name = input("What is your name? ") age = input("How old are you? ") height = input("What height are you? ") weight = input( "What is your weight? " ) year = input( "What year are you in? " ) # print(name) # print(age) # print(height) # print(weight) # print(year) print ("Hello " + name + "." , "You are " + age + " years old, and your height is " + height + "cm. " + "you weight " + weight + "kg. " + "you are year " + year + ". ") # name = "Jim" # age = 23 # height = 160 # message = "Hello {}. You are {} years old, and your height is {}. you weight {}. you are year {}." format(name, age, height, weight, year) # print(message)