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NameLast modifiedSize
folder-parentParent Directory
file10c - Prime Numbers.py2024-05-07 01:340 KB
file1a - Countingup.py2024-05-09 20:390 KB
file1b - say hello.py2024-05-09 02:350 KB
file1c -cuboid volume.py2024-05-07 00:230 KB
file1d - password.py2024-05-07 00:240 KB
file1e - Odd or Even.py2024-05-14 00:060 KB
file2b - Near 100.py2024-05-07 00:290 KB
file2c - Biggest of three.py2024-05-02 20:480 KB
file2d - speeding ticket.py2024-05-09 02:360 KB
file2f - underlined Text.py2024-05-09 02:280 KB
file3a - biggest and smallest.py2024-05-02 21:021 KB
file3b - Boxed Text.py2024-05-09 20:550 KB
file3d - leap years.py2024-05-07 20:420 KB
file5b - Higher! Lower!.py2024-05-09 21:270 KB
file5d - savings.py2024-05-07 00:050 KB