Why I Personally Think Revenge Of The Sith Is The Best Star Wars Movie Of All Time

We all have our favourite star wars charaters but what about movies?. People have their reasons to like or favourite star wars movies but i believe the best star wars movie is Revenge Of The Sith. It's Perfect in many ways. Such as Cinematogrophy and Fighting Scenes alone are really good but the story behind it is just perfection. Anakin Becoming Darth Vader. Padme having baby Luke and Leia. Obi wan as a jedi Master,

The plot in this movie is insane. Some may say that Attack Of The Clones is the best movie yet i disagree its one of the best but isn't the best. In My Personal Opinion its 100% Revenge Of The Sith..

ROTS (Revenge Of The Sith) is one of the best movies in the early 2000's nothing in my opinion will come to close to this in the star wars universe. Mandolorian was a good show I highly recommend if you by any chance want to start watching this.

But The Characters in Revenge Of The Sith are sooooo good. You have Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, All the clones, Jar-Jar Binks & Yoda. These alone are some of the very few apperances in the film.

Best Fighting Scene In the Movie Right Here. This is the legendary fight of Anakin & Obi-wan Kenobi on mustafar aka "The Lava Planet" as you may see from the lava bursting from the ground behind them. This Scene alone started a new story for Anakin but also Obi-wan. Anakin Becoming Darth Vader after his fight with Obi-wan. Obi-wan going through the loss of losing his so called brother and student. This is some of the reasons the movie is so good.

2024 Devan Yuill (C)