from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject from .DirectGlobals import * from .DirectUtil import * from .DirectGeometry import * from .DirectSelection import SelectionRay from direct.task import Task from copy import deepcopy class DirectManipulationControl(DirectObject): def __init__(self): # Create the grid self.objectHandles = ObjectHandles() self.hitPt = Point3(0) self.prevHit = Vec3(0) self.hitPtScale = Point3(0) # [gjeon] to be used in new LE's camera control self.prevHitScale = Vec3(0) # [gjeon] to be used in new LE's camera control self.rotationCenter = Point3(0) self.initScaleMag = 1 self.manipRef ='manipRef') self.hitPtDist = 0 self.constraint = None self.rotateAxis = 'x' self.lastCrankAngle = 0 self.fSetCoa = 0 self.fHitInit = 1 self.fScaleInit = 1 self.fScaleInit1 = 1 # [gjeon] to be used in new LE's camera control self.fWidgetTop = 0 self.fFreeManip = 1 self.fScaling3D = 0 self.fScaling1D = 0 self.fMovable = 1 self.mode = None self.worldSpaceManip = False #turn this on to enable separate handles for scaling self.useSeparateScaleHandles = False self.actionEvents = [ ['DIRECT-mouse1', self.manipulationStart], ['DIRECT-mouse1Up', self.manipulationStop], ['tab', self.toggleObjectHandlesMode], ## ['.', self.objectHandles.multiplyScalingFactorBy, 2.0], ## ['>', self.objectHandles.multiplyScalingFactorBy, 2.0], ## [',', self.objectHandles.multiplyScalingFactorBy, 0.5], ## ['<', self.objectHandles.multiplyScalingFactorBy, 0.5], ['DIRECT-widgetScaleUp', self.scaleWidget, 2.0], ['DIRECT-widgetScaleDown', self.scaleWidget, 0.5], ['shift-f', self.objectHandles.growToFit], ['i', self.plantSelectedNodePath], ] self.defaultSkipFlags = SKIP_HIDDEN | SKIP_BACKFACE self.optionalSkipFlags = 0 self.unmovableTagList = [] # [gjeon] flag to enable selection while other manipulation is disabled self.fAllowSelectionOnly = 0 # [gjeon] flag to enable marquee selection feature self.fAllowMarquee = 0 self.marquee = None # [gjeon] for new LE's multi-view support self.fMultiView = 0 # [gjeon] to support grid snapping self.fGridSnap = 0 def scaleWidget(self, factor): if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.multiplyScalingFactorBy(factor) def supportMultiView(self): if self.fMultiView: return self.objectHandles.hide(BitMask32.bit(0)) self.objectHandles.hide(BitMask32.bit(1)) self.objectHandles.hide(BitMask32.bit(2)) self.topViewWidget = ObjectHandles('topViewWidget') self.frontViewWidget = ObjectHandles('frontViewWidget') self.leftViewWidget = ObjectHandles('leftViewWidget') self.widgetList = [self.topViewWidget, self.frontViewWidget, self.leftViewWidget, self.objectHandles] self.topViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(1)) self.topViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(2)) self.topViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(3)) self.frontViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(0)) self.frontViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(2)) self.frontViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(3)) self.leftViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(0)) self.leftViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(1)) self.leftViewWidget.hide(BitMask32.bit(3)) self.fMultiView = 1 def manipulationStart(self, modifiers): # Start out in select mode self.mode = 'select' if and modifiers == 4: self.mode = 'camera' if self.fAllowSelectionOnly: return if self.fScaling1D == 0 and\ self.fScaling3D == 0: # Check for a widget hit point entry = = SKIP_WIDGET) # Did we hit a widget? if entry: # Yes! self.hitPt.assign(entry.getSurfacePoint(entry.getFromNodePath())) self.hitPtDist = Vec3(self.hitPt).length() # Constraint determined by nodes name self.constraint = entry.getIntoNodePath().getName() else: # Nope, off the widget, no constraint self.constraint = None # [gjeon] to prohibit unwanted object movement while direct window doesn't have focus if and not \ and not self.fAllowMarquee: return else: entry = None if not if entry: # Check to see if we are moving the object # We are moving the object if we either wait long enough taskMgr.doMethodLater(MANIPULATION_MOVE_DELAY, self.switchToMoveMode, 'manip-move-wait') # Or we move far enough self.moveDir = None watchMouseTask = Task.Task(self.watchMouseTask) watchMouseTask.initX = watchMouseTask.initY = taskMgr.add(watchMouseTask, 'manip-watch-mouse') else: if self.mode = 'move' self.manipulateObject() elif not and self.fAllowMarquee: self.moveDir = None watchMarqueeTask = Task.Task(self.watchMarqueeTask) watchMarqueeTask.initX = watchMarqueeTask.initY = taskMgr.add(watchMarqueeTask, 'manip-marquee-mouse') def switchToWorldSpaceMode(self): self.worldSpaceManip = True def switchToLocalSpaceMode(self): self.worldSpaceManip = False def switchToMoveMode(self, state): taskMgr.remove('manip-watch-mouse') self.mode = 'move' self.manipulateObject() return Task.done def watchMouseTask(self, state): if (((abs (state.initX - > 0.01) or ((abs (state.initY - > 0.01)): taskMgr.remove('manip-move-wait') self.mode = 'move' self.manipulateObject() return Task.done else: return Task.cont def watchMarqueeTask(self, state): taskMgr.remove('manip-watch-mouse') taskMgr.remove('manip-move-wait') self.mode = 'select' self.drawMarquee(state.initX, state.initY) return Task.cont def drawMarquee(self, startX, startY): if self.marquee: self.marquee.removeNode() self.marquee = None if and return if return endX = endY = if (((abs (endX - startX)) < 0.01) and ((abs (endY - startY)) < 0.01)): return self.marquee = LineNodePath(render2d, 'marquee', 0.5, VBase4(.8, .6, .6, 1)) self.marqueeInfo = (startX, startY, endX, endY) self.marquee.drawLines([ [(startX, 0, startY), (startX, 0, endY)], [(startX, 0, endY), (endX, 0, endY)], [(endX, 0, endY), (endX, 0, startY)], [(endX, 0, startY), (startX, 0, startY)]]) self.marquee.create() if self.fMultiView: LE_showInOneCam(self.marquee, def manipulationStop(self): taskMgr.remove('manipulateObject') taskMgr.remove('manip-move-wait') taskMgr.remove('manip-watch-mouse') taskMgr.remove('manip-marquee-mouse') # depending on flag..... if self.mode == 'select': # Check for object under mouse # Don't intersect with hidden or backfacing objects, as well as any # optionally specified things skipFlags = self.defaultSkipFlags | self.optionalSkipFlags # Skip camera (and its children), unless control key is pressed skipFlags |= SKIP_CAMERA * (1 - base.getControl()) if self.marquee: self.marquee.removeNode() self.marquee = None startX = self.marqueeInfo[0] startY = self.marqueeInfo[1] endX = self.marqueeInfo[2] endY = self.marqueeInfo[3] fll = Point3(0, 0, 0) flr = Point3(0, 0, 0) fur = Point3(0, 0, 0) ful = Point3(0, 0, 0) nll = Point3(0, 0, 0) nlr = Point3(0, 0, 0) nur = Point3(0, 0, 0) nul = Point3(0, 0, 0) lens = lens.extrude((startX, startY), nul, ful) lens.extrude((endX, startY), nur, fur) lens.extrude((endX, endY), nlr, flr) lens.extrude((startX, endY), nll, fll) marqueeFrustum = BoundingHexahedron(fll, flr, fur, ful, nll, nlr, nur, nul); marqueeFrustum.xform( base.marqueeFrustum = marqueeFrustum def findTaggedNodePath(nodePath): # Select tagged object if present for tag in if nodePath.hasNetTag(tag): nodePath = nodePath.findNetTag(tag) return nodePath return None selectionList = [] for geom in render.findAllMatches("**/+GeomNode"): if (skipFlags & SKIP_HIDDEN) and geom.isHidden(): # Skip if hidden node continue ## elif (skipFlags & SKIP_BACKFACE) and ## # Skip, if backfacing poly ## pass elif ((skipFlags & SKIP_CAMERA) and (camera in geom.getAncestors())): # Skip if parented to a camera. continue # Can pick unpickable, use the first visible node elif ((skipFlags & SKIP_UNPICKABLE) and (geom.getName() in # Skip if in unpickable list continue nodePath = findTaggedNodePath(geom) if nodePath in selectionList: continue bb = geom.getBounds() bbc = bb.makeCopy() bbc.xform(geom.getParent().getNetTransform().getMat()) boundingSphereTest = marqueeFrustum.contains(bbc) if boundingSphereTest > 1: if boundingSphereTest == 7: if nodePath not in selectionList: selectionList.append(nodePath) else: tMat = Mat4(geom.getMat()) geom.clearMat() # Get bounds min = Point3(0) max = Point3(0) geom.calcTightBounds(min, max) # Restore transform geom.setMat(tMat) fll = Point3(min[0], max[1], min[2]) flr = Point3(max[0], max[1], min[2]) fur = max ful = Point3(min[0], max[1], max[2]) nll = min nlr = Point3(max[0], min[1], min[2]) nur = Point3(max[0], min[1], max[2]) nul = Point3(min[0], min[1], max[2]) tbb = BoundingHexahedron(fll, flr, fur, ful, nll, nlr, nur, nul) tbb.xform(geom.getNetTransform().getMat()) tightBoundTest = marqueeFrustum.contains(tbb) if tightBoundTest > 1: if nodePath not in selectionList: selectionList.append(nodePath) for nodePath in selectionList:, 1) else: entry = = skipFlags) if entry: # Record hit point information self.hitPt.assign(entry.getSurfacePoint(entry.getFromNodePath())) self.hitPtDist = Vec3(self.hitPt).length() # Select it, else: #elif self.mode == 'move': self.manipulateObjectCleanup() self.mode = None def manipulateObjectCleanup(self): if self.fScaling3D or self.fScaling1D: # We had been scaling, need to reset object handles if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.transferObjectHandlesScale() self.fScaling3D = 0 self.fScaling1D = 0 if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.showAllHandles() if == 'client': cluster( '') if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.hideGuides() # Restart followSelectedNodePath task self.spawnFollowSelectedNodePathTask() messenger.send('DIRECT_manipulateObjectCleanup', []) def spawnFollowSelectedNodePathTask(self): # If nothing selected, just return if not return # Clear out old task to make sure taskMgr.remove('followSelectedNodePath') # Where are the object handles relative to the selected object pos = VBase3(0) hpr = VBase3(0) decomposeMatrix(, VBase3(0), hpr, pos, CSDefault) # Create the task t = Task.Task(self.followSelectedNodePathTask) # Update state variables t.pos = pos t.hpr = hpr t.base = # Spawn the task taskMgr.add(t, 'followSelectedNodePath') def followSelectedNodePathTask(self, state): if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in if self.worldSpaceManip: widget.setPos(state.base, state.pos) widget.setHpr(render, VBase3(0)) else: widget.setPosHpr(state.base, state.pos, state.hpr) else: if self.worldSpaceManip: widget.setPos(state.base, state.pos) widget.setHpr(render, VBase3(0)) else:, state.pos, state.hpr) return Task.cont def enableManipulation(self): # Accept events for event in self.actionEvents: self.accept(event[0], event[1], extraArgs = event[2:]) self.fAllowSelectionOnly = 0 def disableManipulation(self, allowSelectionOnly=False): # Ignore events for event in self.actionEvents: self.ignore(event[0]) # [gjeon] to enable selection while other manipulation is disabled if allowSelectionOnly: self.fAllowSelectionOnly = allowSelectionOnly self.accept('DIRECT-mouse1', self.manipulationStart) self.accept('DIRECT-mouse1Up', self.manipulationStop) self.removeManipulateObjectTask() taskMgr.remove('manipulateObject') taskMgr.remove('manip-move-wait') taskMgr.remove('manip-watch-mouse') taskMgr.remove('highlightWidgetTask') def toggleObjectHandlesMode(self): if self.fMovable: self.fSetCoa = 1 - self.fSetCoa if self.fSetCoa: if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.coaModeColor() else: if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.manipModeColor() else: if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.disabledModeColor() def removeManipulateObjectTask(self): taskMgr.remove('manipulateObject') def enableWidgetMove(self): self.fMovable = 1 if self.fSetCoa: if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.coaModeColor() else: if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.manipModeColor() def disableWidgetMove(self): self.fMovable = 0 if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.disabledModeColor() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function: get edit types list for specified objects which indicate # how editable the objects are # Parameters: object, list of object to get edit types for # Changes: none # Returns: list of edit types #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getEditTypes(self, objects): # See if any of the selected in the don't manipulate tag list editTypes = 0 for tag in self.unmovableTagList: for selected in objects: unmovableTag = selected.getTag(tag) if (unmovableTag): # check value of unmovableTag to see if it is # completely uneditable or if it allows only certain # types of editing editTypes |= int(unmovableTag) return