"""This module defines various dialog windows for the DirectGUI system. See the :ref:`directdialog` page in the programming manual for a more in-depth explanation and an example of how to use this class. """ __all__ = [ 'findDialog', 'cleanupDialog', 'DirectDialog', 'OkDialog', 'OkCancelDialog', 'YesNoDialog', 'YesNoCancelDialog', 'RetryCancelDialog', ] from panda3d.core import * from direct.showbase import ShowBaseGlobal from . import DirectGuiGlobals as DGG from .DirectFrame import * from .DirectButton import * import types def findDialog(uniqueName): """ Returns the panel whose uniqueName is given. This is mainly useful for debugging, to get a pointer to the current onscreen panel of a particular type. """ if uniqueName in DirectDialog.AllDialogs: return DirectDialog.AllDialogs[uniqueName] return None def cleanupDialog(uniqueName): """cleanupPanel(string uniqueName) Cleans up (removes) the panel with the given uniqueName. This may be useful when some panels know about each other and know that opening panel A should automatically close panel B, for instance. """ if uniqueName in DirectDialog.AllDialogs: # calling cleanup() will remove it out of the AllDialogs dict # This way it will get removed from the dict even it we did # not clean it up using this interface (ie somebody called # self.cleanup() directly DirectDialog.AllDialogs[uniqueName].cleanup() class DirectDialog(DirectFrame): AllDialogs = {} PanelIndex = 0 def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw): """Creates a popup dialog to alert and/or interact with user. Some of the main keywords that can be used to customize the dialog: Parameters: text (str): Text message/query displayed to user geom: Geometry to be displayed in dialog buttonTextList: List of text to show on each button buttonGeomList: List of geometry to show on each button buttonImageList: List of images to show on each button buttonValueList: List of values sent to dialog command for each button. If value is [] then the ordinal rank of the button is used as its value. buttonHotKeyList: List of hotkeys to bind to each button. Typing the hotkey is equivalent to pressing the corresponding button. suppressKeys: Set to true if you wish to suppress keys (i.e. Dialog eats key event), false if you wish Dialog to pass along key event. buttonSize: 4-tuple used to specify custom size for each button (to make bigger then geom/text for example) pad: Space between border and interior graphics topPad: Extra space added above text/geom/image midPad: Extra space added between text/buttons sidePad: Extra space added to either side of text/buttons buttonPadSF: Scale factor used to expand/contract button horizontal spacing command: Callback command used when a button is pressed. Value supplied to command depends on values in buttonValueList. Note: The number of buttons on the dialog depends on the maximum length of any button[Text|Geom|Image|Value]List specified. Values of None are substituted for lists that are shorter than the max length """ # Inherits from DirectFrame optiondefs = ( # Define type of DirectGuiWidget ('dialogName', 'DirectDialog_' + repr(DirectDialog.PanelIndex), DGG.INITOPT), # Default position is slightly forward in Y, so as not to # intersect the near plane, which is incorrectly set to 0 # in DX for some reason. ('pos', (0, 0.1, 0), None), ('pad', (0.1, 0.1), None), ('text', '', None), ('text_align', TextNode.ALeft, None), ('text_scale', 0.06, None), ('image', DGG.getDefaultDialogGeom(), None), ('relief', DGG.getDefaultDialogRelief(), None), ('borderWidth', (0.01, 0.01), None), ('buttonTextList', [], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonGeomList', [], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonImageList', [], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonValueList', [], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonHotKeyList', [], DGG.INITOPT), ('button_borderWidth', (.01, .01), None), ('button_pad', (.01, .01), None), ('button_relief', DGG.RAISED, None), ('button_text_scale', 0.06, None), ('buttonSize', None, DGG.INITOPT), ('topPad', 0.06, DGG.INITOPT), ('midPad', 0.12, DGG.INITOPT), ('sidePad', 0., DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonPadSF', 1.1, DGG.INITOPT), # Alpha of fade screen behind dialog ('fadeScreen', 0, None), ('command', None, None), ('extraArgs', [], None), ('sortOrder', DGG.NO_FADE_SORT_INDEX, None), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs, dynamicGroups = ("button",)) # Initialize superclasses DirectFrame.