Maori History in Tauranga Moana
The aim of this resource is to share the history of Tauranga Moana through the local stories in relation to the Ngāi Te Rangi rohe. It will give kaimahi a deeper understanding about the district they live and teach in, and equip them with the knowledge to share these stories with Tamariki. This module concentrates on the story of Tuhua and Pounamu, kaimahi can use this resource as a practical tool to engage Tamariki, hopefully capturing and sharing the stories of Tauranga Moana with them.
The Struggle of Tuhua and Pounamu
One dark stormy night, there arose out of the wild and turbulent green waters of the ocean, a people called Pounamu. They tried to invade the crater of Tuhua and make it their home. It was a long fight, a fierce and bloody battle that lasted several days. The Pounamu people were green like the waters of the ocean that they had come from. The blood of their dead flowed into the lake in the crater. To this day the waters of this lake are dark green and it is sometimes called 'Te Toto o Pounamu'. The Pounamu lost many warriors. There were few casualties among the Tuhua and their blood flowed into the smaller, dark coloured lake in the crater, 'Te Toto o Tuhua'.
The Journey of Tuhua and Pounamu
Even though they had defeated the Pounamu in this fight, the people of Tuhua wanted to make sure there was no more trouble by chasing them right out of their territory. They chased them across the sea to the Mainland, to the shores of Te Ika ā Maui, the North Island and then inland to a place near Taupō. The Pounamu pleaded to be allowed to stay at Taupō, but the Tuhua pressed on. The Pounamu fled to the South of Te Ika ā Maui, across the sea again to the island called Te Waipounamu, the South Island. Along the West Coast, the Tuhua chased the Pounamu to a place where they could see snow capped peaks of the mountain Aorangi piercing the sky.
Te Waipounamu
Tuhua were at last satisfied. They drove the Pounamu up the Arahura, a river which flows from the snow that covers Aorangi, Tuhua left them to their fate. That is why the Arahura and other valleys of South Westland and Fiordland are the only places where you can find pounamu, the greenstone or nephrite. The Tuhua returned home to their island, but just in case the Pounamu decided to return, they left some of their people west of Taupō. That place is also called Tuhua and is another place that the black volcanic glass called obsidian can be found. Tuhua, also known as Mayor Island is the main place to find obsidian, this is the home of the people called Te Whānau ā Tauwhao who settled there long after the battle between the people of Tuhua and Pounamu.