editTypes def manipulateObject(self): # Only do this if something is selected selectedList = # See if any of the selected are completely uneditable editTypes = self.getEditTypes(selectedList) if (editTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNEDITABLE == EDIT_TYPE_UNEDITABLE): return self.currEditTypes = editTypes if selectedList: # Remove the task to keep the widget attached to the object taskMgr.remove('followSelectedNodePath') # and the task to highlight the widget taskMgr.remove('highlightWidgetTask') # Set manipulation flag self.fManip = 1 # Record undo point # Update object handles visibility if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.showGuides() self.objectHandles.hideAllHandles() self.objectHandles.showHandle(self.constraint) if == 'client': oh = '' cluster(oh + '.showGuides()', 0) cluster(oh + '.hideAllHandles()', 0) cluster(oh + ('.showHandle("%s")'% self.constraint), 0) # Record relationship between selected nodes and widget # hide the bbox of the selected objects during interaction # Send event to signal start of manipulation messenger.send('DIRECT_manipulateObjectStart') # Manipulate the real object with the constraint # The constraint is passed as the name of the node self.spawnManipulateObjectTask() def spawnManipulateObjectTask(self): # reset hit-pt flag self.fHitInit = 1 self.fScaleInit = 1 if not self.fScaling1D and\ not self.fScaling3D: self.fScaleInit1 = 1 # record initial offset between widget and camera t = Task.Task(self.manipulateObjectTask) t.fMouseX = abs( > 0.9 t.fMouseY = abs( > 0.9 if t.fMouseX: t.constrainedDir = 'y' else: t.constrainedDir = 'x' # Compute widget's xy coords in screen space t.coaCenter = getScreenXY( # These are used to rotate about view vector if t.fMouseX and t.fMouseY: t.lastAngle = getCrankAngle(t.coaCenter) taskMgr.add(t, 'manipulateObject') def manipulateObjectTask(self, state): if self.fScaling1D: self.scale1D(state) elif self.fScaling3D: self.scale3D(state) else: # Widget takes precedence if self.constraint: type = self.constraint[2:] if self.useSeparateScaleHandles: if type == 'post' and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNMOVABLE: self.xlate1D(state) elif type == 'disc' and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNMOVABLE: self.xlate2D(state) elif type == 'ring' and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNROTATABLE: self.rotate1D(state) elif type == 'scale' and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNSCALABLE: if self.fScaling3D = 1 self.scale3D(state) else: self.fScaling1D = 1 self.scale1D(state) else: if and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNSCALABLE: if type == 'post': # [gjeon] non-uniform scaling self.fScaling1D = 1 self.scale1D(state) else: # [gjeon] uniform scaling self.fScaling3D = 1 self.scale3D(state) else: if type == 'post' and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNMOVABLE: self.xlate1D(state) elif type == 'disc' and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNMOVABLE: self.xlate2D(state) elif type == 'ring' and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNROTATABLE: self.rotate1D(state) # No widget interaction, determine free manip mode elif self.fFreeManip and not self.useSeparateScaleHandles: # If we've been scaling and changed modes, reset object handles if 0 and (self.fScaling1D or self.fScaling3D) and (not if hasattr(, 'widget'): else: self.objectHandles.transferObjectHandlesScale() self.fScaling1D = 0 self.fScaling3D = 0 # Alt key switches to a scaling mode if and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNSCALABLE: self.fScaling3D = 1 self.scale3D(state) # Otherwise, manip mode depends on where you started elif state.fMouseX and state.fMouseY and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNROTATABLE: # In the corner, spin around camera's axis self.rotateAboutViewVector(state) elif state.fMouseX or state.fMouseY and not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNMOVABLE: # Mouse started elsewhere in the outer frame, rotate self.rotate2D(state) elif not self.currEditTypes & EDIT_TYPE_UNMOVABLE: # Mouse started in central region, xlate # Mode depends on shift key if or self.xlateCamXY(state) else: self.xlateCamXZ(state) else: return Task.done if self.fSetCoa: # Update coa based on current widget position else: # Move the objects with the widget # Continue return Task.cont def addTag(self, tag): if tag not in self.unmovableTagList: self.unmovableTagList.append(tag) def removeTag(self, tag): self.unmovableTagList.remove(tag) def gridSnapping(self, nodePath, offset): offsetX = nodePath.getX() + offset.getX() offsetY = nodePath.getY() + offset.getY() offsetZ = nodePath.getZ() + offset.getZ() if offsetX < 0.0: signX = -1.0 else: signX = 1.0 modX = math.fabs(offsetX) % floorX = math.floor(math.fabs(offsetX) / if modX < / 2.0: offsetX = signX * floorX * else: offsetX = signX * (floorX + 1) * if offsetY < 0.0: signY = -1.0 else: signY = 1.0 modY = math.fabs(offsetY) % floorY = math.floor(math.fabs(offsetY) / if modY < / 2.0: offsetY = signY * floorY * else: offsetY = signY * (floorY + 1) * if offsetZ < 0.0: signZ = -1.0 else: signZ = 1.0 modZ = math.fabs(offsetZ) % floorZ = math.floor(math.fabs(offsetZ) / if modZ < / 2.0: offsetZ = signZ * floorZ * else: offsetZ = signZ * (floorZ + 1) * return Point3(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) ### WIDGET MANIPULATION METHODS ### def xlate1D(self, state): # Constrained 1D Translation along widget axis # Compute nearest hit point along axis and try to keep # that point as close to the current mouse position as possible # what point on the axis is the mouse pointing at? self.hitPt.assign(self.objectHandles.getAxisIntersectPt( self.constraint[:1])) # use it to see how far to move the widget if self.fHitInit: # First time through, just record that point self.fHitInit = 0 self.prevHit.assign(self.hitPt) else: # Move widget to keep hit point as close to mouse as possible offset = self.hitPt - self.prevHit if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in if self.fGridSnap: widget.setPos(self.gridSnapping(widget, offset)) else: widget.setPos(widget, offset) #if != 'persp': #self.prevHit.assign(self.hitPt) else: if self.fGridSnap:, offset)) else:, offset) def xlate2D(self, state): # Constrained 