffer: assert self.buffers[buffid] return uri = gltf_buffer['uri'] if uri == '_glb_bin' and buffid == 0: buff_data = gltf_buffer['_glb_bin'] elif uri.startswith('data:application/octet-stream;base64') or \ uri.startswith('data:application/gltf-buffer;base64'): buff_data = gltf_buffer['uri'].split(',')[1] buff_data = base64.b64decode(buff_data) elif uri.endswith('.bin'): buff_fname = os.path.join(self.filedir.to_os_specific(), uri) with open(buff_fname, 'rb') as buff_file: buff_data =['byteLength']) else: print( "Buffer {buffid} has an unsupported uri ({uri}), using a zero filled buffer instead" ) buff_data = bytearray(gltf_buffer['byteLength']) self.buffers[buffid] = buff_data def get_buffer_view(self, gltf_data, view_id): buffview = gltf_data['bufferViews'][view_id] buff = self.buffers[buffview['buffer']] start = buffview.get('byteOffset', 0) end = start + buffview['byteLength'] stride = buffview.get('byteStride', 1) return memoryview(buff)[start:end:stride] def get_buffer_from_accessor(self, gltf_data, accid, unpack=True): acc = gltf_data['accessors'][accid] viewid = acc['bufferView'] buff_view = self.get_buffer_view(gltf_data, viewid) if 'byteOffset' in acc: buff_view = buff_view[acc['byteOffset']:] formatstr = ( COMPONENT_FORMT_STR_MAP[acc['componentType']] * COMPONENT_NUM_MAP[acc['type']] ) convertfn = lambda x: x acctype = acc['type'] if acctype == 'SCALAR': convertfn = lambda x: x[0] elif acctype == 'VEC2': convertfn = lambda x: p3d.LVector2(*x) elif acctype == 'VEC3': convertfn = lambda x: p3d.LVector3(*x) elif acctype == 'VEC4': convertfn = lambda x: p3d.LVector4(*x) element_size = ( COMPONENT_SIZE_MAP[acc['componentType']] * COMPONENT_NUM_MAP[acc['type']] ) end = acc['count'] * element_size buffdata = buff_view[:end] if unpack: return list(map(convertfn, struct.iter_unpack(f'<{formatstr}', buffdata))) else: return buffdata def make_texture_srgb(self, texture): if self.settings.no_srgb: return if texture is None: return if texture.get_num_components() == 3: texture.set_format(Texture.F_srgb) elif texture.get_num_components() == 4: texture.set_format(Texture.F_srgb_alpha) def load_fallback_texture(self): texture = Texture('pbr-fallback') texture.setup_2d_texture(1, 1, Texture.T_unsigned_byte, Texture.F_rgba) texture.set_clear_color(LColor(1, 1, 1, 1)) texture.make_ram_image() self.textures['__pbr-fallback'] = texture texture = Texture('emission-fallback') texture.setup_2d_texture(1, 1, Texture.T_unsigned_byte, Texture.F_luminance) texture.set_clear_color(LColor(1, 1, 1, 1)) self.textures['__emission-fallback'] = texture texture = Texture('normal-fallback') texture.setup_2d_texture(1, 1, Texture.T_unsigned_byte, Texture.F_rgb) texture.set_clear_color(LColor(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1)) texture.make_ram_image() self.textures['__normal-fallback'] = texture def load_texture(self, texid, gltf_tex, gltf_data): if 'source' not in gltf_tex: print(f"Texture '{texid}' has no source, skipping") return def load_embedded_image(name, ext, data): if not name: name = f'gltf-embedded-{texid}' img_type_registry = PNMFileTypeRegistry.get_global_ptr() img_type = img_type_registry.get_type_from_extension(ext) img = PNMImage(), type=img_type) texture = Texture(name) texture.load(img) return texture source = gltf_data['images'][gltf_tex['source']] if 'uri' in source: uri = source['uri'] if uri.startswith('data:'): info, b64data = uri.split(',') if not (info.startswith('data:image/') and info.endswith(';base64')): raise RuntimeError( f'Unknown data URI: {info}' ) name = source.get('name', '') ext = info.replace('data:image/', '').replace(';base64', '') data = base64.b64decode(b64data) texture = load_embedded_image(name, ext, data) else: uri = urllib.parse.unquote(uri) fname = Filename.from_os_specific(uri) if not os.path.isabs(uri): fulluri = Filename(self.filedir, uri) else: fulluri = fname texture = TexturePool.load_texture(fulluri, 0, False, LoaderOptions()) if not texture: raise RuntimeError(f'failed to load texture: {fulluri}') texture.filename = uri else: name = source.get('name', '') ext = source['mimeType'].split('/')[1] data = self.get_buffer_view(gltf_data, source['bufferView']) texture = load_embedded_image(name, ext, data) if 'sampler' in gltf_tex: gltf_sampler = gltf_data['samplers'][gltf_tex['sampler']] gltf_magfilter = gltf_sampler.get('magFilter', None) if gltf_magfilter: try: magfilter = MAG_FILTER_MAP[gltf_magfilter] texture.set_magfilter(magfilter) except KeyError: print( f"Sampler {gltf_tex['sampler']} has unsupported magFilter type {gltf_sampler['magFilter']}" ) gltf_minfilter = gltf_sampler.get('minFilter', None) if gltf_minfilter: try: minfilter = MIN_FILTER_MAP[gltf_minfilter] texture.set_minfilter(minfilter) except KeyError: print( f"Sampler {gltf_tex['sampler']} has unsupported minFilter type {gltf_sampler['minFilter']}" ) gltf_wraps = gltf_sampler.get('wrapS', 10497) try: wraps = WRAP_MODE_MAP[gltf_wraps] texture.set_wrap_u(wraps) except KeyError: print( f"Sampler {gltf_tex['sampler']} has unsupported wrapS type {gltf_wraps}" ) gltf_wrapt = gltf_sampler.get('wrapT', 10497) try: wrapt = WRAP_MODE_MAP[gltf_wrapt] texture.set_wrap_v(wrapt) except KeyError: print( f"Sampler {gltf_tex['sampler']} has unsupported wrapT type {gltf_wrapt}" ) self.textures[texid] = texture def load_material(self, matid, gltf_mat): matname = gltf_mat.get('name', 'mat'+str(matid)) state = self.mat_states.get(matid, RenderState.make_empty()) if matid not in self.mat_mesh_map: self.mat_mesh_map[matid] = [] pmat = Material(matname) base_color_fallback = {'index': '__pbr-fallback', 'texCoord': 0} metallic_roughness_fallback = {'index': '__pbr-fallback', 'texCoord': 0} emission_fallback = {'index': '__emission-fallback', 'texCoord': 