from .DirectGlobals import * from panda3d.core import VBase4 from direct.task.Task import Task # Routines to adjust values def ROUND_TO(value, divisor): return round(value/float(divisor)) * divisor def ROUND_INT(val): return int(round(val)) def CLAMP(val, minVal, maxVal): return min(max(val, minVal), maxVal) # Create a tk compatible color string def getTkColorString(color): """ Print out a Tk compatible version of a color string """ def toHex(intVal): val = int(intVal) if val < 16: return "0" + hex(val)[2:] else: return hex(val)[2:] r = toHex(color[0]) g = toHex(color[1]) b = toHex(color[2]) return "#" + r + g + b ## Background Color ## def lerpBackgroundColor(r, g, b, duration): """ Function to lerp background color to a new value """ def lerpColor(state): dt = globalClock.getDt() state.time += dt sf = state.time / state.duration if sf >= 1.0: base.setBackgroundColor([0],[1],[2]) return Task.done else: r = sf *[0] + (1 - sf) *[0] g = sf *[1] + (1 - sf) *[1] b = sf *[2] + (1 - sf) *[2] base.setBackgroundColor(r, g, b) return Task.cont taskMgr.remove('lerpBackgroundColor') t = taskMgr.add(lerpColor, 'lerpBackgroundColor') t.time = 0.0 t.duration = duration = base.getBackgroundColor() = VBase4(r, g, b, 1) # Set direct drawing style for an object # Never light object or draw in wireframe def useDirectRenderStyle(nodePath, priority = 0): """ Function to force a node path to use direct render style: no lighting, and no wireframe """ nodePath.setLightOff(priority) nodePath.setRenderModeFilled() # File data util def getFileData(filename, separator = ','): """ Open the specified file and strip out unwanted whitespace and empty lines. Return file as list of lists, one file line per element, list elements based upon separator """ f = open(filename.toOsSpecific(), 'r') rawData = f.readlines() f.close() fileData = [] for line in rawData: # First strip whitespace from both ends of line l = line.strip() if l: # If its a valid line, split on separator and # strip leading/trailing whitespace from each element data = [s.strip() for s in l.split(separator)] fileData.append(data) return fileData