__init__(self, parent) #if not self['dialogName']: # self['dialogName'] = 'DirectDialog_' + repr(DirectDialog.PanelIndex) # Clean up any previously existing panel with the same unique # name. We don't allow any two panels with the same name to # coexist. cleanupDialog(self['dialogName']) # Store this panel in our map of all open panels. DirectDialog.AllDialogs[self['dialogName']] = self DirectDialog.PanelIndex += 1 # Determine number of buttons self.numButtons = max(len(self['buttonTextList']), len(self['buttonGeomList']), len(self['buttonImageList']), len(self['buttonValueList'])) # Create buttons self.buttonList = [] index = 0 for i in range(self.numButtons): name = 'Button' + repr(i) try: text = self['buttonTextList'][i] except IndexError: text = None try: geom = self['buttonGeomList'][i] except IndexError: geom = None try: image = self['buttonImageList'][i] except IndexError: image = None try: value = self['buttonValueList'][i] except IndexError: value = i self['buttonValueList'].append(i) try: hotKey = self['buttonHotKeyList'][i] except IndexError: hotKey = None button = self.createcomponent( name, (), "button", DirectButton, (self,), text = text, geom = geom, image = image, suppressKeys = self['suppressKeys'], frameSize = self['buttonSize'], command = lambda s = self, v = value: s.buttonCommand(v) ) self.buttonList.append(button) # Update dialog when everything has been initialised self.postInitialiseFuncList.append(self.configureDialog) self.initialiseoptions(DirectDialog) def configureDialog(self): # Set up hot key bindings bindList = zip(self.buttonList, self['buttonHotKeyList'], self['buttonValueList']) for button, hotKey, value in bindList: if ((type(hotKey) == list) or (type(hotKey) == tuple)): for key in hotKey: button.bind('press-' + key + '-', self.buttonCommand, extraArgs = [value]) self.bind('press-' + key + '-', self.buttonCommand, extraArgs = [value]) else: button.bind('press-' + hotKey + '-', self.buttonCommand, extraArgs = [value]) self.bind('press-' + hotKey + '-', self.buttonCommand, extraArgs = [value]) # Position buttons and text pad = self['pad'] if self.hascomponent('image0'): image = self.component('image0') else: image = None # Get size of text/geom without image (for state 0) if image: image.reparentTo(ShowBaseGlobal.hidden) bounds = self.stateNodePath[0].getTightBounds() if image: image.reparentTo(self.stateNodePath[0]) if bounds is None: l = 0 r = 0 b = 0 t = 0 else: l = bounds[0][0] r = bounds[1][0] b = bounds[0][2] t = bounds[1][2] # Center text and geom around origin # How far is center of text from origin? xOffset = -(l+r)*0.5 zOffset = -(b+t)*0.5 # Update bounds to reflect text movement l += xOffset r += xOffset b += zOffset t += zOffset # Offset text and geom to center if self['text']: self['text_pos'] = (self['text_pos'][0] + xOffset, self['text_pos'][1] + zOffset) if self['geom']: self['geom_pos'] = Point3(self['geom_pos'][0] + xOffset, self['geom_pos'][1], self['geom_pos'][2] + zOffset) if self.numButtons != 0: bpad = self['button_pad'] # Get button size if self['buttonSize']: # Either use given size buttonSize = self['buttonSize'] bl = buttonSize[0] br = buttonSize[1] bb = buttonSize[2] bt = buttonSize[3] else: # Or get bounds of union of buttons bl = br = bb = bt = 0 for button in self.buttonList: bounds = button.stateNodePath[0].getTightBounds() if bounds is None: bl = 0 br = 0 bb = 0 bt = 0 else: bl = min(bl, bounds[0][0]) br = max(br, bounds[1][0]) bb = min(bb, bounds[0][2]) bt = max(bt, bounds[1][2]) bl -= bpad[0] br += bpad[0] bb -= bpad[1] bt += bpad[1] # Now resize buttons to match largest for button in self.buttonList: button['frameSize'] = (bl, br, bb, bt) # Must compensate for scale scale = self['button_scale'] # Can either be a Vec3 or a tuple of 3 values if (isinstance(scale, Vec3) or (type(scale) == list) or (type(scale) == tuple)): sx = scale[0] sz = scale[2] elif ((type(scale) == int) or (type(scale) == float)): sx = sz = scale else: sx = sz = 1 bl *= sx br *= sx bb *= sz bt *= sz # Position buttons # Calc button width and height bHeight = bt - bb bWidth = br - bl # Add pad between buttons bSpacing = self['buttonPadSF'] * bWidth bPos = -bSpacing * (self.numButtons - 1)*0.5 index = 0 for button in self.buttonList: button.setPos(bPos + index * bSpacing, 0, b - self['midPad'] - bpad[1] - bt) index += 1 bMax = bPos + bSpacing * (self.numButtons - 1) else: bpad = 0 bl = br = bb = bt = 0 bPos = 0 bMax = 0 bpad = (0, 0) bHeight = bWidth = 0 # Resize frame to fit text and buttons l = min(bPos + bl, l) - pad[0] r = max(bMax + br, r) + pad[0] sidePad = self['sidePad'] l -= sidePad r += sidePad # reduce bottom by pad, button height and 2*button pad b = min(b - self['midPad'] - bpad[1] - bHeight - bpad[1], b) - pad[1] t = t + self['topPad'] + pad[1] if self['frameSize'] is None: self['frameSize'] = (l, r, b, t) self['image_scale'] = (r - l, 1, t - b) # Center frame about text and buttons self['image_pos'] = ((l+r)*0.5, 0.0, (b+t)*0.5) self.resetFrameSize() def show(self): if self['fadeScreen']: base.transitions.fadeScreen(self['fadeScreen']) self.setBin('gui-popup', 0) NodePath.show(self) def hide(self): if self['fadeScreen']: base.transitions.noTransitions() NodePath.hide(self) def buttonCommand(self, value, event = None): if self['command']: self['command'](value, *self['extraArgs']) def setMessage(self, message): self['text'] = message self.configureDialog() def cleanup(self): # Remove this panel out of the AllDialogs list uniqueName = self['dialogName'] if uniqueName in DirectDialog.AllDialogs: del DirectDialog.AllDialogs[uniqueName] self.destroy() def destroy(self): if self['fadeScreen']: base.transitions.noTransitions() for button in self.buttonList: button.destroy() DirectFrame.destroy(self) class OkDialog(DirectDialog): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Inherits from DirectFrame optiondefs = ( # Define type of DirectGuiWidget ('buttonTextList', ['OK'], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonValueList', [DGG.DIALOG_OK], DGG.INITOPT), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) DirectDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.initialiseoptions(OkDialog) class OkCancelDialog(DirectDialog): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Inherits from DirectFrame optiondefs = ( # Define type of DirectGuiWidget ('buttonTextList', ['OK','Cancel'], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonValueList', [DGG.DIALOG_OK, DGG.DIALOG_CANCEL], DGG.INITOPT), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) DirectDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.initialiseoptions(OkCancelDialog) class YesNoDialog(DirectDialog): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Inherits from DirectFrame optiondefs = ( # Define type of DirectGuiWidget ('buttonTextList', ['Yes', 'No'], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonValueList', [DGG.DIALOG_YES, DGG.DIALOG_NO], DGG.INITOPT), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) DirectDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.initialiseoptions(YesNoDialog) class YesNoCancelDialog(DirectDialog): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Inherits from DirectFrame optiondefs = ( # Define type of DirectGuiWidget ('buttonTextList', ['Yes', 'No', 'Cancel'], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonValueList', [DGG.DIALOG_YES, DGG.DIALOG_NO, DGG.DIALOG_CANCEL], DGG.INITOPT), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) DirectDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.initialiseoptions(YesNoCancelDialog) class RetryCancelDialog(DirectDialog): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Inherits from DirectFrame optiondefs = ( # Define type of DirectGuiWidget ('buttonTextList', ['Retry','Cancel'], DGG.INITOPT), ('buttonValueList', [DGG.DIALOG_RETRY, DGG.DIALOG_CANCEL], DGG.INITOPT), ) # Merge keyword options with default options self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) DirectDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.initialiseoptions(RetryCancelDialog)