name = input( "What is your name?" ) age = int( input( "How old you?" ) ) height = float( input( "What height are you?" ) ) print( "Hello ", name ,"You are", age , "year old", "," , "and your height is" , height) name = input( "What is your name?" ) height = float( input( "What is your height: " ) ) weight = int( input( "What is your weight?" ) ) print ("________________________________________") print( "Year ask" ) Year = int( input( "What Year are you in " ) ) if Year > 10 : print( "You are Senior" ) else: print( "You are Junior") print ( "_______________________________" ) print ( "Favourite Drink" ) Drink = input( "Enter your drink :" ) if Drink == ("water") : print( "What an excellent, healthy choice!" ) elif Drink == ("coffee") : print( "Careful... not too many cups, or you'll go nuts!" ) else: print( "I've never heard of that!" ) print ( "_______________________________" ) print( "Security Check:" ) userName = input( "Enter user name" ) userPassword = input( "Enter the password: " ) realuserName = "jim59" realPassword = "bananas" if userName == realuserName : print( "Your Username name is correct" ) else: print( "Sorry but your name is incorrect" ) if userPassword == realPassword : print( "Password is correct" ) else: print( "Your pass word is incorrect" ) print( "-----------------------------" ) print( "Here's the 9 times table:" ) number = 9 for multiplier in range( 1, 9 ) : result = multiplier * number print( multiplier, "x", number, "=", result )\ print( "Enter number: 6" ) for number in range( 1,6 ) : print( number ) for number in range( 6,1 ) : print( number ) print( "-----------------------------" ) print( "Troll attack:" ) import random health = 100 print() print( "Roll 1" ) print( "Your health:", health ) while health > 0 : print() print( "The troll swings his axe" ) damage = random.randint( 5, 20 ) health = health - damage print( "You take", damage, "damage" ) print( "Your health:", health ) print() print( "You are DEAD!" )