Wade Wilson, known as Deadpool, is a former special forces operative who becomes a mercenary. After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, he undergoes an experimental procedure that gives him regenerative healing abilities, effectively curing his cancer but leaving him with disfigured skin.
Deadpool is known for his dark humor, breaking the fourth wall, and his unorthodox methods. His abilities include superhuman agility, strength, and near-invulnerability due to his healing factor.
He adopts the moniker "Deadpool" and embarks on a quest for revenge against the man who experimented on him, all while navigating his new life as an antihero.
Deadpool Movies
1. Deadpool (2016)
- Director: Tim Miller
- Plot: Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool after undergoing a rogue experiment that gives him accelerated healing abilities. He dons a mask and seeks revenge on the man who ruined his life. The film is known for its irreverent humor, meta-commentary, and breaking the fourth wall.
2. Deadpool 2 (2018)
- Director: David Leitch
- Plot: Deadpool forms a team called X-Force to protect a young mutant from the time-traveling soldier Cable. The film continues the irreverent humor and meta-commentary of the first movie while expanding Deadpool's world and introducing new characters.
3. Once Upon a Deadpool (2018)
- Director: David Leitch
- Plot: This is a re-cut version of Deadpool 2 with additional scenes and a more family-friendly rating. It features Deadpool telling the story of his second movie in a “Princess Bride” style format, adding new comedic elements.