0} normal_fallback = {'index': '__normal-fallback', 'texCoord': 0} texinfos = [] if self.settings.legacy_materials: if 'pbrMetallicRoughness' in gltf_mat: pbrsettings = gltf_mat['pbrMetallicRoughness'] pmat.set_diffuse(LColor(*pbrsettings.get('baseColorFactor', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]))) texinfos.append(pbrsettings.get('baseColorTexture', base_color_fallback)) if texinfos[-1]['index'] in self.textures: self.make_texture_srgb(self.textures[texinfos[-1]['index']]) texinfos[-1]['mode'] = TextureStage.M_modulate texinfos.append(gltf_mat.get('normalTexture', normal_fallback)) texinfos[-1]['mode'] = TextureStage.M_normal else: mat_extensions = gltf_mat.get('extensions', {}) if 'BP_materials_legacy' in mat_extensions: matsettings = mat_extensions['BP_materials_legacy']['bpLegacy'] pmat.set_shininess(matsettings['shininessFactor']) pmat.set_ambient(LColor(*matsettings['ambientFactor'])) if 'diffuseTexture' in matsettings: texinfo = matsettings['diffuseTexture'] texinfos.append(texinfo) if matsettings['diffuseTextureSrgb'] and texinfo['index'] in self.textures: self.make_texture_srgb(self.textures[texinfo['index']]) texinfos[-1]['mode'] = TextureStage.M_modulate else: pmat.set_diffuse(LColor(*matsettings['diffuseFactor'])) if 'emissionTexture' in matsettings: texinfo = matsettings['emissionTexture'] texinfos.append(texinfo) if matsettings['emissionTextureSrgb'] and texinfo['index'] in self.textures: self.make_texture_srgb(self.textures[texinfo['index']]) texinfos[-1]['mode'] = TextureStage.M_emission else: pmat.set_emission(LColor(*matsettings['emissionFactor'])) if 'specularTexture' in matsettings: texinfo = matsettings['specularTexture'] texinfos.append(texinfo) if matsettings['specularTextureSrgb'] and texinfo['index'] in self.textures: self.make_texture_srgb(self.textures[texinfo['index']]) else: pmat.set_specular(LColor(*matsettings['specularFactor'])) elif 'pbrMetallicRoughness' in gltf_mat: pbrsettings = gltf_mat['pbrMetallicRoughness'] pmat.set_base_color(LColor(*pbrsettings.get('baseColorFactor', [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]))) texinfos.append(pbrsettings.get('baseColorTexture', base_color_fallback)) if texinfos[-1]['index'] in self.textures: self.make_texture_srgb(self.textures[texinfos[-1]['index']]) pmat.set_metallic(pbrsettings.get('metallicFactor', 1.0)) pmat.set_roughness(pbrsettings.get('roughnessFactor', 1.0)) texinfos.append(pbrsettings.get('metallicRoughnessTexture', metallic_roughness_fallback)) texinfos[-1]['mode'] = TextureStage.M_selector # Normal map texinfos.append(gltf_mat.get('normalTexture', normal_fallback)) texinfos[-1]['mode'] = TextureStage.M_normal # Emission map pmat.set_emission(LColor(*gltf_mat.get('emissiveFactor', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), w=0.0)) texinfos.append(gltf_mat.get('emissiveTexture', emission_fallback)) texinfos[-1]['mode'] = TextureStage.M_emission if texinfos[-1]['index'] in self.textures: self.make_texture_srgb(self.textures[texinfos[-1]['index']]) # Index of refraction ior_ext = mat_extensions.get('KHR_materials_ior', {}) pmat.set_refractive_index(ior_ext.get('ior', 1.5)) double_sided = gltf_mat.get('doubleSided', False) pmat.set_twoside(double_sided) state = state.set_attrib(MaterialAttrib.make(pmat)) if double_sided: state = state.set_attrib(CullFaceAttrib.make(CullFaceAttrib.MCullNone)) # Setup textures tex_attrib = TextureAttrib.make() tex_mat_attrib = None for i, texinfo in enumerate(texinfos): texdata = self.textures.get(texinfo['index'], None) if texdata is None: print(f"Could not find texture for key: {texinfo['index']}") continue texstage = TextureStage(str(i)) texstage.set_sort(i) texstage.set_texcoord_name(InternalName.get_texcoord_name(str(texinfo.get('texCoord', 0)))) texstage.set_mode(texinfo.get('mode', TextureStage.M_modulate)) tex_attrib = tex_attrib.add_on_stage(texstage, texdata) transform_ext = texinfo.get('extensions', {}).get('KHR_texture_transform') if transform_ext: if 'texCoord' in transform_ext: # This overrides, if present. texstage.set_texcoord_name(InternalName.get_texcoord_name(str(transform_ext['texCoord']))) # glTF uses a transform origin of the upper-left corner of the # texture, whereas Panda uses the lower-left corner. mat = Mat3() scale = transform_ext.get('scale') if scale: mat *= (Mat3.translate_mat(0, -1) * Mat3.scale_mat(scale[0], scale[1]) * Mat3.translate_mat(0, 1)) rot = transform_ext.get('rotation') if rot: mat *= (Mat3.translate_mat(0, -1) * Mat3.rotate_mat(math.degrees(rot)) * Mat3.translate_mat(0, 1)) offset = transform_ext.get('offset', [0, 0]) if offset: mat *= Mat3.translate_mat(offset[0], -offset[1]) transform = TransformState.make_mat3(mat) if not tex_mat_attrib: tex_mat_attrib = TexMatrixAttrib.make(texstage, transform) else: tex_mat_attrib = tex_mat_attrib.add_stage(texstage, transform) state = state.set_attrib(tex_attrib) if tex_mat_attrib: state = state.set_attrib(tex_mat_attrib) # Setup Alpha mode alpha_mode = gltf_mat.get('alphaMode', 'OPAQUE') if alpha_mode == 'MASK': alpha_cutoff = gltf_mat.get('alphaCutoff', 0.5) alpha_attrib = AlphaTestAttrib.make(AlphaTestAttrib.M_greater_equal, alpha_cutoff) state = state.set_attrib(alpha_attrib) elif alpha_mode == 'BLEND': transp_attrib = TransparencyAttrib.make(TransparencyAttrib.M_alpha) state = state.set_attrib(transp_attrib) elif alpha_mode != 'OPAQUE': print( f"Warning: material {matid} has an unsupported alphaMode: {alpha_mode}" ) # Remove stale meshes self.mat_mesh_map[matid] = [ pair for pair in self.mat_mesh_map[matid] if pair[0] in self.meshes ] # Reload the material for meshid, geom_idx in self.mat_mesh_map[matid]: self.meshes[meshid].set_geom_state(geom_idx, state) self.mat_states[matid] = state