#i made this all myself out of boredom i promise this is not chatgpt due to the entire concept of this game being blacklisted! import random import time print("Welcome to roulette game") while True: time.sleep(2) shot = random.randint(1, 3) bullet = random.randint(1, 3) elseshot = random.randint(1, 3) elseshot2 = random.randint(1, 3) Nochoice = random.randint(1, 2) shot2 = random.randint(1, 3) yourself = random.randint(1, 3) Choice = input("Would you like to shoot the opponent? (y/n)") time.sleep(2) if Choice.lower() == 'y': if shot == bullet: print("You shot the opponent; it was a live round!") time.sleep(2) print("You win!") if shot != bullet: print("Uh oh, it's a blank!") if Choice.lower() != 'y': if yourself == bullet: print("You shot yourself thinking it was a blank!") time.sleep(2) print("Game over!") if yourself != bullet: print("Thank god it was not live!") time.sleep(2) if shot2 == bullet: print("You shot the opponent; it was live!") time.sleep(2) print("You win!") if shot2 != bullet: print("Uh oh, it's a blank!") time.sleep(2) if shot != bullet and shot2 != bullet: print("The opponent's turn to choose!") time.sleep(2) if Nochoice == 1: print("The opponent chooses to shoot himself!") if elseshot == bullet: print("Congratulations! The opponent thought it was a blank and shot himself!") time.sleep(2) print("You win!") if elseshot != bullet: print("Opponent shot himself, and it was a blank. Tough luck for you!") time.sleep(2) if elseshot2 == bullet: print("The opponent aimed the shotgun at you and it fired!") time.sleep(2) print("Tough luck, try again next time!") if elseshot2 != bullet: print("He aimed, and it was a blank!") time.sleep(2) if Nochoice == 2: print("Opponent starts by shooting you!") time.sleep(2) if elseshot == bullet: print("The opponent aims and hits!") time.sleep(2) print("Game over, nice try!") if elseshot != bullet: print("The opponent shot, and it was a blank!") time.sleep(2) play_again = input("Do you want to play again? (y/n)") if play_again.lower() != 'y': break