"""Implements a pop-up menu containing multiple clickable options. See the :ref:`directoptionmenu` page in the programming manual for a more in-depth explanation and an example of how to use this class. """ __all__ = ['DirectOptionMenu'] from panda3d.core import * from direct.showbase import ShowBaseGlobal from . import DirectGuiGlobals as DGG from .DirectButton import * from .DirectLabel import * from .DirectFrame import * class DirectOptionMenu(DirectButton): """ DirectOptionMenu(parent) - Create a DirectButton which pops up a menu which can be used to select from a list of items. Execute button command (passing the selected item through) if defined To cancel the popup menu click anywhere on the screen outside of the popup menu. No command is executed in this case. """ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Inherits from DirectButton optiondefs = ( # List of items to display on the popup menu ('items', [], self.setItems), # Initial item to display on menu button # Can be an integer index or the same string as the button ('initialitem', None, DGG.INITOPT), # Amount of padding to place around popup button indicator ('popupMarkerBorder', (.1, .1), None), # The initial position of the popup marker ('popupMarker_pos', None, None), # Background color to use to highlight popup menu items ('highlightColor', (.5, .5, .5, 1), None), # Extra scale to use on highlight popup menu items ('highlightScale', (1, 1), None), # Alignment to use for text on popup menu button # Changing this breaks button layout ('text_align', TextNode.ALeft, None), # Remove press effect because it looks a bit funny ('pressEffect', 0, DGG.INITOPT), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize superclasses DirectButton.__init__(self, parent) # Record any user specified frame size self.initFrameSize = self['frameSize'] # Create a small rectangular marker to distinguish this button # as a popup menu button self.popupMarker = self.createcomponent( 'popupMarker', (), None, DirectFrame, (self,), frameSize = (-0.5, 0.5, -0.2, 0.2), scale = 0.4, relief = DGG.RAISED) # Record any user specified popup marker position self.initPopupMarkerPos = self['popupMarker_pos'] # This needs to popup the menu too self.popupMarker.bind(DGG.B1PRESS, self.showPopupMenu) # Check if item is highlighted on release and select it if it is self.popupMarker.bind(DGG.B1RELEASE, self.selectHighlightedIndex) # Make popup marker have the same click sound if self['clickSound']: self.popupMarker.guiItem.setSound( DGG.B1PRESS + self.popupMarker.guiId, self['clickSound']) else: self.popupMarker.guiItem.clearSound(DGG.B1PRESS + self.popupMarker.guiId) # This is created when you set the menu's items self.popupMenu = None self.selectedIndex = None self.highlightedIndex = None if 'item_text_scale' in kw: self._prevItemTextScale = kw['item_text_scale'] else: self._prevItemTextScale = (1,1) # A big screen encompassing frame to catch the cancel clicks self.cancelFrame = self.createcomponent( 'cancelframe', (), None, DirectFrame, (self,), frameSize = (-1, 1, -1, 1), relief = None, state = 'normal') # Make sure this is on top of all the other widgets self.cancelFrame.setBin('gui-popup', 0) self.cancelFrame.node().setBounds(OmniBoundingVolume()) self.cancelFrame.bind(DGG.B1PRESS, self.hidePopupMenu) # Default action on press is to show popup menu self.bind(DGG.B1PRESS, self.showPopupMenu) # Check if item is highlighted on release and select it if it is self.bind(DGG.B1RELEASE, self.selectHighlightedIndex) # Call option initialization functions self.initialiseoptions(DirectOptionMenu) # Need to call this since we explicitly set frame size self.resetFrameSize() def setItems(self): """ self['items'] = itemList Create new popup menu to reflect specified set of items """ # Remove old component if it exits if self.popupMenu != None: self.destroycomponent('popupMenu') # Create new component self.popupMenu = self.createcomponent('popupMenu', (), None, DirectFrame, (self,), relief = 'raised', ) # Make sure it is on top of all the other gui widgets self.popupMenu.setBin('gui-popup', 0) self.highlightedIndex = None if not self['items']: return # Create a new component for each item # Find the maximum extents of all items itemIndex = 0 self.minX = self.maxX = self.minZ = self.maxZ = None for item in self['items']: c = self.createcomponent( 'item%d' % itemIndex, (), 'item', DirectButton, (self.popupMenu,), text = item, text_align = TextNode.ALeft, command = lambda i = itemIndex: self.set(i)) bounds = c.getBounds() if self.minX == None: self.minX = bounds[0] elif bounds[0] < self.minX: self.minX = bounds[0] if self.maxX == None: self.maxX = bounds[1] elif bounds[1] > self.maxX: self.maxX = bounds[1] if self.minZ == None: self.minZ = bounds[2] elif bounds[2] < self.minZ: self.minZ = bounds[2] if self.maxZ == None: self.maxZ = bounds[3] elif bounds[3] > self.maxZ: self.maxZ = bounds[3] itemIndex += 1 # Calc max width and height self.maxWidth = self.maxX - self.minX self.maxHeight = self.maxZ - self.minZ # Adjust frame size for each item and bind actions to mouse events for i in range(itemIndex): item = self.component('item%d' %i) # So entire extent of item's slot on popup is reactive to mouse item['frameSize'] = (self.minX, self.maxX, self.minZ, self.maxZ) # Move it to its correct