lis = [] import time print("Welcome to 'Find the biggest and smallest Number' ") time.sleep(2) print("Me, the computer will tell you the biggest number in a list of your choice") time.sleep(2) count = int(input('How many numbers are you planning on letting me choose from today? (choose 5 if you are following the assesment task) ')) for n in range(count): number = int(input('Enter number: ')) lis.append(number) time.sleep(1.2) print("Thinking") time.sleep(1.1) print("AHA!, I got it!") time.sleep(0.8) print("Largest number you typed is ", max(lis)) time.sleep(0.6) print("the smallest number you typed was", min(lis)) # Made by Tristan, only for the eyes of Mr, Ronowicz... ( and me :P)