# ROCK PAPPER SICCCSPCPR import time import random # H VARIABLES Options = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"] Debounce = 0 Player_Score = 2 AI_Score = 0 # FUNCTIONS def Spacing() : print() print() def AI() : AIChoose = random.choice(Options) return AIChoose def CheckWinner(Player, AI) : Spacing() print("You choose [{}]".format(Player)) time.sleep(1) print("The AI choose ...") Spacing() time.sleep(1.5) print("The AI choose [{}]".format(AI)) Spacing() # Determine the winner time.sleep(1) if Player == AI: print("It's a tie!") return None elif (Player == "Rock" and AI == "Scissors") or (Player == "Paper" and AI == "Rock") or (Player == "Scissors" and AI == "Paper"): print("You win!") return "Player" else: print("You lose!") return "AI" # MIAN FUNCITON def MainScript(Player_Score, AI_Score) : print(Player_Score) print(AI_Score) while Player_Score < 3 : while AI_Score < 3 : while Debounce == 0 : string = str Spacing() choose = input("Rock, Paper or Scissors? - r/p/s -- ") if choose == "r".casefold() : Spacing() print("You inputed {}, which is - Rock".format(choose)) string = "Rock" break elif choose == "p".casefold() : Spacing() print("You inputed {}, which is - Paper".format(choose)) string = "Paper" break elif choose == "s".casefold() : Spacing() print("You inputed {}, which is - Scissors".format(choose)) string = "Scissors" break else : Spacing() print("Input wasn't accepted try again :(") AICoice = AI() Winner = CheckWinner(string, AICoice) if Winner == "Player" : Spacing() Player_Score += 1 print("Player's score = [{}]".format(Player_Score)) elif Winner == "AI" : Spacing() AI_Score += 1 print("AI's score = [{}]".format(AI_Score)) if Player_Score == 3 : print("worked") break else : Spacing() print("You lost :(") Spacing() break else : Spacing() print("You won >w<") Spacing() if __name__ == "__main__" : Spacing() print(" -- Game Worked -- ") Spacing() MainScript(Player_Score, AI_Score) else : print("Didn't work LMAOOOOO")