Bomber Planes

What are bomber planes?

A bomber plane is military aircraft designed to harbour explosive ammunition and drop said ammunition on a given target. Shown to be a very capable tool in modern warfare, many countries have jumped on the oppertunity to make and sell bombers. Some of these countries include, the United States, Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom.

Unlike fighters, which secure control of essential airspaces by driving off or destroying enemy aircraft; bombers, are larger, heavier, and less-maneuverable craft designed to attack surface targets with bombs or missiles. Ground-support, or attack, aircraft, operate at much lower altitudes than bombers and thus require a very differene airframe and design, however are still included in the broader class.

Types of Bomber Planes

Videos about bombers

Footage of a British Avro Vulcan.

Footage of an American B-2 Spirit.

Footage of a French Mirage 2000N.

Footage of a Russian Sukhoi Su-34.

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