name = "bob" age = 21 print(name) print(age) print( name, "is", age, "years old") print(name) age = age + 10 print("if I add 10, your age will be", age) year = int(input("what year group are you?")) if year == 10 or year == 9: print("you are a junior") elif year == 11 or year == 12: print("you are a senior") elif year == 13: print("you are senior") else: print("sorry, you must not go to our school!") favourite = input("what is your favourite drink?") if favourite == "water": print("wha an excellent, healthy choice!") elif favourite == "coffee": print("be carefull... not too many cups, or you'll go nuts!") elif favourite == "goat milk": print("ive never heard of that!") else: print("sorry, I dont reconginize that drink.") username = "jim59" password = "bananas" account = input("What is your username:") accountpass = input("What is your password:") if account == username: print(" ") else: print("sorry your username is incorrect") if accountpass == password: print(" ") else: print("sorry your password is incorrect") if account == username and accountpass == password: print("welcome!") love_macth = (name ) name1 = input("what is the first person's name:") length1 = len(name1)