def load_skin(self, skinid, gltf_skin, gltf_data): # Find a common root node. First gather the parents of each node. # Note that we ignore the "skeleton" property of the glTF file, since it # is just a hint and not particularly necessary. parents = [None] * len(gltf_data['nodes']) for i, node in enumerate(gltf_data['nodes']): for child in node.get('children', ()): parents[child] = i # Now create a path for each joint node as well as each node that # is skinned with this skeleton, so that both are under the Character. paths = [] for i, gltf_node in enumerate(gltf_data['nodes']): if i in gltf_skin['joints'] or gltf_node.get('skin') == skinid: path = [i] while parents[i] is not None: i = parents[i] path.insert(0, i) paths.append(tuple(path)) # Find the longest prefix that is shared by all paths. common_path = paths[0] for path in paths[1:]: path = list(path[:len(common_path)]) while path: if common_path[:len(path)] == tuple(path): common_path = tuple(path) break path.pop() root_nodeid = common_path[-1] self.skeletons[root_nodeid] = skinid def load_primitive(self, geom_node, gltf_primitive, gltf_mesh, gltf_data): # Build Vertex Format vformat = GeomVertexFormat() mesh_attribs = gltf_primitive['attributes'] accessors = [ {**gltf_data['accessors'][acc_idx], '_attrib': attrib_name} for attrib_name, acc_idx in mesh_attribs.items() ] # Check for morph target columns. targets = gltf_primitive.get('targets') if targets: target_names = get_extras(gltf_mesh).get('targetNames', []) for i, target in enumerate(targets): if i < len(target_names): target_name = target_names[i] else: target_name = str(i) accessors += [ {**gltf_data['accessors'][acc_idx], '_attrib': attrib_name, '_target': target_name} for attrib_name, acc_idx in target.items() ] accessors = sorted(accessors, key=lambda x: x['bufferView']) data_copies = [] is_skinned = 'JOINTS_0' in mesh_attribs calc_normals = not 'NORMAL' in mesh_attribs calc_tangents = not 'TANGENT' in mesh_attribs normalize_weights = False for buffview, accs in itertools.groupby(accessors, key=lambda x: x['bufferView']): buffview = gltf_data['bufferViews'][buffview] accs = sorted(accs, key=lambda x: x.get('byteOffset', 0)) is_interleaved = len(accs) > 1 and accs[1].get('byteOffset', 0) < buffview['byteStride'] varray = GeomVertexArrayFormat() for acc in accs: # Gather column information attrib_parts = acc['_attrib'].lower().split('_') attrib_name = ATTRIB_NAME_MAP.get(attrib_parts[0], attrib_parts[0]) if attrib_name == 'texcoord' and len(attrib_parts) > 1: internal_name = InternalName.make(attrib_name+'.', int(attrib_parts[1])) else: internal_name = InternalName.make(attrib_name) num_components = COMPONENT_NUM_MAP[acc['type']] numeric_type = COMPONENT_TYPE_MAP[acc['componentType']] numeric_size = COMPONENT_SIZE_MAP[acc['componentType']] content = ATTRIB_CONTENT_MAP.get(attrib_name, GeomEnums.C_other) size = numeric_size * num_components if '_target' in acc: internal_name = InternalName.get_morph(attrib_name, acc['_target']) content = GeomEnums.C_morph_delta # Add this accessor as a column to the current vertex array format varray.add_column(internal_name, num_components, numeric_type, content) # Check if the weights table is using float or integer component # Weights normalization will only be performed on float weights. if attrib_parts[0] == 'weights': normalize_weights = numeric_type == GeomEnums.NT_float32 if not is_interleaved: # Start a new vertex array format vformat.add_array(varray) varray = GeomVertexArrayFormat() data_copies.append(( buffview['buffer'], acc.get('byteOffset', 0) + buffview.get('byteOffset', 0), acc['count'], size, buffview.get('byteStride', size) )) if is_interleaved: vformat.add_array(varray) stride = buffview.get('byteStride', varray.get_stride()) data_copies.append(( buffview['buffer'], buffview.get('byteOffset', 0), accs[0]['count'], stride, stride, )) # Copy data from buffers reg_format = GeomVertexFormat.register_format(vformat) vdata = GeomVertexData(, reg_format, GeomEnums.UH_stream) for array_idx, data_info in enumerate(data_copies): buffid, start, count, size, stride = data_info handle = vdata.modify_array(array_idx).modify_handle() handle.unclean_set_num_rows(count) buff = self.buffers[buffid] end = start + count * stride if stride == size: handle.copy_data_from(buff[start:end]) else: src = start dest = 0 while src < end: handle.copy_subdata_from(dest, size, buff[src:src+size]) dest += size src += stride handle = None # Flip UVs num_uvs = len({i for i in gltf_primitive['attributes'] if i.startswith('TEXCOORD')}) for i in range(num_uvs): uv_data = GeomVertexRewriter(vdata, InternalName.get_texcoord_name(str(i))) while not uv_data.is_at_end(): uvs = uv_data.get_data2f() uv_data.set_data2f(uvs[0], 1 - uvs[1]) if self.compose_cs == CS_yup_right: # Flip morph deltas from Y-up to Z-up. This is apparently not done by # transform_vertices(), below, so we do it ourselves. for morph_i in range(reg_format.get_num_morphs()): delta_data = GeomVertexRewriter(vdata, reg_format.get_morph_delta(morph_i)) while not delta_data.is_at_end(): data = delta_data.get_data3f() delta_data.set_data3f(data[0], -data[2], data[1]) # Flip tangents from Y-up to Z-up. if 'TANGENT' in mesh_attribs: tangent = GeomVertexRewriter(vdata, InternalName.make('tangent')) while not tangent.is_at_end(): data = tangent.get_data4f() tangent.set_data4f(data[0], -data[2], data[1], data[3]) if normalize_weights: # The linear sum of all the joint weights must be as close as possible to 1, if the weights are # stored as float. # Some malformed assets do not respect this, hence we are normalizing them here. weights_data = GeomVertexRewriter(vdata, InternalName.get_transform_weight()) while not weights_data.is_at_end(): weights = weights_data.get_data4f() max_weight = abs(weights[0]) + abs(weights[1]) + abs(weights[2]) + abs(weights[3]) if max_weight != 0.0: weights = weights / max_weight weights_data.set_data4f(weights) # Repack mesh data vformat = GeomVertexFormat() varray_vert = GeomVertexArrayFormat() varray_skin = GeomVertexArrayFormat() varray_morph = GeomVertexArrayFormat() skip_columns = ( InternalName.get_transform_index(), InternalName.get_transform_weight(), InternalName.get_transform_blend() ) for arr in reg_format.get_arrays(): for column in arr.get_columns(): column_name = column.get_name() if column_name in skip_columns: varray = varray_skin elif column_name.parent.basename == "morph": varray = varray_morph else: varray = varray_vert varray.add_column( column_name, column.get_num_components(), column.get_numeric_type(), column.get_contents() ) vformat.add_array(varray_vert) if is_skinned or targets: aspec = GeomVertexAnimationSpec() aspec.set_panda() vformat.set_animation(aspec) if is_skinned: varray_blends = GeomVertexArrayFormat() varray_blends.add_column(InternalName.get_transform_blend(), 1, GeomEnums.NT_uint16, GeomEnums.C_index) vformat.add_array(varray_blends) vformat.add_array(varray_skin) if targets: vformat.add_array(varray_morph) reg_format = GeomVertexFormat.register_format(vformat) vdata = vdata.convert_to(reg_format) # Construct primitive primitiveid = geom_node.get_num_geoms() primitivemode = gltf_primitive.get('mode', 4) try: prim = PRIMITIVE_MODE_MAP[primitivemode](GeomEnums.UH_static) except KeyError: print( f"Warning: primitive {primitiveid} on mesh {} has an unsupported mode: {primitivemode}" ) return if 'indices' in gltf_primitive: index_accid = gltf_primitive['indices'] index_acc = gltf_data['accessors'][index_accid] num_elements = index_acc['count'] prim.set_index_type(COMPONENT_TYPE_MAP[index_acc['componentType']]) handle = prim.modify_vertices(num_elements).modify_handle() handle.unclean_set_num_rows(num_elements) handle.copy_data_from(self.get_buffer_from_accessor(gltf_data, index_accid, unpack=False)) handle = None else: index_acc = gltf_data['accessors'][gltf_primitive['attributes']["POSITION"]] start = index_acc.get('byteOffset', 0) prim.setNonindexedVertices(start, index_acc['count']) # Assign a material matid = gltf_primitive.get('material', None) if matid is None: print( f"Warning: mesh {} has a primitive with no material, using an empty RenderState" ) pmat = Material('fallback material') matattrib = MaterialAttrib.make(pmat) texattrib = TextureAttrib.make(self.textures.get('__pbr-fallback')) mat = RenderState.make(matattrib, texattrib) elif matid not in self.mat_states: print( f"Warning: material with name {matid} has no associated mat state, using an empty RenderState" ) pmat = Material('fallback material') matattrib = MaterialAttrib.make(pmat) texattrib = TextureAttrib.make(self.textures.get('__pbr-fallback')) mat = RenderState.make(matattrib, texattrib) else: mat = self.mat_states[gltf_primitive['material']] self.mat_mesh_map[gltf_primitive['material']].append((, primitiveid)) # Add this primitive back to the geom node #ss = StringStream() #vdata.write(ss) ###prim.write(ss, 2) #print('utf8')) geom = Geom(vdata) geom.add_primitive(prim) if calc_normals: self.calculate_normals(geom) if calc_tangents: self.calculate_tangents(geom) geom.transform_vertices(self.csxform) geom_node.add_geom(geom, mat) def calculate_normals(self, geom): # Generate flat normals, as required by the glTF spec. if geom.get_primitive_type() != GeomEnums.PT_polygons: return # We need to deindex the primitive since each occurrence of a vertex on # a triangle could have a different normal vector. geom.decompose_in_place() geom.make_nonindexed(False) gvd = geom.get_vertex_data() gvd = gvd.replace_column(InternalName.get_normal(), 3, GeomEnums.NT_float32, GeomEnums.C_normal) vertex_reader = GeomVertexReader(gvd, 'vertex') normal_writer = GeomVertexWriter(gvd, 'normal') read_vertex = vertex_reader.get_data3 write_normal = normal_writer.set_data3 while not vertex_reader.is_at_end(): vtx1 = read_vertex() vtx2 = read_vertex() vtx3 = read_vertex() normal = (vtx2 - vtx1).cross(vtx3 - vtx1) normal.normalize() write_normal(normal) write_normal(normal) write_normal(normal) geom.set_vertex_data(gvd) def calculate_tangents(self, geom): # Adapted from prim = geom.get_primitive(0) gvd = geom.get_vertex_data() gvd = gvd.replace_column(InternalName.get_tangent(), 4, GeomEnums.NT_float32, GeomEnums.C_other) tangent_writer = GeomVertexWriter(gvd, InternalName.get_tangent()) primverts = prim.get_vertex_list() tris = [primverts[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(primverts), 3)] posdata = self.read_vert_data(gvd, InternalName.get_vertex()) normaldata = [LVector3(i[0], i[1], i[2]) for i in self.read_vert_data(gvd, InternalName.get_normal())] uvdata = [LVector2(i[0], i[1]) for i in self.read_vert_data(gvd, InternalName.get_texcoord_name('0'))] tana = [LVector3(0, 0, 0) for i in range(len(posdata))] tanb = [LVector3(0, 0, 0) for i in range(len(posdata))] if not uvdata: # No point generating tangents without UVs. return # Gather tangent data from triangles for tri in tris: idx0, idx1, idx2 = tri edge1 = posdata[idx1] - posdata[idx0] edge2 = posdata[idx2] - posdata[idx0] duv1 = uvdata[idx1] - uvdata[idx0] duv2 = uvdata[idx2] - uvdata[idx0] denom = duv1.x * duv2.y - duv2.x * duv1.y if denom != 0.0: fconst = 1.0 / denom tangent = ( * duv2.y - * duv1.y) * fconst bitangent = ( * duv1.x - * duv2.x) * fconst else: tangent = LVector3(0) bitangent = LVector3(0) for idx in tri: tana[idx] += tangent tanb[idx] += bitangent # Calculate per-vertex tangent values for normal, tan0, tan1 in zip(normaldata, tana, tanb): tangent = tan0 - (normal * tangent.normalize() tangent4 = LVector4( tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z, -1.0 if normal.cross(tan0).dot(tan1) < 0 else 1.0 ) if self.compose_cs == CS_yup_right: tangent_writer.set_data4(tangent4[0], -tangent4[2], tangent4[1], tangent4[3]) else: tangent_writer.set_data4(tangent4) geom.set_vertex_data(gvd) def load_mesh(self, meshid, gltf_mesh, gltf_data): mesh_name = gltf_mesh.get('name', 'mesh'+str(meshid)) node = self.meshes.get(meshid, GeomNode(mesh_name)) # Clear any existing mesh data node.remove_all_geoms() # Load primitives for gltf_primitive in gltf_mesh['primitives']: self.load_primitive(node, gltf_primitive, gltf_mesh, gltf_data) # Save mesh self.meshes[meshid] = node def read_vert_data(self, gvd, column_name): gvr = GeomVertexReader(gvd, column_name) data = [] while not gvr.is_at_end(): data.append(LVecBase4(gvr.get_data4())) return data def build_character(self, charinfo: CharInfo, nodeid, gltf_data, recurse=True): char = charinfo.character affected_nodeids = set() jvtmap = charinfo.jvtmap cvsmap = charinfo.cvsmap for bundle in char.bundles: bundle.frame_blend_flag = True if nodeid in self.skeletons: skinid = self.skeletons[nodeid] gltf_skin = gltf_data['skins'][skinid] if 'skeleton' in gltf_skin: root_nodeids = [gltf_skin['skeleton']] else: # find a common root node joint_nodes = [gltf_data['nodes'][i] for i in gltf_skin['joints']] child_set = list(itertools.chain(*[node.get('children', []) for node in joint_nodes])) root_nodeids = [nodeid for nodeid in gltf_skin['joints'] if nodeid not in child_set] jvtmap.update(self.build_character_joints(char, root_nodeids, affected_nodeids, skinid, gltf_data)) cvsmap.update(self.build_character_sliders(char, nodeid, affected_nodeids, gltf_data, recurse=recurse)) # Find animations that affect the collected nodes. #print("Looking for actions for", skinname, node_ids) if not self.settings.skip_animations: anims = [ (animid, anim) for animid, anim in enumerate(gltf_data.get('animations', [])) if affected_nodeids & {chan['target']['node'] for chan in anim['channels']} ] else: anims = [] for animid, gltf_anim in anims: anim_name = gltf_anim.get('name', 'anim'+str(animid)) #print("\t", anim_name) samplers = gltf_anim['samplers'] channels = gltf_anim['channels'] time_acc_ids = list({i['input'] for i in samplers}) time_data = [ list(self.get_buffer_from_accessor( gltf_data, accid )) for accid in time_acc_ids ] max_time = max([max(i) for i in time_data]) fps = self.settings.animation_fps num_frames = max(math.ceil(max_time * fps), 1) bundle_name = anim_name bundle = AnimBundle(bundle_name, fps, num_frames) if nodeid in self.skeletons and any(chan['target']['path'] != 'weights' for chan in channels): skeleton = AnimGroup(bundle, '') for root_nodeid in root_nodeids: self.build_animation_skeleton(char, skeleton, root_nodeid, num_frames, gltf_anim, gltf_data) if cvsmap and any(chan['target']['path'] == 'weights' for chan in channels): morph = AnimGroup(bundle, 'morph') self.build_animation_morph(morph, nodeid, num_frames, gltf_anim, gltf_data, recurse=recurse) char.add_child(AnimBundleNode(, bundle)) def combine_mesh_skin(self, geom_node, charinfo): jvtmap = charinfo.jvtmap if not jvtmap: return jvtmap = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(jvtmap.items())) for geom in geom_node.modify_geoms(): gvd = geom.modify_vertex_data() tbtable = TransformBlendTable() tdata = GeomVertexWriter(gvd, InternalName.get_transform_blend()) if not tdata.has_column(): continue jointdata = self.read_vert_data(gvd, InternalName.get_transform_index()) weightdata = self.read_vert_data(gvd, InternalName.get_transform_weight()) for joints, weights in zip(jointdata, weightdata): tblend = TransformBlend() for joint, weight in zip(joints, weights): joint = int(joint) try: jvt = jvtmap[joint] except KeyError: print( f"Could not find joint in jvtmap:\n\tjoint={joint}\n\tjvtmap={jvtmap}" ) # Don't warn again for this joint. jvt = None jvtmap[joint] = None if jvt is not None: tblend.add_transform(jvt, weight) tdata.add_data1i(tbtable.add_blend(tblend)) tbtable.set_rows(SparseArray.lower_on(gvd.get_num_rows())) gvd.set_transform_blend_table(tbtable) # Set the transform of the skinned node to the inverse of the parent's # transform. This allows skinning to happen in global space. net_xform = NodePath(geom_node.get_parent(0)).get_net_transform() inverse = net_xform.get_inverse() gvd.transform_vertices(inverse.get_mat()) def combine_mesh_morphs(self, geom_node, meshid, charinfo): cvsmap = charinfo.cvsmap if not cvsmap: return zero = for geom in geom_node.modify_geoms(): gvd = geom.modify_vertex_data() vformat = gvd.get_format() stable = SliderTable() for (slider_meshid, name), slider in cvsmap.items(): if slider_meshid != meshid: continue # Iterate through the morph columns to figure out which rows are # affected by which slider. rows = SparseArray() for morph_i in range(vformat.get_num_morphs()): column_name = vformat.get_morph_delta(morph_i) if column_name.basename == name: gvr = GeomVertexReader(gvd, vformat.get_morph_delta(morph_i)) row = 0 while not gvr.is_at_end(): if gvr.get_data4() != zero: rows.set_bit(row) row += 1 if not rows.is_zero(): stable.add_slider(slider, rows) if stable.get_num_sliders() > 0: gvd.set_slider_table(SliderTable.register_table(stable)) def build_character_joints(self, char, root_nodeids, affected_nodeids, skinid, gltf_data): gltf_skin = gltf_data['skins'][skinid] bundle = char.get_bundle(0) skeleton = PartGroup(bundle, "") jvtmap = {} bind_mats = {} if 'inverseBindMatrices' in gltf_skin: ibmdata = self.get_buffer_from_accessor(gltf_data, gltf_skin['inverseBindMatrices']) for i, matdata in enumerate(ibmdata): mat = self.load_matrix(matdata) mat.invert_in_place() bind_mats[i] = mat def