R6 (AKARainbow Six Seige) is a first person multiplayer shooter game. the game has many modes known as arcade such as TDM, FFA, Sniper only, Golden gun, Weapon roulette and more. But there is one main gamode and that is called Bomb AKA search and destroy in other games. The rules are simple at the start of the round the game picks the lobbby into teams of five (if playing by self) and decides to pick either attaking or defending
once you have been put into your y ou have to pick an operator, each side (attacking,defending) has 30 different operators to pick from, theese operators can be either bought with real money or spen with free ingame curency that you can earn from playing games. Once you have your choosen operator you load in to t eh preperation phase for 45 seconds. If your attacking you start the round as drones looking for which room the enimes bombs are in. If youre Defending you start the round barricading stuff an dusing your operators special abilitys such as bombs, and other gadgets. depending on your operator in the defending stage you will be assinged different tasked to do to assure higher win rate.
Once the round has started the attaking team gets out of the drones phase and into there charceter from there the attakckers need to find a way into the the building using stratagies and other things to kill the team and defuse the bomb before the time ends.