""" This is just a sample code. LevelEditor, ObjectHandler, ObjectPalette should be rewritten to be game specific. """ from .LevelEditorUI import * from .LevelEditorBase import * from .ObjectMgr import * from .AnimMgr import * from .ObjectHandler import * from .ObjectPalette import * from .ProtoPalette import * class LevelEditor(LevelEditorBase): """ Class for Panda3D LevelEditor """ def __init__(self): LevelEditorBase.__init__(self) # define your own config file similar to this self.settingsFile = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/LevelEditor.cfg' # If you have your own ObjectPalette and ObjectHandler # connect them in your own LevelEditor class self.objectMgr = ObjectMgr(self) self.animMgr = AnimMgr(self) self.objectPalette = ObjectPalette() self.objectHandler = ObjectHandler(self) self.protoPalette = ProtoPalette() # Populating uderlined data-structures self.ui = LevelEditorUI(self) self.ui.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_WAIT)) self.objectPalette.populate() self.protoPalette.populate() # Updating UI-panels based on the above data self.ui.objectPaletteUI.populate() self.ui.protoPaletteUI.populate() # When you define your own LevelEditor class inheriting LevelEditorBase # you should call self.initialize() at the end of __init__() function self.initialize() self.ui.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))