create_joint(parent, nodeid, transform): node = gltf_data['nodes'][nodeid] node_name = node.get('name', 'bone'+str(nodeid)) if 'mesh' in node: self.joint_parents[nodeid] = parent return inv_transform = LMatrix4(transform) inv_transform.invert_in_place() joint_index = None joint_mat = LMatrix4.ident_mat() if nodeid in gltf_skin['joints']: joint_index = gltf_skin['joints'].index(nodeid) joint_mat = bind_mats.get(joint_index, LMatrix4.ident_mat()) self._joint_nodes.add(nodeid) # glTF uses an absolute bind pose, Panda wants it local bind_pose = joint_mat * inv_transform joint = CharacterJoint(char, bundle, parent, node_name, self.csxform_inv * bind_pose * self.csxform) # Non-deforming bones are not in the skin's jointNames, don't add them to the jvtmap if joint_index is not None: jvtmap[joint_index] = JointVertexTransform(joint) affected_nodeids.add(nodeid) for child in node.get('children', []): #print("Create joint for child", child) create_joint(joint, child, bind_pose * transform) root_mat = self.csxform * NodePath(char).get_net_transform().get_mat() * self.csxform_inv for root_nodeid in root_nodeids: # Construct a path to the root create_joint(skeleton, root_nodeid, root_mat) return jvtmap def build_character_sliders(self, char, root_nodeid, affected_nodeids, gltf_data, recurse=True): bundle = char.get_bundle(0) morph = PartGroup(bundle, "morph") cvsmap = {} def create_slider(nodeid): gltf_node = gltf_data['nodes'][nodeid] if 'mesh' in gltf_node: meshid = gltf_node['mesh'] gltf_mesh = gltf_data['meshes'][meshid] weights = gltf_mesh.get('weights') num_targets = 0 for gltf_primitive in gltf_mesh['primitives']: targets = gltf_primitive.get('targets') if targets: num_targets = max(len(targets), num_targets) if num_targets > 0: target_names = get_extras(gltf_mesh).get('targetNames', []) num_targets = max(len(target_names), num_targets) if not weights: weights = [0] * num_targets if len(target_names) < len(weights): target_names += [str(i) for i in range(len(target_names), len(weights))] assert len(target_names) == len(weights) affected_nodeids.add(nodeid) # If we do this recursively, create a group for every mesh. if recurse: group = PartGroup(morph, 'mesh'+str(meshid)) else: group = morph for i, name in enumerate(target_names): try: slider = CharacterSlider(group, name, weights[i]) except TypeError: # Panda versions before 1.10.6.dev6 did not permit default values. slider = CharacterSlider(group, name) cvsmap[(meshid, name)] = CharacterVertexSlider(slider) if recurse: for child in gltf_node.get('children', []): create_slider(child) create_slider(root_nodeid) return cvsmap def build_animation_skeleton(self, character, parent, boneid, num_frames, gltf_anim, gltf_data): bone = gltf_data['nodes'][boneid] bone_name = bone.get('name', 'bone'+str(boneid)) channels = [chan for chan in gltf_anim['channels'] if chan['target']['node'] == boneid] joint_mat = character.find_joint(bone_name).get_transform() group = AnimChannelMatrixXfmTable(parent, bone_name) def extract_chan_data(path): samplers = [ gltf_anim['samplers'][chan['sampler']] for chan in channels if chan['target']['path'] == path ] if not samplers: return None sampler = samplers[0] accid = sampler['output'] output_buff = list(self.get_buffer_from_accessor(gltf_data, accid)) if path == 'rotation': output_buff = [p3d.LQuaternion(x[3], x[0], x[1], x[2]) for x in output_buff] accid = sampler['input'] input_buff = self.get_buffer_from_accessor(gltf_data, accid) interpolation_mode = sampler.get('interpolation', 'LINEAR') if interpolation_mode == 'CUBICSPLINE': print( f'Warning: CUBICSPLINE interpolation mode for {bone_name}:{path} is not supported, ' 'falling back to LINEAR' ) interpolation_mode = 'LINEAR' return list(input_buff), list(output_buff), interpolation_mode # Create default animaton data translation = LVector3() rotation_vec = LVector3() scale = LVector3() decompose_matrix(self.csxform * joint_mat * self.csxform_inv, scale, rotation_vec, translation, CS_yup_right) rotation = LQuaternion() rotation.set_hpr(rotation_vec, CS_yup_right) # Override defaults with any found animation data default_anim_data = { 'translation': translation, 'rotation': rotation, 'scale': scale, } anim_data = { path: extract_chan_data(path) for path in ['translation', 'rotation', 'scale'] } loc_vals = [[], [], []] rot_vals = [[], [], []] scale_vals = [[], [], []] def calculate_frame_value(frame, path): currtime = frame / self.settings.animation_fps if not anim_data[path]: return default_anim_data[path] input_buff, output_buff, interpolation_mode = anim_data[path] if len(input_buff) == 1: # no need to interpolate, just return the value return output_buff[0] nextidx = get_next_time_index(currtime, input_buff) lastidx = nextidx - 1 if interpolation_mode == 'STEP': return output_buff[lastidx] elif interpolation_mode == 'LINEAR': nexttime = input_buff[nextidx] lasttime = input_buff[lastidx] lerpfactor = get_lerp_factor(currtime, lasttime, nexttime) if path == 'rotation': return slerp(output_buff[lastidx], output_buff[nextidx], lerpfactor) return vlerp(output_buff[lastidx], output_buff[nextidx], lerpfactor) else: return RuntimeError( f'Unrecognized interpolation mode ({interpolation_mode}) found on {bone_name}:{path}' ) for i in range(num_frames): frame_translation = calculate_frame_value(i, 'translation') frame_rotation = calculate_frame_value(i, 'rotation') frame_scale = calculate_frame_value(i, 'scale') mat = LMatrix4(LMatrix4.ident_mat()) mat *= LMatrix4.scale_mat(frame_scale) mat = frame_rotation * mat mat *= LMatrix4.translate_mat(frame_translation) mat = self.csxform_inv * mat * self.csxform frame_translation = LVector3() frame_scale = LVector3() frame_rotation = LVector3() decompose_matrix(mat, frame_scale, frame_rotation, frame_translation) loc_vals[0].append(frame_translation[0]) loc_vals[1].append(frame_translation[1]) loc_vals[2].append(frame_translation[2]) rot_vals[0].append(frame_rotation[0]) rot_vals[1].append(frame_rotation[1]) rot_vals[2].append(frame_rotation[2]) scale_vals[0].append(frame_scale[0]) scale_vals[1].append(frame_scale[1]) scale_vals[2].append(frame_scale[2]) # if all values for a given channel are close enough, we can use the first value for # all frames and save some space def almost_equal(val1, val2): return abs(val2 - val1) < 0.00001 for val_arrays in [loc_vals, rot_vals, scale_vals]: for val_array in val_arrays: if almost_equal(min(val_array), max(val_array)): val_array[:] = val_array[:1] # Write data to tables group.set_table(b'x', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(loc_vals[0]))) group.set_table(b'y', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(loc_vals[1]))) group.set_table(b'z', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(loc_vals[2]))) group.set_table(b'h', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(rot_vals[0]))) group.set_table(b'p', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(rot_vals[1]))) group.set_table(b'r', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(rot_vals[2]))) group.set_table(b'i', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(scale_vals[0]))) group.set_table(b'j', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(scale_vals[1]))) group.set_table(b'k', CPTA_stdfloat(PTA_stdfloat(scale_vals[2]))) for childid in bone.get('children', []): gltf_node = gltf_data['nodes'][childid] if 'mesh' in gltf_node: continue self.build_animation_skeleton(character, group, childid, num_frames, gltf_anim, gltf_data) def build_animation_morph(self, parent, nodeid, num_frames, gltf_anim, gltf_data, recurse=True): def create_channels(parent, nodeid, target_names, default_weights): channels = [ chan for chan in gltf_anim['channels'] if chan['target']['node'] == nodeid and chan['target']['path'] == 'weights' ] samplers = [ gltf_anim['samplers'][chan['sampler']] for chan in channels if chan['target']['path'] == 'weights' ] if samplers: sampler = samplers[0] buff_data = self.get_buffer_from_accessor(gltf_data, sampler['output']) weights = list(CPTAFloat(buff_data)) time_data = self.get_buffer_from_accessor(gltf_data, sampler['input']) interpolation_mode = sampler.get('interpolation', 'LINEAR') if interpolation_mode == 'CUBICSPLINE': print( 'Warning: CUBICSPLINE interpolation mode for morph targets is not supported, ' 'falling back to LINEAR' ) interpolation_mode = 'LINEAR' else: weights = default_weights time_data = [0] interpolation_mode = 'STEP' num_targets = len(default_weights) for i, target_name in enumerate(target_names): group = AnimChannelScalarTable(parent, target_name) target_weights = weights[i::num_targets] interpolated_weights = [] if len(time_data) == 1 or min(target_weights) == max(target_weights): # If all frames are the same, we only need to store one frame. interpolated_weights = target_weights[:1] else: for frame in range(num_frames): currtime = frame / self.settings.animation_fps nextidx = get_next_time_index(currtime, time_data) lastidx = nextidx - 1 if interpolation_mode == 'STEP': interpolated_weights.append(target_weights[lastidx]) elif interpolation_mode == 'LINEAR': lasttime = time_data[lastidx] nexttime = time_data[nextidx] lerpfactor = get_lerp_factor(currtime, lasttime, nexttime) interpolated_weights.append( target_weights[lastidx] * (1 - lerpfactor) + target_weights[nextidx] * lerpfactor ) else: return RuntimeError( f'Unrecognized interpolation mode ({interpolation_mode}) found on {target_name}' ) group.set_table(CPTA_stdfloat(interpolated_weights)) gltf_node = gltf_data['nodes'][nodeid] if 'mesh' in gltf_node: meshid = gltf_node['mesh'] gltf_mesh = gltf_data['meshes'][meshid] weights = gltf_mesh.get('weights') if weights: target_names = get_extras(gltf_mesh).get('targetNames', []) if len(target_names) < len(weights): target_names += [str(i) for i in range(len(target_names), len(weights))] assert len(target_names) == len(weights) # If we do this recursively, group the sliders for each mesh # under a group for their respective mesh, so that the names will # not conflict. if recurse: group = AnimGroup(parent, 'mesh'+str(meshid)) else: group = parent create_channels(group, nodeid, target_names, weights) if recurse: for child in gltf_node.get('children', []): self.build_animation_morph(parent, child, num_frames, gltf_anim, gltf_data) def load_camera(self, camid, gltf_camera): camname = gltf_camera.get('name', 'cam'+str(camid)) node = self.cameras.get(camid, Camera(camname)) if gltf_camera['type'] == 'perspective': gltf_lens = gltf_camera['perspective'] lens = PerspectiveLens() aspect_ratio = gltf_lens.get( 'aspectRatio', lens.get_aspect_ratio() ) lens.set_fov(math.degrees(gltf_lens['yfov'] * aspect_ratio), math.degrees(gltf_lens['yfov'])) lens.set_near_far(gltf_lens['znear'], gltf_lens['zfar']) lens.set_view_vector((0, 0, -1), (0, 1, 0)) node.set_lens(lens) self.cameras[camid] = node def load_light(self, lightid, gltf_light, punctual=False): node = self.lights.get(lightid, None) lightname = gltf_light.get('name', 'light'+str(lightid)) ltype = gltf_light['type'] # Construct a new light if needed if node is None: if ltype == 'point': node = PointLight(lightname) elif ltype == 'directional': node = DirectionalLight(lightname) elif ltype == 'spot': node = Spotlight(lightname) else: print(f"Unsupported light type for light with name {lightname}: {gltf_light['type']}") node = PandaNode(lightname) # Update the light if punctual: # For PBR, attention should always be (1, 0, 1) if hasattr(node, 'attenuation'): node.attenuation = LVector3(1, 