welcome pilots, this is a breifing on NORTHSTAR, a titan from the game titanfall.

TITANFALL 2 overview

for those who dont know, titanfall 2 is a fast paced, movement based fps game with a main gameplay loop that goes as follows;

1) spawn as a pilot
- you start the game as a pilot, an elite solder capable of advanced movment and swift, efficient combat.
2) fight other players to build your "titan meter"
- as you fight the enemy you build your titan meter; charge it faster with a kill streak, and when it's filled...
- titanfall is when you deploy your titan, a giant robot with powerful weapons (more info below)- from the clouds, to crush you enemys under their two ton chassie. your titan can be selected, painted, and further customized prior to titanfall.

the pilots are what what you'll spend most of your time as. But the post TITANFALL side of the game is where stratergy is key, as aposed to raw skill and experience. So a website to breif you on the gameplay of a titan is a more than justifed resorce.

with the ground works now laid i can discuss with you the main topic of this website, northstar.

NORTHSTAR, the arrivalist titan

there are 7 titans in TF2, this is an outline of the "northstar" titan. northstar is what is known as an "atlas" titan; a small, lightly amoured titan with high mobility. her main weapon is their railgun, a sniper with increadible burst damage by charging the next

northstar has many notable, key features imperitive to playing well and neutralising hostile pilots, such as its abilities;

these abilities, along with her increadibly powerful "flight core" will be discussed in the startergy page.