"""Undocumented Module""" __all__ = [] if __name__ == "__main__": from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase from panda3d.core import * from .IntervalGlobal import * from direct.actor.Actor import * from direct.directutil import Mopath base = ShowBase() boat = loader.loadModel('models/misc/smiley') boat.reparentTo(render) donald = Actor() donald.loadModel("phase_6/models/char/donald-wheel-1000") donald.loadAnims({"steer":"phase_6/models/char/donald-wheel-wheel"}) donald.reparentTo(boat) dock = loader.loadModel('models/misc/smiley') dock.reparentTo(render) sound = loader.loadSfx('phase_6/audio/sfx/SZ_DD_waterlap.mp3') foghorn = loader.loadSfx('phase_6/audio/sfx/SZ_DD_foghorn.mp3') mp = Mopath.Mopath() mp.loadFile(Filename('phase_6/paths/dd-e-w')) # Set up the boat boatMopath = MopathInterval(mp, boat, 'boatpath') boatTrack = Track([boatMopath], 'boattrack') BOAT_START = boatTrack.getIntervalStartTime('boatpath') BOAT_END = boatTrack.getIntervalEndTime('boatpath') # This will create an anim interval that is posed every frame donaldSteerInterval = ActorInterval(donald, 'steer') # This will create an anim interval that is started at t = 0 and then # loops for 10 seconds donaldLoopInterval = ActorInterval(donald, 'steer', loop=1, duration = 10.0) donaldSteerTrack = Track([donaldSteerInterval, donaldLoopInterval], name = 'steerTrack') # Make the dock lerp up so that it's up when the boat reaches the end of # its mopath dockLerp = LerpPosHprInterval(dock, 5.0, pos=Point3(0, 0, -5), hpr=Vec3(0, 0, 0), name='dock-lerp') # We need the dock's state to be defined before the lerp dockPos = PosHprInterval(dock, dock.getPos(), dock.getHpr(), 1.0, 'dockpos') dockUpTime = BOAT_END - dockLerp.getDuration() hpr2 = Vec3(90.0, 90.0, 90.0) dockLerp2 = LerpHprInterval(dock, 3.0, hpr2, name='hpr-lerp') dockTrack = Track([dockLerp2, dockPos, dockLerp], 'docktrack') dockTrack.setIntervalStartTime('dock-lerp', dockUpTime) dockTrack.setIntervalStartTime('hpr-lerp', BOAT_START) # Start the water sound 5 seconds after the boat starts moving waterStartTime = BOAT_START + 5.0 waterSound = SoundInterval(sound, name='watersound') soundTrack = Track([waterSound], 'soundtrack') soundTrack.setIntervalStartTime('watersound', waterStartTime) # Throw an event when the water track ends eventTime = soundTrack.getIntervalEndTime('watersound') waterDone = EventInterval('water-is-done') waterEventTrack = Track([waterDone]) waterEventTrack.setIntervalStartTime('water-is-done', eventTime) def handleWaterDone(): print('water is done') # Interval can handle its own event messenger.accept('water-is-done', waterDone, handleWaterDone) foghornStartTime = BOAT_START + 4.0 foghornSound = SoundInterval(foghorn, name='foghorn') soundTrack2 = Track([(foghornStartTime, foghornSound)], 'soundtrack2') mtrack = MultiTrack([boatTrack, dockTrack, soundTrack, soundTrack2, waterEventTrack, donaldSteerTrack]) # Print out MultiTrack parameters print(mtrack) ### Using lambdas and functions ### # Using a lambda i1 = FunctionInterval(lambda: base.transitions.fadeOut()) i2 = FunctionInterval(lambda: base.transitions.fadeIn()) def caughtIt(): print('Caught here-is-an-event') class DummyAcceptor(DirectObject): pass da = DummyAcceptor() i3 = AcceptInterval(da, 'here-is-an-event', caughtIt) i4 = EventInterval('here-is-an-event') i5 = IgnoreInterval(da, 'here-is-an-event') # Using a function def printDone(): print('done') i6 = FunctionInterval(printDone) # Create track t1 = Track([ # Fade out (0.0, i1), # Fade in (2.0, i2), # Accept event (4.0, i3), # Throw it, (5.0, i4), # Ignore event (6.0, i5), # Throw event again and see if ignore worked (7.0, i4), # Print done (8.0, i6)], name = 'demo') print(t1) ### Specifying interval start times during track construction ### # Interval start time can be specified relative to three different points: # PREVIOUS_END # PREVIOUS_START # TRACK_START startTime = 0.0 def printStart(): global startTime startTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() print('Start') def printPreviousStart(): global startTime currTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() print('PREVIOUS_END %0.2f' % (currTime - startTime)) def printPreviousEnd(): global startTime currTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() print('PREVIOUS_END %0.2f' % (currTime - startTime)) def printTrackStart(): global startTime currTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() print('TRACK_START %0.2f' % (currTime - startTime)) def printArguments(a, b, c): print('My args were %d, %d, %d' % (a, b, c)) i1 = FunctionInterval(printStart) # Just to take time i2 = LerpPosInterval(camera, 2.0, Point3(0, 10, 5)) # This will be relative to end of camera move i3 = FunctionInterval(printPreviousEnd) # Just to take time i4 = LerpPosInterval(camera, 2.0, Point3(0, 0, 5)) # This will be relative to the start of the camera move i5 = FunctionInterval(printPreviousStart) # This will be relative to track start i6 = FunctionInterval(printTrackStart) # This will print some arguments # This will be relative to track start i7 = FunctionInterval(printArguments, extraArgs = [1, 10, 100]) # Create the track, if you don't specify offset type in tuple it defaults to # relative to TRACK_START (first entry below) t2 = Track([(0.0, i1), # i1 start at t = 0, duration = 0.0 (1.0, i2, TRACK_START), # i2 start at t = 1, duration = 2.0 (2.0, i3, PREVIOUS_END), # i3 start at t = 5, duration = 0.0 (1.0, i4, PREVIOUS_END), # i4 start at t = 6, duration = 2.0 (3.0, i5, PREVIOUS_START), # i5 start at t = 9, duration = 0.0 (10.0, i6, TRACK_START), # i6 start at t = 10, duration = 0.0 (12.0, i7)], # i7 start at t = 12, duration = 0.0 name = 'startTimeDemo') print(t2) # Play tracks # mtrack.play() # t1.play() # t2.play() def test(n): lerps = [] for i in range(n): lerps.append(LerpPosHprInterval(dock, 5.0, pos=Point3(0, 0, -5), hpr=Vec3(0, 0, 0), startPos=dock.getPos(), startHpr=dock.getHpr(), name='dock-lerp')) lerps.append(EventInterval("joe")) t = Track(lerps) mt = MultiTrack([t]) # return mt test(5) base.run()