2D (planar) translation # Compute point of intersection of ray from eyepoint through cursor # to one of the three orthogonal planes on the widget. # This point tracks all subsequent mouse movements self.hitPt.assign(self.objectHandles.getWidgetIntersectPt(, self.constraint[:1])) # use it to see how far to move the widget if self.fHitInit: # First time through just record hit point self.fHitInit = 0 self.prevHit.assign(self.hitPt) else: offset = self.hitPt - self.prevHit if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in if self.fGridSnap: widget.setPos(self.gridSnapping(widget, offset)) else: widget.setPos(widget, offset) if != 'persp': self.prevHit.assign(self.hitPt) else: if self.fGridSnap:, offset)) else:, offset) def rotate1D(self, state): # Constrained 1D rotation about the widget's main axis (X, Y, or Z) # Rotation depends upon circular motion of the mouse about the # projection of the widget's origin on the image plane # A complete circle about the widget results in a change in # orientation of 360 degrees. # First initialize hit point/rotation angle if self.fHitInit: self.fHitInit = 0 self.rotateAxis = self.constraint[:1] self.fWidgetTop = self.widgetCheck('top?') self.rotationCenter = getScreenXY( self.lastCrankAngle = getCrankAngle(self.rotationCenter) # Rotate widget based on how far cursor has swung around origin newAngle = getCrankAngle(self.rotationCenter) deltaAngle = self.lastCrankAngle - newAngle if self.fWidgetTop: deltaAngle = -1 * deltaAngle if self.rotateAxis == 'x': if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in widget.setP(widget, deltaAngle) else:, deltaAngle) elif self.rotateAxis == 'y': if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in widget.setR(widget, deltaAngle) else:, deltaAngle) elif self.rotateAxis == 'z': if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in widget.setH(widget, deltaAngle) else:, deltaAngle) # Record crank angle for next time around self.lastCrankAngle = newAngle def widgetCheck(self, type): # Utility to see if we are looking at the top or bottom of # a 2D planar widget or if we are looking at a 2D planar widget # edge on # Based upon angle between view vector from eye through the # widget's origin and one of the three principle axes axis = self.constraint[:1] # First compute vector from eye through widget origin mWidget2Cam = # And determine where the viewpoint is relative to widget pos = VBase3(0) decomposeMatrix(mWidget2Cam, VBase3(0), VBase3(0), pos, CSDefault) widgetDir = Vec3(pos) widgetDir.normalize() # Convert specified widget axis to view space if axis == 'x': widgetAxis = Vec3(mWidget2Cam.xformVec(X_AXIS)) elif axis == 'y': widgetAxis = Vec3(mWidget2Cam.xformVec(Y_AXIS)) elif axis == 'z': widgetAxis = Vec3(mWidget2Cam.xformVec(Z_AXIS)) widgetAxis.normalize() if type == 'top?': # Check sign of angle between two vectors return ( < 0.) elif type == 'edge?': # Checking to see if we are viewing edge-on # Check angle between two vectors return(abs( < .2) ### FREE MANIPULATION METHODS ### def xlateCamXZ(self, state): """Constrained 2D motion parallel to the camera's image plane This moves the object in the camera's XZ plane""" # reset fHitInit in case we later switch to manip mode self.fHitInit = 1 # Reset scaling init flag self.fScaleInit = 1 # Where is the widget relative to current camera view vWidget2Camera = x = vWidget2Camera[0] y = vWidget2Camera[1] z = vWidget2Camera[2] # Move widget (and objects) based upon mouse motion # Scaled up accordingly based upon widget distance dr =, x + 0.5 * dr.mouseDeltaX * dr.nearWidth * (y/dr.near)), z + 0.5 * dr.mouseDeltaY * dr.nearHeight * (y/dr.near)) def xlateCamXY(self, state): """Constrained 2D motion perpendicular to camera's image plane This moves the object in the camera's XY plane if shift is held Moves object toward camera if control is held """ # Reset scaling init flag self.fScaleInit = 1 # Now, where is the widget relative to current camera view vWidget2Camera = # If this is first time around, record initial y distance if self.fHitInit: self.fHitInit = 0 # Use distance to widget to scale motion along Y self.xlateSF = Vec3(vWidget2Camera).length() # Get widget's current xy coords in screen space coaCenter = getNearProjectionPoint( self.deltaNearX = coaCenter[0] -[0] # Which way do we move the object? if moveDir = Vec3(vWidget2Camera) # If widget is behind camera invert vector if moveDir[1] < 0.0: moveDir.assign(moveDir * -1) moveDir.normalize() else: moveDir = Vec3(Y_AXIS) # Move selected objects dr = # Scale move dir moveDir.assign(moveDir * (2.0 * dr.mouseDeltaY * self.xlateSF)) # Add it to current widget offset vWidget2Camera += moveDir # The object, however, stays at the same relative point to mouse in X vWidget2Camera.setX((dr.nearVec[0] + self.deltaNearX) * (vWidget2Camera[1]/dr.near)) # Move widget, vWidget2Camera) def rotate2D(self, state): """ Virtual trackball rotation of widget """ # Reset init flag in case we switch to another mode self.fHitInit = 1 # Reset scaling init flag self.fScaleInit = 1 tumbleRate = 360 # If moving outside of center, ignore motion perpendicular to edge if ((state.constrainedDir == 'y') and (abs( > 0.9)): deltaX = 0 deltaY = elif ((state.constrainedDir == 'x') and (abs( > 0.9)): deltaX = deltaY = 0 else: deltaX = deltaY = # Mouse motion edge to edge of display region results in one full turn relHpr(,, deltaX * tumbleRate, -deltaY * tumbleRate, 0) def rotateAboutViewVector(self, state): # Reset init flag in case we switch to another mode self.fHitInit = 1 # Reset scaling init flag self.fScaleInit = 1 # Compute current angle angle = getCrankAngle(state.coaCenter) deltaAngle = angle - state.lastAngle state.lastAngle = angle # Mouse motion edge to edge of display region results in one full turn relHpr(,, 0, 0, -deltaAngle) def scale1D(self, state): if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and self.hitPtScale.assign(self.objectHandles.getAxisIntersectPt(self.constraint[:1])) self.hitPtScale = self.objectHandles.getMat().xformVec(self.hitPtScale) if self.fScaleInit1: # First time through just record hit point self.fScaleInit1 = 0 self.prevHitScale.assign(self.hitPtScale) self.origScale = else: widgetPos = d0 = (self.prevHitScale).length() if d0 == 0: #make sure we don't divide by zero d0 = 0.001 d1 = (self.hitPtScale).length() if d1 == 0: #make sure we don't set scale to zero d1 = 0.001 currScale = self.origScale # Scale factor is ratio current mag with init mag if self.constraint[:1] == 'x': currScale = Vec3(currScale.getX() * d1/d0, currScale.getY(), currScale.getZ()) elif self.constraint[:1] == 'y': currScale = Vec3(currScale.getX(), currScale.getY() * d1/d0, currScale.getZ()) elif self.constraint[:1] == 'z': currScale = Vec3(currScale.getX(), currScale.getY(), currScale.getZ() * d1/d0) return # [gjeon] Constrained 1D scale of the selected node based upon up down mouse motion if self.fScaleInit: self.fScaleInit = 0 self.initScaleMag = Vec3(self.objectHandles.getAxisIntersectPt(self.constraint[:1])).length() # record initial scale self.initScale = # Reset fHitInitFlag self.fHitInit = 1 # reset the scale of the scaling widget so the calls to # getAxisIntersectPt calculate the correct distance,1,1) # Scale factor is ratio current mag with init mag if self.constraint[:1] == 'x': currScale = Vec3(self.initScale.getX() * self.objectHandles.getAxisIntersectPt('x').length() / self.initScaleMag, self.initScale.getY(), self.initScale.getZ()) elif self.constraint[:1] == 'y': currScale = Vec3(self.initScale.getX(), self.initScale.getY() * self.objectHandles.getAxisIntersectPt('y').length() / self.initScaleMag, self.initScale.getZ()) elif self.constraint[:1] == 'z': currScale = Vec3(self.initScale.getX(), self.initScale.getY(), self.initScale.getZ() * self.objectHandles.getAxisIntersectPt('z').length() / self.initScaleMag) def scale3D(self, state): if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and if self.useSeparateScaleHandles: self.hitPtScale.assign(self.objectHandles.getAxisIntersectPt(self.constraint[:1])) self.hitPtScale = self.objectHandles.getMat().xformVec(self.hitPtScale) if self.fScaleInit1: # First time through just record hit point self.fScaleInit1 = 0 self.prevHitScale.assign(self.hitPtScale) self.origScale = else: widgetPos = d0 = (self.prevHitScale).length() if d0 == 0: #make sure we don't divide by zero d0 = 0.001 d1 = (self.hitPtScale).length() if d1 == 0: #make sure we don't set scale to zero d1 = 0.001 currScale = self.origScale # Scale factor is ratio current mag with init mag currScale = Vec3(currScale.getX() * d1/d0, currScale.getY() * d1/d0, currScale.getZ() * d1/d0) return else: self.hitPtScale.assign(self.objectHandles.getMouseIntersectPt()) if self.fScaleInit1: # First time through just record hit point self.fScaleInit1 = 0 self.prevHitScale.assign(self.hitPtScale) self.origScale = else: widgetPos = d0 = (self.prevHitScale - widgetPos).length() if d0 == 0: #make sure we don't divide by zero d0 = 0.001 d1 = (self.hitPtScale - widgetPos).length() if d1 == 0: d1 = 0.001 #make sure we don't set scale to zero currScale = self.origScale currScale = currScale * d1/d0 return # Scale the selected node based upon up down mouse motion # Mouse motion from edge to edge results in a factor of 4 scaling # From midpoint to edge doubles or halves objects scale if self.fScaleInit: self.fScaleInit = 0 self.manipRef.setPos(, 0, 0, 0) self.manipRef.setHpr(, 0, 0, 0) self.initScaleMag = Vec3( self.objectHandles.getWidgetIntersectPt( self.manipRef, 'y')).length() # record initial scale self.initScale = # Reset fHitInitFlag self.fHitInit = 1 # Begin # Scale factor is ratio current mag with init mag currScale = ( self.initScale * (self.objectHandles.getWidgetIntersectPt( self.manipRef, 'y').length() / self.initScaleMag) ) ## Utility functions ## def plantSelectedNodePath(self): """ Move selected object to intersection point of cursor on scene """ # Check for intersection entry = skipFlags = SKIP_HIDDEN | SKIP_BACKFACE | SKIP_CAMERA) # MRM: Need to handle moving COA if (entry != None) and ( != None): # Record undo point # Record wrt matrix # Move selected, entry.getSurfacePoint(entry.getFromNodePath())) # Move all the selected objects with widget # Move the objects with the widget # Let everyone know that something was moved messenger.send('DIRECT_manipulateObjectCleanup', []) class ObjectHandles(NodePath, DirectObject): def __init__(self, name='objectHandles'): # Initialize the superclass NodePath.__init__(self) # Load up object handles model and assign it to self self.assign(loader.loadModel('models/misc/objectHandles')) self.setName(name) self.scalingNode = NodePath(self) self.scalingNode.setName('ohScalingNode') self.ohScalingFactor = 1.0 self.directScalingFactor = 1.0 # To avoid recreating a vec every frame self.hitPt = Vec3(0) # Get a handle on the components self.xHandles = self.find('**/X') self.xPostGroup = self.xHandles.find('**/x-post-group') self.xPostCollision = self.xHandles.find('**/x-post') self.xRingGroup = self.xHandles.find('**/x-ring-group') self.xRingCollision = self.xHandles.find('**/x-ring') self.xDiscGroup = self.xHandles.find('**/x-disc-group') self.xDisc = self.xHandles.find('**/x-disc-visible') self.xDiscCollision = self.xHandles.find('**/x-disc') self.xScaleGroup = deepcopy(self.xPostGroup) self.xScaleGroup.setName('x-scale-group') self.xScaleCollision = self.xScaleGroup.find('**/x-post') self.xScaleCollision.setName('x-scale') self.yHandles = self.find('**/Y') self.yPostGroup = self.yHandles.find('**/y-post-group') self.yPostCollision = self.yHandles.find('**/y-post') self.yRingGroup = self.yHandles.find('**/y-ring-group') self.yRingCollision = self.yHandles.find('**/y-ring') self.yDiscGroup = self.yHandles.find('**/y-disc-group') self.yDisc = self.yHandles.find('**/y-disc-visible') self.yDiscCollision = self.yHandles.find('**/y-disc') self.yScaleGroup = deepcopy(self.yPostGroup) self.yScaleGroup.setName('y-scale-group') self.yScaleCollision = self.yScaleGroup.find('**/y-post') self.yScaleCollision.setName('y-scale') self.zHandles = self.find('**/Z') self.zPostGroup = self.zHandles.find('**/z-post-group') self.zPostCollision = self.zHandles.find('**/z-post') self.zRingGroup = self.zHandles.find('**/z-ring-group') self.zRingCollision = self.zHandles.find('**/z-ring') self.zDiscGroup = self.zHandles.find('**/z-disc-group') self.zDisc = self.zHandles.find('**/z-disc-visible') self.zDiscCollision = self.zHandles.find('**/z-disc') self.zScaleGroup = deepcopy(self.zPostGroup) self.zScaleGroup.setName('z-scale-group') self.zScaleCollision = self.zScaleGroup.find('**/z-post') self.zScaleCollision.setName('z-scale') # Adjust visiblity, colors, and transparency self.xPostCollision.hide() self.xRingCollision.hide() self.xScaleCollision.hide() self.xDisc.setColor(1, 0, 0, .2) self.yPostCollision.hide() self.yRingCollision.hide() self.yScaleCollision.hide() self.yDisc.setColor(0, 1, 0, .2) self.zPostCollision.hide() self.zRingCollision.hide() self.zScaleCollision.hide() self.zDisc.setColor(0, 0, 1, .2) # Augment geometry with lines self.createObjectHandleLines() # Create long markers to help line up in world self.createGuideLines() self.hideGuides() # tag with name so they can skipped during iRay selection self.xPostCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.yPostCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.zPostCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.xRingCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.yRingCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.zRingCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.xDiscCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.yDiscCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.zDiscCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.xScaleCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.yScaleCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) self.zScaleCollision.setTag('WidgetName',name) # name disc geoms so they can be added to unpickables self.xDisc.find("**/+GeomNode").setName('x-disc-geom') self.yDisc.find("**/+GeomNode").setName('y-disc-geom') self.zDisc.find("**/+GeomNode").setName('z-disc-geom') #turn scale off by default self.disableHandles('scale') # Start with widget handles hidden self.fActive = 1 self.toggleWidget() # Make sure object handles are never lit or drawn in wireframe useDirectRenderStyle(self) def coaModeColor(self): self.setColor(.5, .5, .5, 0.5, 1) def disabledModeColor(self): self.setColor(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,1) def manipModeColor(self): self.clearColor() def toggleWidget(self): if self.fActive: if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in widget.deactivate() else: self.deactivate() else: if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and for widget in widget.activate() widget.showWidgetIfActive() else: self.activate() def activate(self): self.scalingNode.reparentTo(self) self.fActive = 1 def deactivate(self): self.scalingNode.reparentTo(hidden) self.fActive = 0 def showWidgetIfActive(self): if self.fActive: self.reparentTo( def showWidget(self): self.reparentTo( def hideWidget(self): self.reparentTo(hidden) def enableHandles(self, handles): if type(handles) == list: for handle in handles: self.enableHandle(handle) elif handles == 'x': self.enableHandles(['x-post','x-ring','x-disc', 'x-scale']) elif handles == 'y': self.enableHandles(['y-post','y-ring','y-disc', 'y-scale']) elif handles == 'z': self.enableHandles(['z-post','z-ring','z-disc', 'z-scale']) elif handles == 'post': self.enableHandles(['x-post','y-post','z-post']) elif handles == 'ring': self.enableHandles(['x-ring','y-ring','z-ring']) elif handles == 'disc': self.enableHandles(['x-disc','y-disc','z-disc']) elif handles == 'scale': self.enableHandles(['x-scale','y-scale','z-scale']) elif handles == 'all': self.enableHandles(['x-post','x-ring','x-disc','x-scale', 'y-post','y-ring','y-disc','y-scale', 'z-post','z-ring','z-disc','z-scale']) def enableHandle(self, handle): if handle == 'x-post': self.xPostGroup.reparentTo(self.xHandles) elif handle == 'x-ring': self.xRingGroup.reparentTo(self.xHandles) elif handle == 'x-disc': self.xDiscGroup.reparentTo(self.xHandles) elif handle == 'x-scale' and self.xScaleGroup.reparentTo(self.xHandles) elif handle == 'y-post': self.yPostGroup.reparentTo(self.yHandles) elif handle == 'y-ring': self.yRingGroup.reparentTo(self.yHandles) elif handle == 'y-disc': self.yDiscGroup.reparentTo(self.yHandles) elif handle == 'y-scale' and self.yScaleGroup.reparentTo(self.yHandles) elif handle == 'z-post': self.zPostGroup.reparentTo(self.zHandles) elif handle == 'z-ring': self.zRingGroup.reparentTo(self.zHandles) elif handle == 'z-disc': self.zDiscGroup.reparentTo(self.zHandles) elif handle == 'z-scale' and self.zScaleGroup.reparentTo(self.zHandles) def disableHandles(self, handles): if type(handles) == list: for handle in handles: self.disableHandle(handle) elif handles == 'x': self.disableHandles(['x-post','x-ring','x-disc','x-scale']) elif handles == 'y': self.disableHandles(['y-post','y-ring','y-disc','y-scale']) elif handles == 'z': self.disableHandles(['z-post','z-ring','z-disc','z-scale']) elif handles == 'post': self.disableHandles(['x-post','y-post','z-post']) elif handles == 'ring': self.disableHandles(['x-ring','y-ring','z-ring']) elif handles == 'disc': self.disableHandles(['x-disc','y-disc','z-disc']) elif handles == 'scale': self.disableHandles(['x-scale','y-scale','z-scale']) elif handles == 'all': self.disableHandles(['x-post','x-ring','x-disc','x-scale', 'y-post','y-ring','y-disc','y-scale', 'z-post','z-ring','z-disc','z-scale']) def disableHandle(self, handle): if handle == 'x-post': self.xPostGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'x-ring': self.xRingGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'x-disc': self.xDiscGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'x-scale': self.xScaleGroup.reparentTo(hidden) if handle == 'y-post': self.yPostGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'y-ring': self.yRingGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'y-disc': self.yDiscGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'y-scale': self.yScaleGroup.reparentTo(hidden) if handle == 'z-post': self.zPostGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'z-ring': self.zRingGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'z-disc': self.zDiscGroup.reparentTo(hidden) elif handle == 'z-scale': self.zScaleGroup.reparentTo(hidden) def showAllHandles(self): def hideAllHandles(self): self.xPost.hide() self.xRing.hide() self.xDisc.hide() self.xScale.hide() self.yPost.hide() self.yRing.hide() self.yDisc.hide() self.yScale.hide() self.zPost.hide() self.zRing.hide() self.zDisc.hide() self.zScale.hide() def showHandle(self, handle): if handle == 'x-post': elif handle == 'x-ring': elif handle == 