name = input( "What is your name?" ) print( "Hello", name ) if name == "Jim" : print( "You are awesome!" ) print( "----------------------------" ) print( "Security Check:" ) realPassword = "donkey" userPassword = input( "Enter the password: " ) if userPassword == realPassword : print( "Correct" ) print( "You are free to proceed" ) else: print( "Incorrect!" ) print( "Call Security!!!" ) print( "----------------------------" ) print( "Number Check:" ) num1 = int( input( "Enter 1st number: " ) ) num2 = int( input( "Enter 2nd number: " ) ) if num1 > num2 : print( "1st numbers is biggest" ) elif num1 < num2 : print( "2nd number is biggest" ) else: print( "Numbers are equal" ) name = input( "What is your year group") print( "Year", name) if name == "9" : print( "You are a junior student") if name == "13" : print( "you are a senior student") name = input( "What is your favourite drink?" ) if name == "Water" : print( "What an excellent, healthy choice" ) if name == "Coffee" : print( "Careful not too many cups, or you'll go nuts!" ) if name == "Goat milk" : print( "I've never heard of that!" )