"""OnscreenImage module: contains the OnscreenImage class. See the :ref:`onscreenimage` page in the programming manual for explanation of this class. """ __all__ = ['OnscreenImage'] from panda3d.core import * from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject import sys if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): stringType = str else: stringType = basestring class OnscreenImage(DirectObject, NodePath): def __init__(self, image = None, pos = None, hpr = None, scale = None, color = None, parent = None, sort = 0): """ Make a image node from string or a `~panda3d.core.NodePath`, put it into the 2-D scene graph and set it up with all the indicated parameters. Parameters: image: the actual geometry to display or a file name. This may be omitted and specified later via setImage() if you don't have it available. pos: the x, y, z position of the geometry on the screen. This maybe a 3-tuple of floats or a vector. y should be zero hpr: the h, p, r of the geometry on the screen. This maybe a 3-tuple of floats or a vector. scale: the size of the geometry. This may either be a single float, a 3-tuple of floats, or a vector, specifying a different x, y, z scale. y should be 1 color: the (r, g, b, a) color of the geometry. This is normally a 4-tuple of floats or ints. parent: the NodePath to parent the geometry to initially. """ # We ARE a node path. Initially, we're an empty node path. NodePath.__init__(self) if parent is None: from direct.showbase import ShowBaseGlobal parent = ShowBaseGlobal.aspect2d self.setImage(image, parent = parent, sort = sort) # Adjust pose # Set pos if (isinstance(pos, tuple) or isinstance(pos, list)): self.setPos(*pos) elif isinstance(pos, VBase3): self.setPos(pos) # Hpr if (isinstance(hpr, tuple) or isinstance(hpr, list)): self.setHpr(*hpr) elif isinstance(hpr, VBase3): self.setHpr(hpr) # Scale if (isinstance(scale, tuple) or isinstance(scale, list)): self.setScale(*scale) elif isinstance(scale, VBase3): self.setScale(scale) elif (isinstance(scale, float) or isinstance(scale, int)): self.setScale(scale) # Set color if color: # Set color, if specified self.setColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]) def setImage(self, image, parent = NodePath(), transform = None, sort = 0): # Get the original parent, transform, and sort, if any, so we can # preserve them across this call. if not self.isEmpty(): parent = self.getParent() if transform == None: # If we're replacing a previous image, we throw away # the new image's transform in favor of the original # image's transform. transform = self.getTransform() sort = self.getSort() self.removeNode() # Assign geometry if isinstance(image, NodePath): self.assign(image.copyTo(parent, sort)) elif isinstance(image, stringType) or \ isinstance(image, Texture): if isinstance(image, Texture): # It's a Texture tex = image else: # It's a Texture file name tex = TexturePool.loadTexture(image) if not tex: raise IOError('Could not load texture: %s' % (image)) cm = CardMaker('OnscreenImage') cm.setFrame(-1, 1, -1, 1) self.assign(parent.attachNewNode(cm.generate(), sort)) self.setTexture(tex) elif type(image) == type(()): # Assume its a file+node name, extract texture from node model = loader.loadModel(image[0]) if model: node = model.find(image[1]) if node: self.assign(node.copyTo(parent, sort)) else: print('OnscreenImage: node %s not found' % image[1]) else: print('OnscreenImage: model %s not found' % image[0]) if transform and not self.isEmpty(): self.setTransform(transform) def getImage(self): return self def configure(self, option=None, **kw): for option, value in kw.items(): # Use option string to access setter function try: setter = getattr(self, 'set' + option[0].upper() + option[1:]) if (((setter == self.setPos) or (setter == self.setHpr) or (setter == self.setScale)) and (isinstance(value, tuple) or isinstance(value, list))): setter(*value) else: setter(value) except AttributeError: print('OnscreenImage.configure: invalid option: %s' % option) # Allow index style references def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.configure(*(), **{key: value}) def cget(self, option): # Get current configuration setting. # This is for compatibility with DirectGui functions getter = getattr(self, 'get' + option[0].upper() + option[1:]) return getter() # Allow index style refererences __getitem__ = cget def destroy(self): self.removeNode()