'x-disc': elif handle == 'x-scale': elif handle == 'y-post': elif handle == 'y-ring': elif handle == 'y-disc': elif handle == 'y-scale': elif handle == 'z-post': elif handle == 'z-ring': elif handle == 'z-disc': elif handle == 'z-scale': def showGuides(self): def hideGuides(self): self.guideLines.hide() def setDirectScalingFactor(self, factor): self.directScalingFactor = factor self.setScalingFactor(1) def setScalingFactor(self, scaleFactor): self.ohScalingFactor = scaleFactor self.scalingNode.setScale(self.ohScalingFactor * self.directScalingFactor) def getScalingFactor(self): return self.scalingNode.getScale() def transferObjectHandlesScale(self): # see how much object handles have been scaled ohs = self.getScale() sns = self.scalingNode.getScale() # Transfer this to the scaling node self.scalingNode.setScale( ohs[0] * sns[0], ohs[1] * sns[1], ohs[2] * sns[2]) self.setScale(1) def multiplyScalingFactorBy(self, factor): self.ohScalingFactor = self.ohScalingFactor * factor sf = self.ohScalingFactor * self.directScalingFactor ival = self.scalingNode.scaleInterval(0.5, (sf, sf, sf), blendType = 'easeInOut', name = 'resizeObjectHandles') ival.start() def growToFit(self): # Increase handles scale until they cover 30% of the min dimension pos = minDim = min(, sf = 0.15 * minDim * (pos[1]/ self.ohScalingFactor = sf sf = sf * self.directScalingFactor ival = self.scalingNode.scaleInterval(0.5, (sf, sf, sf), blendType = 'easeInOut', name = 'resizeObjectHandles') ival.start() def createObjectHandleLines(self): # X post self.xPost = self.xPostGroup.attachNewNode('x-post-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.xPost) lines.setColor(VBase4(1, 0, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(5) #lines.moveTo(0, 0, 0) #lines.drawTo(1.5, 0, 0) lines.moveTo(1.5, 0, 0) #lines.create() #lines = LineNodePath(self.xPost) #lines.setColor(VBase4(1, 0, 0, 1)) #lines.setThickness(1.5) #lines.moveTo(0, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(-1.5, 0, 0) arrowInfo0 = 1.3 arrowInfo1 = 0.1 #lines.setThickness(5) lines.moveTo(1.5, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo0, arrowInfo1, arrowInfo1) lines.moveTo(1.5, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo0, arrowInfo1, -1 * arrowInfo1) lines.moveTo(1.5, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo0, -1 * arrowInfo1, arrowInfo1) lines.moveTo(1.5, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo0, -1 * arrowInfo1, -1 * arrowInfo1) lines.create() lines.setName('x-post-line') #X scale self.xScale = self.xScaleGroup.attachNewNode('x-scale-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.xScale) lines.setColor(VBase4(1, 0, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(5) lines.moveTo(1.3, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(-1.5, 0, 0) drawBox(lines, (1.3, 0, 0), 0.2) lines.create() lines.setName('x-scale-line') # X ring self.xRing = self.xRingGroup.attachNewNode('x-ring-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.xRing) lines.setColor(VBase4(1, 0, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(3) lines.moveTo(0, 1, 0) for ang in range(15, 370, 15): lines.drawTo(0, math.cos(deg2Rad(ang)), math.sin(deg2Rad(ang))) lines.create() lines.setName('x-ring-line') # Y post self.yPost = self.yPostGroup.attachNewNode('y-post-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.yPost) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 1, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(5) #lines.moveTo(0, 0, 0) #lines.drawTo(0, 1.5, 0) lines.moveTo(0, 1.5, 0) #lines.create() #lines = LineNodePath(self.yPost) #lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 1, 0, 1)) #lines.setThickness(1.5) #lines.moveTo(0, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(0, -1.5, 0) #lines.setThickness(5) lines.moveTo(0, 1.5, 0) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0, arrowInfo1) lines.moveTo(0, 1.5, 0) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0, -1 * arrowInfo1) lines.moveTo(0, 1.5, 0) lines.drawTo(-1 * arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0, arrowInfo1) lines.moveTo(0, 1.5, 0) lines.drawTo(-1 * arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0, -1 * arrowInfo1) lines.create() lines.setName('y-post-line') #Y scale self.yScale = self.yScaleGroup.attachNewNode('y-scale-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.yScale) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 1, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(5) lines.moveTo(0, 1.3, 0) lines.drawTo(0, -1.5, 0) drawBox(lines, (0, 1.4, 0), 0.2) lines.create() lines.setName('y-scale-line') # Y ring self.yRing = self.yRingGroup.attachNewNode('y-ring-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.yRing) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 1, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(3) lines.moveTo(1, 0, 0) for ang in range(15, 370, 15): lines.drawTo(math.cos(deg2Rad(ang)), 0, math.sin(deg2Rad(ang))) lines.create() lines.setName('y-ring-line') # Z post self.zPost = self.zPostGroup.attachNewNode('z-post-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.zPost) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1)) lines.setThickness(5) #lines.moveTo(0, 0, 0) #lines.drawTo(0, 0, 1.5) lines.moveTo(0, 0, 1.5) #lines.create() #lines = LineNodePath(self.zPost) #lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1)) #lines.setThickness(1.5) #lines.moveTo(0, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(0, 0, -1.5) #lines.setThickness(5) lines.moveTo(0, 0, 1.5) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo1, arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0) lines.moveTo(0, 0, 1.5) lines.drawTo(arrowInfo1, -1 * arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0) lines.moveTo(0, 0, 1.5) lines.drawTo(-1 * arrowInfo1, arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0) lines.moveTo(0, 0, 1.5) lines.drawTo(-1 * arrowInfo1, -1 * arrowInfo1, arrowInfo0) lines.create() lines.setName('z-post-line') #Z scale self.zScale = self.zScaleGroup.attachNewNode('z-scale-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.zScale) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1)) lines.setThickness(5) lines.moveTo(0, 0, 1.3) lines.drawTo(0, 0, -1.5) drawBox(lines, (0, 0, 1.4), 