0, 1) if 'color' in gltf_light: node.set_color(LColor(*gltf_light['color'], w=1) * gltf_light.get('intensity', 1)) if 'range' in gltf_light: node.max_distance = gltf_light['range'] if ltype == 'spot': spot = gltf_light.get('spot', {}) inner = spot.get('innerConeAngle', 0) outer = spot.get('outerConeAngle', math.pi / 4) fov = math.degrees(outer) * 2 node.get_lens().set_fov(fov, fov) if inner >= outer: node.exponent = 0 else: # The value of exp was chosen empirically to give a smooth # cutoff without straying too far from the spec; higher # exponents will have a smoother cutoff but sharper falloff. exp = 8 / 3 node.exponent = 2 * (math.pi * 0.5 / outer) ** exp else: if ltype == 'unsupported': lightprops = {} else: lightprops = gltf_light[ltype] if ltype in ('point', 'directional', 'spot'): node.set_color(LColor(*lightprops['color'], w=1)) if ltype in ('point', 'spot'): att = LPoint3( lightprops['constantAttenuation'], lightprops['linearAttenuation'], lightprops['quadraticAttenuation'] ) node.set_attenuation(att) self.lights[lightid] = node def load_physics_bullet(self, node_name, geomnode, shape_type, bounding_box, radius, height, intangible, gltf_rigidbody): # pylint: disable=line-too-long shape = None static = gltf_rigidbody is not None and 'static' in gltf_rigidbody and gltf_rigidbody['static'] if shape_type == 'BOX': shape = bullet.BulletBoxShape(LVector3(*bounding_box) / 2.0) elif shape_type == 'SPHERE': shape = bullet.BulletSphereShape(max(bounding_box) / 2.0) elif shape_type == 'CAPSULE': shape = bullet.BulletCapsuleShape(radius, height - 2.0 * radius, bullet.ZUp) elif shape_type == 'CYLINDER': shape = bullet.BulletCylinderShape(radius, height, bullet.ZUp) elif shape_type == 'CONE': shape = bullet.BulletConeShape(radius, height, bullet.ZUp) elif shape_type == 'CONVEX_HULL': if geomnode: shape = bullet.BulletConvexHullShape() for geom in geomnode.get_geoms(): shape.add_geom(geom) elif shape_type == 'MESH': if geomnode: mesh = bullet.BulletTriangleMesh() for geom in geomnode.get_geoms(): mesh.add_geom(geom) shape = bullet.BulletTriangleMeshShape(mesh, dynamic=not static) else: print(f"Unknown collision shape ({shape_type}) for object ({node_name})") if shape is not None: if intangible: phynode = bullet.BulletGhostNode(node_name) else: phynode = bullet.BulletRigidBodyNode(node_name) phynode.add_shape(shape) if not static: mass = 1.0 if gltf_rigidbody is None else gltf_rigidbody.get('mass', 1.0) phynode.set_mass(mass) return phynode else: print(f"Could not create collision shape for object ({node_name})") def load_physics_builtin(self, node_name, geomnode, shape_type, bounding_box, radius, height, intangible): phynode = CollisionNode(node_name) solids = [] if shape_type == 'BOX': solids.append(CollisionBox(Point3(0, 0, 0), *LVector3(*bounding_box) / 2.0)) elif shape_type == 'SPHERE': solids.append(CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, radius)) elif shape_type in ('CAPSULE', 'CYLINDER', 'CONE'): if shape_type != 'CAPSULE': print( f'Warning: builtin collisions do not support shape type {shape_type} for object {node_name}, ' 'falling back to CAPSULE' ) half_height = height / 2.0 - radius start = LPoint3(0, 0, -half_height) end = LPoint3(0, 0, half_height) solids.append(CollisionCapsule(start, end, radius)) elif shape_type in ('MESH', 'CONVEX_HULL'): if shape_type != 'MESH': print( f'Warning: builtin collisions do not support shape type {shape_type} for object {node_name}, ' 'falling back to MESH' ) if geomnode: for geom in geomnode.get_geoms(): vdata = self.read_vert_data(geom.get_vertex_data(), InternalName.get_vertex()) polygons = [] triangle_map = {} for prim in geom.primitives: prim_tmp = prim.decompose() vertices = prim_tmp.get_vertex_list() for i in range(0, len(vertices), 3): pos0 = vdata[vertices[i]].xyz pos1 = vdata[vertices[i + 1]].xyz pos2 = vdata[vertices[i + 2]].xyz # Find adjacent triangles lying on the same plane. normal = (pos2 - pos0).cross(pos1 - pos0) if not normal.normalize(): # Zero-area triangle. continue # Quantize the normal. normal = (int(normal[0] * 0x1000 + 0.5), int(normal[1] * 0x1000 + 0.5), int(normal[2] * 0x1000 + 0.5)) key0 = (normal, pos1, pos0) key1 = (normal, pos2, pos1) key2 = (normal, pos0, pos2) if key0 in triangle_map: poly, pos3 = triangle_map[key0] quad = (pos0, pos3, pos1, pos2) if CollisionPolygon.verify_points(*quad) and \ not CollisionPolygon(*quad).is_concave(): poly[:] = quad del triangle_map[key0] del triangle_map[(normal, pos0, pos3)] del triangle_map[(normal, pos3, pos1)] continue if key1 in triangle_map: poly, pos3 = triangle_map[key1] quad = (pos1, pos3, pos2, pos0) if CollisionPolygon.verify_points(*quad) and \ not CollisionPolygon(*quad).is_concave(): poly[:] = quad del triangle_map[key1] del triangle_map[(normal, pos1, pos3)] del triangle_map[(normal, pos3, pos2)] continue if key2 in triangle_map: poly, pos3 = triangle_map[key2] quad = (pos2, pos3, pos0, pos1) if CollisionPolygon.verify_points(*quad) and \ not CollisionPolygon(*quad).is_concave(): poly[:] = quad del triangle_map[key2] del triangle_map[(normal, pos2, pos3)] del triangle_map[(normal, pos3, pos0)] continue if triangle_map.get((normal, pos0, pos1), (None, None))[1] != pos2: poly = [pos0, pos1, pos2] triangle_map[(normal, pos0, pos1)] = (poly, pos2) triangle_map[(normal, pos1, pos2)] = (poly, pos0) triangle_map[(normal, pos2, pos0)] = (poly, pos1) polygons.append(poly) solids.extend(CollisionPolygon(*poly) for poly in polygons) else: print(f"Unknown collision shape ({shape_type}) for object ({node_name})") for solid in solids: if intangible: solid.set_tangible(False) phynode.add_solid(solid) if phynode.solids: return phynode else: print(f"Could not create collision shape for object ({node_name})")