""" Contains the ParticleInterval class """ __all__ = ['ParticleInterval'] from panda3d.core import * from panda3d.direct import * from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify from .Interval import Interval class ParticleInterval(Interval): """ Use this interval when you want to have greater control over a ParticleEffect. The interval does not register the effect with the global particle and physics managers, but it does call upon them to perform its stepping. You should NOT call particleEffect.start() with an effect that is being controlled by a ParticleInterval. """ # Name counter particleNum = 1 # create ParticleInterval DirectNotify category notify = directNotify.newCategory('ParticleInterval') # Class methods def __init__(self, particleEffect, parent, worldRelative = 1, renderParent = None, duration = 0.0, softStopT = 0.0, cleanup = False, name = None): """ Args: particleEffect (ParticleEffect): a particle effect parent (NodePath): this is where the effect will be parented in the scene graph worldRelative (bool): this will override 'renderParent' with render renderParent (NodePath): this is where the particles will be rendered in the scenegraph duration (float): for the time softStopT (float): no effect if 0.0, a positive value will count from the start of the interval, a negative value will count from the end of the interval cleanup (boolean): if True the effect will be destroyed and removed from the scenegraph upon interval completion. Set to False if planning on reusing the interval. name (string): use this for unique intervals so that they can be easily found in the taskMgr. """ # Generate unique name id = 'Particle-%d' % ParticleInterval.particleNum ParticleInterval.particleNum += 1 if name == None: name = id # Record instance variables self.particleEffect = particleEffect self.cleanup = cleanup if parent != None: self.particleEffect.reparentTo(parent) if worldRelative: renderParent = render if renderParent: for particles in self.particleEffect.getParticlesList(): particles.setRenderParent(renderParent.node()) self.__softStopped = False if softStopT == 0.0: self.softStopT = duration elif softStopT < 0.0: self.softStopT = duration+softStopT else: self.softStopT = softStopT # Initialize superclass Interval.__init__(self, name, duration) def __step(self,dt): if self.particleEffect: self.particleEffect.accelerate(dt,1,0.05) def __softStart(self): if self.particleEffect: self.particleEffect.softStart() self.__softStopped = False def __softStop(self): if self.particleEffect: self.particleEffect.softStop() self.__softStopped = True def privInitialize(self, t): if self.state != CInterval.SPaused: # Restarting from a hard stop or just interrupting the # current play self.__softStart() if self.particleEffect: self.particleEffect.clearToInitial() self.currT = 0 if self.particleEffect: for forceGroup in self.particleEffect.getForceGroupList(): forceGroup.enable() Interval.privInitialize(self,t) def privInstant(self): self.privInitialize(self.getDuration()) self.privFinalize() def privStep(self, t): if self.state == CInterval.SPaused or t < self.currT: # Restarting from a pause. self.privInitialize(t) else: if not self.__softStopped and t > self.softStopT: self.__step(self.softStopT-self.currT) self.__softStop() self.__step(t-self.softStopT) else: self.__step(t-self.currT) Interval.privStep(self,t) def privFinalize(self): Interval.privFinalize(self) if self.cleanup and self.particleEffect: self.particleEffect.cleanup() self.particleEffect = None