0.2) lines.create() lines.setName('y-scale-line') # Z ring self.zRing = self.zRingGroup.attachNewNode('z-ring-visible') lines = LineNodePath(self.zRing) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1)) lines.setThickness(3) lines.moveTo(1, 0, 0) for ang in range(15, 370, 15): lines.drawTo(math.cos(deg2Rad(ang)), math.sin(deg2Rad(ang)), 0) lines.create() lines.setName('z-ring-line') def createGuideLines(self): self.guideLines = self.attachNewNode('guideLines') # X guide lines lines = LineNodePath(self.guideLines) lines.setColor(VBase4(1, 0, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(0.5) lines.moveTo(-500, 0, 0) lines.drawTo(500, 0, 0) lines.create() lines.setName('x-guide') # Y guide lines lines = LineNodePath(self.guideLines) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 1, 0, 1)) lines.setThickness(0.5) lines.moveTo(0, -500, 0) lines.drawTo(0, 500, 0) lines.create() lines.setName('y-guide') # Z guide lines lines = LineNodePath(self.guideLines) lines.setColor(VBase4(0, 0, 1, 1)) lines.setThickness(0.5) lines.moveTo(0, 0, -500) lines.drawTo(0, 0, 500) lines.create() lines.setName('z-guide') def getAxisIntersectPt(self, axis): if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and and\ != 'persp': # create ray from the camera to detect 3d position iRay = SelectionRay( iRay.collider.setFromLens(,, #iRay.collideWithBitMask(1) iRay.collideWithBitMask(BitMask32.bit(21)) iRay.ct.traverse( if iRay.getNumEntries() == 0: del iRay return self.hitPt entry = iRay.getEntry(0) self.hitPt = entry.getSurfacePoint(self) del iRay if axis == 'x': # We really only care about the nearest point on the axis self.hitPt.setY(0) self.hitPt.setZ(0) elif axis == 'y': self.hitPt.setX(0) self.hitPt.setZ(0) elif axis == 'z': self.hitPt.setX(0) self.hitPt.setY(0) return self.hitPt # Calc the xfrom from camera to widget mCam2Widget = lineDir = Vec3(mCam2Widget.xformVec( lineDir.normalize() # And determine where the viewpoint is relative to widget lineOrigin = VBase3(0) decomposeMatrix(mCam2Widget, VBase3(0), VBase3(0), lineOrigin, CSDefault) # Now see where this hits the plane containing the 1D motion axis. # Pick the intersection plane most normal to the intersection ray # by comparing lineDir with plane normals. The plane with the # largest dotProduct is most "normal" if axis == 'x': if (abs( > abs( self.hitPt.assign( planeIntersect(lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, Y_AXIS)) else: self.hitPt.assign( planeIntersect(lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, Z_AXIS)) # We really only care about the nearest point on the axis self.hitPt.setY(0) self.hitPt.setZ(0) elif axis == 'y': if (abs( > abs( self.hitPt.assign( planeIntersect(lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, X_AXIS)) else: self.hitPt.assign( planeIntersect(lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, Z_AXIS)) # We really only care about the nearest point on the axis self.hitPt.setX(0) self.hitPt.setZ(0) elif axis == 'z': if (abs( > abs( self.hitPt.assign( planeIntersect(lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, X_AXIS)) else: self.hitPt.assign( planeIntersect(lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, Y_AXIS)) # We really only care about the nearest point on the axis self.hitPt.setX(0) self.hitPt.setY(0) return self.hitPt def getMouseIntersectPt(self): # create ray from the camera to detect 3d position iRay = SelectionRay( iRay.collider.setFromLens(,, #iRay.collideWithBitMask(1) iRay.collideWithBitMask(BitMask32.bit(21)) iRay.ct.traverse( if iRay.getNumEntries() == 0: del iRay return Point3(0) entry = iRay.getEntry(0) hitPt = entry.getSurfacePoint(entry.getFromNodePath()) # create a temp nodePath to get the position np = NodePath('temp') np.setPos(, hitPt) resultPt = Point3(0) resultPt.assign(np.getPos()) np.removeNode() del iRay return resultPt def getWidgetIntersectPt(self, nodePath, plane): if hasattr(, "manipulationControl") and and\ != 'persp': self.hitPt.assign(self.getMouseIntersectPt()) return self.hitPt # Find out the point of interection of the ray passing though the mouse # with the plane containing the 2D xlation or 1D rotation widgets # Calc the xfrom from camera to the nodePath mCam2NodePath = # And determine where the viewpoint is relative to widget lineOrigin = VBase3(0) decomposeMatrix(mCam2NodePath, VBase3(0), VBase3(0), lineOrigin, CSDefault) # Next we find the vector from viewpoint to the widget through # the mouse's position on near plane. # This defines the intersection ray lineDir = Vec3(mCam2NodePath.xformVec( lineDir.normalize() # Find the hit point if plane == 'x': self.hitPt.assign(planeIntersect( lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, X_AXIS)) elif plane == 'y': self.hitPt.assign(planeIntersect( lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, Y_AXIS)) elif plane == 'z': self.hitPt.assign(planeIntersect( lineOrigin, lineDir, ORIGIN, Z_AXIS)) return self.hitPt def drawBox(lines, center, sideLength): l = sideLength * 0.5 lines.moveTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] - l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] - l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.moveTo(center[0] - l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] + l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] - l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] - l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.moveTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] + l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.moveTo(center[0] + l, center[1] - l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] - l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] - l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] - l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] - l, center[2] + l) lines.moveTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] - l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] - l, center[2] + l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] + l) lines.moveTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] + l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] - l, center[1] - l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] - l, center[2] - l) lines.drawTo(center[0] + l, center[1] + l, center[2] - l)