position on the popup item.setPos(-self.minX, 0, -self.maxZ - i * self.maxHeight) item.bind(DGG.B1RELEASE, self.hidePopupMenu) # Highlight background when mouse is in item item.bind(DGG.WITHIN, lambda x, i=i, item=item:self._highlightItem(item, i)) # Restore specified color upon exiting fc = item['frameColor'] item.bind(DGG.WITHOUT, lambda x, item=item, fc=fc: self._unhighlightItem(item, fc)) # Set popup menu frame size to encompass all items f = self.component('popupMenu') f['frameSize'] = (0, self.maxWidth, -self.maxHeight * itemIndex, 0) # Determine what initial item to display and set text accordingly if self['initialitem']: self.set(self['initialitem'], fCommand = 0) else: # No initial item specified, just use first item self.set(0, fCommand = 0) # Position popup Marker to the right of the button pm = self.popupMarker pmw = (pm.getWidth() * pm.getScale()[0] + 2 * self['popupMarkerBorder'][0]) if self.initFrameSize: # Use specified frame size bounds = list(self.initFrameSize) else: # Or base it upon largest item bounds = [self.minX, self.maxX, self.minZ, self.maxZ] if self.initPopupMarkerPos: # Use specified position pmPos = list(self.initPopupMarkerPos) else: # Or base the position on the frame size. pmPos = [bounds[1] + pmw/2.0, 0, bounds[2] + (bounds[3] - bounds[2])/2.0] pm.setPos(pmPos[0], pmPos[1], pmPos[2]) # Adjust popup menu button to fit all items (or use user specified # frame size bounds[1] += pmw self['frameSize'] = (bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3]) # Set initial state self.hidePopupMenu() def showPopupMenu(self, event = None): """ Make popup visible and try to position it just to right of mouse click with currently selected item aligned with button. Adjust popup position if default position puts it outside of visible screen region """ # Needed attributes (such as minZ) won't be set unless the user has specified # items to display. Let's assert that we've given items to work with. items = self['items'] assert items and len(items) > 0, 'Cannot show an empty popup menu! You must add items!' # Show the menu self.popupMenu.show() # Make sure its at the right scale self.popupMenu.setScale(self, VBase3(1)) # Compute bounds b = self.getBounds() fb = self.popupMenu.getBounds() # Position menu at midpoint of button xPos = (b[1] - b[0])/2.0 - fb[0] self.popupMenu.setX(self, xPos) # Try to set height to line up selected item with button self.popupMenu.setZ( self, self.minZ + (self.selectedIndex + 1)*self.maxHeight) # Make sure the whole popup menu is visible pos = self.popupMenu.getPos(ShowBaseGlobal.render2d) scale = self.popupMenu.getScale(ShowBaseGlobal.render2d) # How are we doing relative to the right side of the screen maxX = pos[0] + fb[1] * scale[0] if maxX > 1.0: # Need to move menu to the left self.popupMenu.setX(ShowBaseGlobal.render2d, pos[0] + (1.0 - maxX)) # How about up and down? minZ = pos[2] + fb[2] * scale[2] maxZ = pos[2] + fb[3] * scale[2] if minZ < -1.0: # Menu too low, move it up self.popupMenu.setZ(ShowBaseGlobal.render2d, pos[2] + (-1.0 - minZ)) elif maxZ > 1.0: # Menu too high, move it down self.popupMenu.setZ(ShowBaseGlobal.render2d, pos[2] + (1.0 - maxZ)) # Also display cancel frame to catch clicks outside of the popup self.cancelFrame.show() # Position and scale cancel frame to fill entire window self.cancelFrame.setPos(ShowBaseGlobal.render2d, 0, 0, 0) self.cancelFrame.setScale(ShowBaseGlobal.render2d, 1, 1, 1) def hidePopupMenu(self, event = None): """ Put away popup and cancel frame """ self.popupMenu.hide() self.cancelFrame.hide() def _highlightItem(self, item, index): """ Set frame color of highlighted item, record index """ self._prevItemTextScale = item['text_scale'] item['frameColor'] = self['highlightColor'] item['frameSize'] = (self['highlightScale'][0]*self.minX, self['highlightScale'][0]*self.maxX, self['highlightScale'][1]*self.minZ, self['highlightScale'][1]*self.maxZ) item['text_scale'] = self['highlightScale'] self.highlightedIndex = index def _unhighlightItem(self, item, frameColor): """ Clear frame color, clear highlightedIndex """ item['frameColor'] = frameColor item['frameSize'] = (self.minX, self.maxX, self.minZ, self.maxZ) item['text_scale'] = self._prevItemTextScale self.highlightedIndex = None def selectHighlightedIndex(self, event = None): """ Check to see if item is highlighted (by cursor being within that item). If so, selected it. If not, do nothing """ if self.highlightedIndex is not None: self.set(self.highlightedIndex) self.hidePopupMenu() def index(self, index): intIndex = None if isinstance(index, int): intIndex = index elif index in self['items']: i = 0 for item in self['items']: if item == index: intIndex = i break i += 1 return intIndex def set(self, index, fCommand = 1): # Item was selected, record item and call command if any newIndex = self.index(index) if newIndex is not None: self.selectedIndex = newIndex item = self['items'][self.selectedIndex] self['text'] = item if fCommand and self['command']: # Pass any extra args to command self['command'](*[item] + self['extraArgs']) def get(self): """ Get currently selected item """ return self['items'][self.selectedIndex] def commandFunc(self, event): """ Override popup menu button's command func Command is executed in response to selecting menu items """ pass