maxchips = 21 chipsleft = 0 chipstaken = 0 player1wins = 0 player2wins = 0 while True: name1 = str(input("what is your name ")) if name1. isalpha()== True: break else: print("That is not an acceptable name, please try again.") while True: name2 = str(input("what is your name ")) if name2. isalpha()== True: break else: print("That is not an acceptable name, please try again.") while True: try : roundsplayed = int(input("How many rounds do you want to play")) if roundsplayed < 1 or roundsplayed > 5 : print("please choose a number between 1 and 5") else : break except : print("you didnt put in a number, what am i supposed to do with it") while roundsplayed > 0 : chipsleft = maxchips while chipsleft > 0 : print("there are ",chipsleft,"chips left") print("player 1 has won",player1wins,"times") print("player 2 has won",player2wins,"times") chipstaken = str(input("how many chips do you want to take?")) if chipstaken. isnumeric()== True: print("thank you for playing")