print("hello" + "world") print(7 + 8) x = "sixteen" y = "pc" print(x+y) print("bob", "Smith") print("Score:", 100) name = input("what is your name?") print("hello", name) print("---------------------") print("some maths :") num1 = int( input("36")) num2 = int(input("66")) name = input( "what is your name?") colour = input("what colour do you like") age = int(input("what is your age?") ) weight = int(input("What is your weight")) year = int(input("whar year are you in?")) height = float( input("your height")) time = float(input("time")) score = 3 highscore = 36 if score > highscore : print( "you have the new high score") highscore print( "High Score:", highscore ) lives = 0 while lives: print( "ou creep along the tunnel...") trap = True if trap == True: print("you fall into a trap and die!") lives = lives -1 print( "lives left" ,lives) height = 1.85 if height > 2 : print ( "you are tall!") height = 2.05 if height > 2 : print( "you are tall!") height = 1.85 if height > 2 : print( "You are tall!") else: print("You are tall!")