#--------------------------------------------------------- # Name : Take-Away # Author : Julius Mahara # Purpose : 11DGT # Created : # Copyright : #--------------------------------------------------------- import time import random #Explains instuctions and asks for amount of rounds and names. print ("Welcome to my Take-Away Game!!!") time.sleep (2) print ("For this game, you will need a friend. And the rules are extremely simple too!") time.sleep (2) print ("The basis and rules of this game are, you need to take away as many chips as possible, only choosing from 1, 2, or 3.") time.sleep (3) print ("And to secure your win, you must be the last person to take all the chips, so if you land on zero chips you win!") time.sleep (5) print ("Alrighty, to get this show started, grab a buddy and enter your names.") time.sleep(3) player1 = input ("Who is player1: ") player2 = input ("Who is player2: ") rounds = int (input ("How many rounds do you want to play? 1-3: ")) #Sets max chips and score player1score = 0 player2score = 0 chipstaken = 0 chipsleft = 0 while chipsleft > 0